Flag: Indonesia
Registered: August 31, 2021
Last post: December 4, 2024 at 12:30 AM
Posts: 2743
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nah we find new guys on mm all the time on smurf

posted about a year ago

certainly hope it won't be more than 30

posted about a year ago

this just a meme boi

posted about a year ago

Lukas M Rosenbauer

posted about a year ago

idk man theres regions like hk/tw and vn who literally have never gone to lan

posted about a year ago

nah hltv still got baiters

altho lots did get 10 yeared

posted about a year ago

also getting spammed +1 is more satisfying kekw

posted about a year ago

Both are fun but I somewhat prefer CS' gunplay, idk it's just more satisfying. But heard from CS2 beta testers that the satisfaction's kinda gone

posted about a year ago

True, at the start i tried val and gave up cus the abilities weren't easy to get used to. However I had a background of CS 1.6, I played when I was like 6/7/8. CS is kind of friendly cus you could just run and shoot at lower levels but in Val you have to learn the abilities. However Val abilities are quite encouraged from the start, so it's kind of easier to grasp than CS utils.

posted about a year ago

*a good portion of the general human population

posted about a year ago

yeah valve aint doing source2 without val

posted about a year ago

google translate insults are beautiful

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

T1 - Ban-Munchkin-Xeta-twhifo-steel

posted about a year ago

that one actually was kinda cool tho

posted about a year ago

kingg stax and laz

posted about a year ago

If u only have franchise players its gonna be such a small population of players, especially when the teams scrim intensively. Narrate and calypso aren't bad being t2, but I think a clearer qualifying process would be a good thing for em

posted about a year ago

nitr0 got a kid in NA

posted about a year ago

reversed names (relyks, nahte) - usa

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

the only reason they would be #10 is that there's 10 teams, if there's 12 teams they'd be #12

posted about a year ago

lets go

posted about a year ago

lagian dulu managementnya gitu si, kaga mau consult dulu ke riot digas2 aja lgsg announce

posted about a year ago

yet they release half of them

posted about a year ago

tbf rrq didn't sign no one except tehbotol at the start so ge took him

also rrq is just horrible, can't manage team, can't notice talent, stingy af

posted about a year ago

reyna basically committed genocide

posted about a year ago

fennel looking so GOOD

posted about a year ago

"stinky winky"

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

point is zoophillia is prevalent lmao

posted about a year ago

scared that weibo will be like sengoku in jp, carried by the 2 imports a bit too hard

posted about a year ago

clearly they don't have enough resources to actually keep the game going well with their current approach

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

yes maples been so so good

posted about a year ago

Valorantle #222 8/8

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wtf the agents are kinda outdated

posted about a year ago

christians disregard the old testament until it's convenient

posted about a year ago

could fight not win right

blue whale

posted about a year ago

or i'll kil you

posted about a year ago

even rrq would farm g2

posted about a year ago

amazing idea

posted about a year ago

if they don't that just makes them worse than valve 💀

posted about a year ago

Good point, but those cases haven't surfaced up at the time, and those lans were in EU instead, which means visa issues would be different I think

posted about a year ago

damn they won split 1 too

posted about a year ago

surprised no one made this bait sooner

posted about a year ago

After a quick search apparently USA is one of them... That means they probably won't be able to attend their own league if they won Ascension. That would really be a problem

posted about a year ago

I'm more concerned by VISA issues here, since iirc some countries won't accept ex-convicts, especially of major crimes like sexual or drug-related

Edit: it's apparently not specific to those crimes, differs in each country, and am too lazy to verify each countries' rules

posted about a year ago

by their laws, anyone on or above the minimum age of consent, are not minors - at least sexually

i dont like it but its how their laws are

posted about a year ago

its 16 now iirc

posted about a year ago

bleed nephh news indo flag, pls fix <3

and hope crws is okay gosh

posted about a year ago
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