they will do ANYTHING to keep j0nggg except find a player who actually plays sentinel / controller
Flag: | Australia |
Registered: | February 12, 2025 |
Last post: | March 18, 2025 at 2:10 AM |
Posts: | 89 |
they will do ANYTHING to keep j0nggg except find a player who actually plays sentinel / controller
pattaya is actually ass bro just s3x tourism. chiang mai and phuket >>>
why do people consider ethan a flex??? this guy only plays kayo and skye when tf has he ever played something else (yoru doesnt count)
nightz so ahh they got him to play sage
i swear this team makes the most sensible roster decisions yet they still always seem to be not good enough to qualify for anything
they have jemkin, one of the best duelists in apac
they bought kushy who is insane
monyet and xffero have always been top indo talents
estrella stepped tf up and is their igl
also signed warbirds as assistant coach
what r they missing??
f0rsaken duelist
jinggg controller
mindfreak sentinel
d4v4i flex
something recon initiator
bro made his own twitter account and posted the fake news here omg thats sad asf not even one follower
geng and talon made top 4 in kickoff and are still making roster changes
this bum ass team lost 1-13 to dfm and are still sticking together omdss
??? karon was the highest rated player for all of pacific kickoff
idk if u trollin but why can i genuinely see dodonut being picked up. talons assistant coach was dodonuts previous coach...dodonut was in japan whilst her team was fighting for their lives in vcl...
source? also where did they announce berlin taking a break
i swear the taiwan shi was from last year no? either way if he gets benched who does the igl translating, my goat autumn better not be at risk
he said he doesnt wanna play duelist
primmie is more suited for sentinel
we won. these bots are finally benched.
now all they need is a cracked thai duelist and a flash init
show proof
also what platform do chinese vct fans use? rednote?
be fr bro. tex is spamming duelist out of nowhere, demon1 is spamming chamber out of nowhere, didnt even play him once last act. this doesnt happen unless they r actually trying to do role swaps
tex has been grinding duelist lately
plus demon1 playing a lot of chamber
tbh this is a decent move bc demon1 aint fit for entrying
do americans actually sit down after a hard day of work and watch late night shows
how tf r people invested in a grand final with these 'ghost' players? there are like 6 players who have no vlr profile, no vlr name or twitter account linked. r these people even real ??
bro obviously swerl is way better than obone but they just went 13-2, 12-2 and 11-1 against wolves who were hyped to be one of the best. like this iteration looks so much better probably bc of no more language barriers
oce players get no opportunities outside of cn and with this region improving theyre gonna move past non-chinese speaking imports real fast. not looking good rn
as much as i would love for oce to win ascension i dont think its possible since there is so little investment into this region and korea is just better
holy shit they look so good rn without their star duelist. idk might be bc theres no language barrier issues but swerl might be getting benched
mint and suzu on the same team its over for everyone
if u think 5 people staring at a screen and moving their mouse warrants a prize pool greater than what it already is than thats just sad
they have already been trying to expand their agent pools yet everyones still a disaster
something grinded sova/fade
jinggg learnt sentinel
no improvement at all
?? he had ONE good map in kickoff
this is just further proof lmao, everyone on this team pops off once in a blue moon but their other performances are just mid
this roster has no potential. everyone is just mid. there's no one who sticks out like a sore thumb because every game the fragging is the same, everyone gets the same number of kills, but the problem is no one ever pops off.
this has gotta be the most average roster ever. every player is average, every player has the same ratings and kills, every player is just the same
honestly if it wasnt for the fact that zekken and jawg have trophies i would rate hyunmin much higher based on kickoff performance
regardless this team is cooked lmao no matter what changes they do they will never make it past bottom 4 of americas. mark my words
ive been lmao u can get that shi and za anywhere in thailand
stacked asf except for kam0 who is mid
autumn on fpx would unironically be a good shout cos he got a crazy good agent pool
i think its already over for them. they did terrible in off season events too. they need to bench berlin and make aaay igl or smth
they reached their peak already
last yr they dominated split 1, could go head to head against team heretics and couldve geniunely beat sentinels in that lower bracket game
this yr they are getting destroyed by teams that were at the bottom of cn last yr its just sad
somebody actually free my goat autumn. mans was signed as fpx's star duelist and now has been wasting his potential playing like 20 different agents bc this team has severe role issues