What is it with these people who think as soon as a team loses, it's time to change a player? Liquid destroyed everyone in group stage, but apparently after two losses now is the time to change a player?
Changing rosters shouldn't be a common thing, it should be a last resort. The reason for super teams such as Gambit/M3C, Sentinels (with their initial dominance of the scene, evidently now its a very different picture) and The Guard doing so well is because of their synergy and how well they play together. This isn't achievable by switching every player every time a team loses a game, like you have them would.
The reason for G2 doing so badly after Masters 3 berlin was because of their constant subbing and roster changes with keloqz, koldamenta, mixwell etc, meaning the team never got a chance to play properly together enough, now they've stopped look where they are now.
Liquid don't need to replace anybody.