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Registered: December 7, 2021
Last post: September 16, 2024 at 8:25 PM
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posted about a year ago

I did NOT think this guy would pop off this much after such a long break. Optic really was a superteam huh

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Truth I pray for the day when I hear dwighty banned

posted about a year ago

gotta be cap

posted about a year ago

think he went to college but he might've graduated?

posted about a year ago

Idk about that, but he's a better coach overall imo in terms of talent development. Mini finds cracked players but they're already cracked. Mce makes players the best versions of themselves.

posted about a year ago

Sadly agreed. Get yay back on this roster.

posted about a year ago

Nah the thing is he isn't even the best duelist on that team anymore. Victor is outperforming him on every agent.

posted about a year ago

FNS on skye is one of the best changes they made. Ardiis is just not playing well on anything, not even the Jett rn. Vic is playing better on Jett.

posted about a year ago

My hopes are gone. I can’t anymore. I just want to see my goat finally win something but I guess that’s never gonna happen. It hurts, it really does hurt to see them lose every games. I just have to accept that Chet and FNS needs Yay and Marved. I’m sick of it. I truested Ardiis but he betrayed me, or us rather. I am never gonna recover from this. I lost everything. Trust, hopes, all of it gone. It really hurts. That last round, as all of them die one by one I started tearing up. I’m just now sitting in the corner as I type all of these. Oh god, tears why won’t you stop falling. sniffs anyways thanks for reading all of this. I’ll go back to crying in the corner while room is locked. I won’t need sleep, food for 3 days. sigh WAAAAAAAAAAAHHH

posted about a year ago

Compare him vs leaf rn.....

posted about a year ago

put ethos in

posted about a year ago

Put marved on flex fuck it. He always preferred playing initiators anyway.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I mean it wasn't a bad idea crashies is just different

posted about a year ago

Yes lmfao???

He was insane on FPX and had 2 bad games on off roles.

posted about a year ago

bro woke up feeling the need to hate

posted about a year ago

He's so fucking funny

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

bro EG nearly beat furia. If khalil is still slumping and mw doesn't go god mode, 100T probably take it.

posted about a year ago

It's porn

posted about a year ago

When did I say Aspas was better

posted about a year ago

tf2 > overwatch > fortnite

posted about a year ago

holy shit Ajay stopped talking like a 3 year old letsgooo

posted about a year ago

Yeah my point is you can't call him the most consistent ever lol

posted about a year ago

Ok derke's good no doubt and is a certified LANimal, but you can't say he's the most consistent ever. After masters 2 in 2021, he dropped off ENORMOUSLY, literally played awful in the lead up to champs, but then got back in form for that event.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I mean sure maybe, but I can't imagine he was fueling a toxic work environment or anything.

posted about a year ago

Lol exactly. Derrek isn't bad by any means, but he's never shown his LCQ performance again. Man looked like Shao in Copenhagen during that tournament.

posted about a year ago

Nvm his parents are very supportive, that's wholesome, keep him in!

(no but really that's not enough man, these guys gotta be paying eg or something)

posted about a year ago

Fr my finals are gonna go dogshit

posted about a year ago

I think a better solution is just put BCJ in on sova. He was incredible on it in the past, and there's no reason to underutilize him or force him on permasmokes like EG have been.

posted about a year ago

Yeah exactly. The only reason I would keep him is would be if he's IGLing, but he isn't. I also haven't seen anything to make me think he's the king of mentality or team spirit either. He doesn't seem to get too animated or encouraging; he just seems there most matches. BCJ would be better for EG in almost ever respect.

posted about a year ago

They literally have Apoth, a cracked smokes player

posted about a year ago

Trent, eeiu, verno, fuck it even shaz on sova would be better

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Definitely feels like that

posted about a year ago

I'm not saying this just to hate on this guy for no reason, but it genuinely confuses me why EG hasn't picked up another player (or just used some of their other players) to take this guy's spot. He essentially only plays Sova, doesn't IGL, and frequently looks like the worst player in the server. Even when he has his moments, I can't imagine anyone would take him over Sova players like Trent, eeiu, or even BCJ (who EG only put on smokes). Any other t1, and most t2 NA sovas are better than him. So many other elements of this team are great (Boostio's play especially), and it's very confusing why they'd pick up so many players and not make the obvious substitutions.

posted about a year ago

Yeah absolute cap. Why is C0m still on the main roster when he isn't even IGLing?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Yeah I mean they have that ghost core + Zander, no wonder they're doing amazing

posted about a year ago

This. It’d be so good if he wanted to igl and also wasn’t on the best Americas challengers roster

posted about a year ago

He was reasonably popular but nowhere near 10k viewers on twitch popular

posted about a year ago

Was to give up IGL and start pounding on duelist again

posted about a year ago

Honestly happy he's cashing in on the clout. Him and bren have been hilarious since overwatch and definitely deserve the fame.

posted about a year ago
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