i will count 2g since it’s technically still a roster change
spike to gobera: downgrade, would’ve preferred askia since he played all of spike’s roles well
1) upgrade, increase in offensive shotcalling w/ similar fragging potential
2) upgrade, much higher fragging potential
3) downgrade, decent shotcalling in rossy but i would’ve preferred runi + runi seemed a lot more flexible on c9
4) downgrade, love sym but jawgemo is one of the best duelists in americas, hard to find an upgrade for him
5) sidegrade, both are off role so might find similar results from them
6) downgrade, nzr already has great fragging and was also reliable as a shotcaller; heat is very good but furia could’ve used that voice
7) upgrade, neither of them have great aim but raafa is a good igl
8) upgrade, don’t have to explain this
9) upgrade, mazino is a better fragger + has a higher flexibility that kru might find useful
10) downgrade, kru should’ve never let go of heat
11) downgrade, demon1 has not been a reliable duelist
12) sidegrade, natank has incredible firepower but his flexibility and role on lev has yet to be seen
13) downgrade, hard to replace was saadhak brought to loud
14) sidegrade, replaced a star sentinel with a star duelist
15) upgrade, mada has a much higher flexibility as a duelist
16) upgrade, verno brings a lot of firepower and can even flex roles if need be
17) sidegrade, decrease in firepower but now sentinels have a dedicated controller with knowledge of all possible smoke agents
18) upgrade, increase in firepower