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Registered: April 12, 2022
Last post: December 12, 2024 at 2:28 PM
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No he just didn't reply to any of my points... which seemingly you are incapable of as well

posted about 2 years ago

Ah yes, you sound incredibly clever. How could anyone disagree with such a compelling argument? But then again, stupidity leads to careless generalisations and borderline xenophobia like this so I shouldn't be surprised.

posted about 2 years ago

why would you need to remove two players to get an IGL? I agree with you but eventually one of them will learn how to do it

posted about 2 years ago

Yes it's totally to do with the fact they're british not themselves or any other bit. As an english person, I guarantee you I know more pro play in this game than you. Stop making these careless generalisations and believing that the entire success of a team can be altered by changing one person. It so obviously isn't, but you can't understand because as previously mentioned you understand nothing that happens in pro play.

Team alterations are undeniably what caused the downfall of an incredible amount of NA rosters in Valorant and many French rosters in CS, but you don't care as all you see is who kills who rather than team synergy and strategy.

posted about 2 years ago

2 braindead posts I've read in a row from this guy. is this normal?

posted about 2 years ago

Well it does make sense in the way that different regions produce different play styles. Paper Rex are more than enough proof of that. But yeah you’re right in the sense that one should not disqualify any region just because of a specific team.

posted about 2 years ago

I didn’t think otherwise but on ZETA’s pick and G2s worst map obviously it’s not gonna be amazing for G2? And they still win anyway?

posted about 2 years ago

Yes you said that already but that’s not what I asked for, if you can make a clip comparison it would be far more compelling rather than “caster bias!!!! they reacted differently to different plays!!!!”

posted about 2 years ago

Liquid were never supposed to be here yet beat everyone in groups

G2 didn’t struggle, they 2-0d them?

FNC had two subs

And the best team from EU isn’t even at the tournament (FPX)

There’s no “falling off” it’s just insanely unlucky with the timing.

posted about 2 years ago

No I really haven’t. I’ve always felt casters are decent in keeping neutrality… Can you give me a specific example clipped? Probably not…

posted about 2 years ago

So you want casters to say the same thing in the same voice for every play? This is getting ridiculous…. There’s no important distinction here whatsoever

posted about 2 years ago

Read below

posted about 2 years ago

Perhaps they also had the same thing happen to them by Liquid the other day too on Split, I still think fracture is a very strange choice. Breeze, icebox, ascent? All maps that optic don’t look great on atm.

posted about 2 years ago

Their comp displayed a complete lack of adjustment to the new meta though

posted about 2 years ago

Ah yes, “frags mean everything” line. There’s no other reason for FNATIC to be playing badly, they have LAN experience, brilliant strategy and usually dominate. If it was once you may be right, but this is evident at this point. If you think otherwise, you clearly haven’t watched many regular FNC games lol.

posted about 2 years ago

I don’t remember blaming them? I don’t expect them to play any better - they’re tier two players, it would be ridiculous to. Stop straw manning me. They are playing horribly as a team, that’s my whole point… the cohesion is not there because they have two new players , let alone ones that aren’t used to playing at this level especially on LAN

posted about 2 years ago

I would really like to see OpTiC beat XERXIA as they seriously improved their Ascent today and made nowhere near the amount of mistakes. That said it would be nice to see XERSIA through. I think it could really go either way, though if OpTic wins it will really bring back a lot of the NA hopium…
It is annoying for XERXIA though as rematching is always harder and they really are good

posted about 2 years ago

Even then they weren’t nowhere near on EU’s level. Of course they aren’t bad teams but apart from Chamber, NA really hasn’t developed much.

posted about 2 years ago

How could they not be destroyed? What other teams do you know who have actually managed this, with two tier 2 subs with minimal practice time?

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah, didn’t they let games in Champions happen remotely regardless of covid? If Derke is well enough to play then I don’t get what the difference is.

posted about 2 years ago

They aren’t bad teams ofc but given any other situation they would not win. It’s literally like playing semi professionals or a start up team that has just a lot of brain power - not that bad when you’re a tier one team.

posted about 2 years ago

Not gonna lie I don’t think you know what you’re talking about lol. If you actually watch the game you can tell their cohesion is shit as they are losing easy af anti-eco rounds. Everyone knows Japan is a very weak region.

posted about 2 years ago

They were so good before the tournament, they have LAN experience. They are renowned for their international performance and you can’t really get “upset” or “fluked” on twice in a row. Anyone who has watched multiple of their games before and has the slightest bit of common sense can tell it’s because of them having subs, to practice with in 9 days who have no real tier 1 experience (they’re not necessarily bad players even).

posted about 2 years ago

but not in pro play… I’m talking about comps necessarily I’m mainly talking the meta play style

posted about 2 years ago

It’s not just that they didn’t have Derke but more the fact they had such a short space of time to prepare and practice. FNC have played with each other since SUMN FC, so for like 2 years… It’s so hard to replicate the team synergy and timings with not one but two standins in less than a month.

posted about 2 years ago

He’s been away from pro play for so long.. there have literally been two new metas since he played (which was back during the Phoenix on haven and NA best region days). Watch any 2020, early 2021 Sentinels game and it’s so clear that it’s gonna take a lot for him to get back into it.

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah but that doesn’t mean they’re stupid lol

posted about 2 years ago

After watching EMEA games and going to watch the NA ones during quals it’s so obvious which region is more advanced. NA is stuck with single role players whilst the rest of the world experiments. The only new, viable thing to come out of NA recently was the raze haven comp and we all saw how well that went… The amount of mistakes and lack of coordination optic and the rest of the teams have (apart from maybe the guard) is just shocking..

posted about 2 years ago

They probably meant in terms of the amount of people who play the game from those regions

posted about 2 years ago
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