Flag: Afghanistan
Registered: July 6, 2021
Last post: February 26, 2024 at 6:02 AM
Posts: 216
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Lord, you really do sound like a terrorist my boy.... "many moons ago your country did something bad, now time to fuck yours up and have justification". Be wearing a C4 vest and praying for 50 fresh virgins in no time my dude!

posted about a year ago

No the argument you are putting across is literally the same, you are a student, granted if you are of British heritage, your parents will have put into the system. So no wonder you are arguing so hard for it. You quite literally are sponging of the system living at uni.... so no wonder you are arguing so hard. Thus my point that i stopped reading once you said that...

As for being uneducated, got 3 As at Alevel decided i didnt want to sponge anymore started my own business and now make more money and deal with the biggest companies in the world, more than your tiny little degree in no doubt something like "Drama" or "Computer Science" will ever make... In fact I guarentee I pay more in Tax to the system in 1 month than you and your entire family will do in 1 year. So before trying to educate people on the issue live outside the student bubble stop reading the Guardian and actually live a little bit of a life in the real world before commenting.

posted about a year ago

not until you earn over £12500 a year. hence the basic PAYE being 1250L.

posted about a year ago

i stopped reading after you said you were a student....

posted about a year ago

i stopped reading when you said you were a student...

posted about a year ago

Really, always wondered what the big number on my payslip was every month!

Just paid just shy of £106k in corp tax for year end. So i dont think the certain amount comes into it dude!

posted about a year ago

if you think that paying a few contributions into VAT means you should be entilited to free housing, NHS support and the like. Nigel Farage has it right, he wants an Australian style immigration system where you come into the country when you offer something. Not because you want to claim benefits, and sponge of families who have built the country and paid taxes for decades.
I look forward to hearing from you when you have been sat ill waiting for a bed in your local hospital which is full of polish and romanians all sending there money back to there homeland and not putting it back into our system. This is why there econemy has boomed in the last 20 years and ours has gone in the gutter....

Get off google and actually leave your room to see what the real world is like little boy

posted about a year ago

just draw teams out of a hat to play eachother, winners go into winners bracket, losers fight through losers bracket. Been the same in FPS games for years riot trying to implement moba style stuff again into FPS

posted about a year ago

can have an opinion just dont moan about the country providing you everything, when you quite literally havent put anything into the system. Theres a few words that spring to mind... hypocrite would be the first on the list.

posted about a year ago

was invented in scotland by an indian restuarant owner for the british pallet if im not mistaken?

posted about a year ago

Doesnt complain about the free housing, and benefits he gets getting of the boat does he...

posted about a year ago

He's playing giants get over yourself lol!

NA scene has 4 teams 3 of which won't qualify. The only reason you have representation of the region is because of BR

posted about a year ago

yay, asuna and ardiis

posted about a year ago

All relative aint it mate, live to your means.

posted about a year ago

i earn roughly £150k in UK before tax, depending on my dividunds that year.

posted about a year ago

read my point again, im saying that if your looking at KD alone then you would for sure be kicking Karrigan from FAZE, but it goes much more than that.

posted about a year ago

never said he wasnt washed, but comparing KD isnt the metric that should be used..

posted about a year ago

imagine looking at someones KD and thinking its the be all and end all in a team environment... shows you have never competed in any game ever.

I imagine you would look at karrigans stats and say faze need to replace him as well.... fucking idiots

posted about a year ago

CS2 is garbage bro, its a dying game get over it!

posted about a year ago

Potentially the dumbest comment I have ever read in relation to animals. I hope you never end up owning one.

posted about a year ago

in what way does Niko clear him? Id go see another Ophthalmologist, because you clearly have an infection.
Zywoo recently yes could considering him a "better" player, but not the longevity to be considered the GOAT.
Device, potentially has a case, but took too much time away from the game and didnt do alot outside of the "Astralis era", so again while he was fantastic, s1mple did insane stats often in a very poor navi lineup

posted about a year ago

Ulti could be really powerful but is certainly situational.

