Flag: China
Registered: July 8, 2021
Last post: February 3, 2022 at 5:58 PM
Posts: 4

if temp increases it's exothermic, decrease is endothermic

posted about 3 years ago

for me personally, i know that sen are the best. but, i always root for the underdog in a series just because upsets are more interesting. obviously sen have more than proved themselves, but it's so boring to see the same team winning everything.

posted about 3 years ago

i'm pretty sure vs will put him in during the later stages of challengers. it hasn't been that long since he was transferred and the teams that they have been facing aren't top teams. he has been streaming with stax, rb, and k1ng so i don't think they intend to keep him on the bench forever.

posted about 3 years ago

honestly if 100t were to face them at berlin, i believe that 100t could win it. however this wouldn't completely prove your theory. both nuturn and liquid have gotten weaker since iceland. for nuturn, 10x is a good player, but lakia was one of nuturn's better playmakers, and his absence might end up hurting nuturn. in liquid's case, other teams have simply caught up to them and the meta has changed. that being said, if 100t were to face both teams in the future, i don't think either of nuturn or liquid would be at the same level that they were at when they faced v1.

posted about 3 years ago