  • use when low HP in 1v1
  • use to counter the KJ ulti as if you use it at the right time you will be inside the iso ulti when KJ ult pops
  • use to completely counter the viper ulti

Rest of the kit is MEH the, the wall could be usefull when going into sites

posted about a year ago

now now child... no need for the insults....
The gaps arent closing as you stated the "GULF" is huge...
i merely using your own words... no need to get so upset...
from seeing how upset you have got i imagine you spend most of your days unemployed and white knighting women in ranked.

posted about a year ago

your missing the point, and have just completely devalued your original argument.

"If we just threw GC teams into the main circuit they'd get ripped apart"
"It's known by basically everyone that the gulf between GC teams and the main circuit teams, even the T2 teams"

thanks for validating the point of many and that your essay about what is stopping women from competing in fanchising. "The gulf is just too big"

posted about a year ago

Then just scrap game changers entierly and have them all compete in the same competitions and see how far the womens teams go...
Pretty sure theres a reason for the GC comp but as you say theres no disadvantage so.... it shouldnt even be a thing right?

posted about a year ago

congrats you can use liquipedia, 10 lans and 1 major would be like palying in every valorant lan going pretty much....

posted about a year ago

You do realise that xms is one of the most experienced french CSGO former pros right? played for ENVY and LDLC if i remembe right.

posted about a year ago

Im an operations director, so got it pretty sweet already.
However if i was to change, being a semi pro cricketer already, I always wanted to play cricket for England in the ashes. So a pro cricketer would be a bit of a dream.

posted about a year ago

What are the stipulations for being allowed to compete in GC?

Last thing id want to see is men not good enough to compete in mens valorant taking money and spots from people who actually deserve to be in game changers.

See the issues below.... (i know its weight lifting, but the premise is the same)

posted about a year ago

Trump is gonna get you, Trump is gonna get you!

posted about a year ago

Mexicans consider themselves NA when it suits them too?

posted about a year ago

Personally think all stuns in the game should slow your mouse speed, or alternatively add a sway to your crosshair

posted about a year ago

to be the best you have to beat them all.

posted about a year ago

Xenophobia i believe is the correct term

posted about a year ago

pretty sure all guns in the game have had limited bullets.

If anything its more of a nerf to vandal users as they cant actually spray the gun anymore because of the 15 less bullets they have in total when compared to the phantom.

Also how many times when using a phantom or vandal do you ever get down to the last clip anyway?

posted about a year ago

why does this expose phantom users? it only exposes the run and gunners.

posted about a year ago

i wouldnt get out of bed for a gamer salary.

posted about a year ago

depends on the patch, Loud have been hit hard by the viper nerfs.

posted about a year ago

Will see how good Saadhaks IGL is now teams realise they just avoid aspas and win against them! :)

posted about a year ago

Yes, i suffer with bi-polar, and if he is the manic depressive type, then he will be prescribed lithium if hes on an absolute downer.

posted about a year ago

Hes 100% on lithium, usually what they prescribe for cronic depression and mental health. Fact he cant talk is a big give away.

posted about a year ago

Weber was arguably the best CSS player in the world when he was on mTw. Its no suprise.

posted about a year ago

When weber was on mTw in CSS he was arguably the best player in the world in that game, with maybe the exception of RattlesnK

posted about a year ago

JessieVash is by far the best.

posted about a year ago

Everytime he calls a timeout, he changes the momentum and pulls them through with whatever he changes.

GOAT in Valorant.

posted about a year ago

KJ nerfs give cypher a buff no?

posted about a year ago

Isnt this what was happening at Lock-In for the BR teams, and all you brazilians just said "home field advantage"

posted about a year ago

You do realise Gabe hates CS, he only cares about Dota.

posted about a year ago

the game is basically what overwatch 2 was to overwatch. the fact they are calling it a new game instead of just a patch is mind boggling!

posted about a year ago

Think your getting confused between xenophobia and racism by a few idiots.

This is not a cultural thing like you claim, bit of a difference.

posted about a year ago
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