nt lil bro
Flag: | Luxembourg |
Registered: | April 13, 2023 |
Last post: | November 25, 2024 at 11:44 PM |
Posts: | 1127 |
it’s much harder for a great player to separate themselves from a good player
also spoken like someone who has no clue what they're yappin bout.
Omen has a low skill ceiling and a high skill floor. It’s difficult to dominate as Omen, but it’s hard to be extremely bad because he has a very safe kit.
ah. youre an idiot. good to know.
and yet the lev ceo was talking about them speaking in english on twitter waaaaaaay before this pickup 🤔🤔🤔
good job casually removing 2 games where he bot fragged 💀💀
yea the run with emea's top team missing and the other having a sub was indeed very special.
obv didn’t mean someone to give her 15,000 blud just in total
who is paying 15,000
does he suck dick? if not then you don't know.
its always funny seeing armchair analysts thinking they know what level players are at. that being said iirc you're a serial tenz coper so your judgement on player level seems questionable at best.
the op is open to every agent. vct is not solo q.
the ceo was talking about switching to english before the tex deal was rumored on twitter.
u good? how is that even tangential related...
as adressed the plan was ALREADY to switch to english for aspas...as adressed the plan was ALREADY to switch to english for aspas...as adressed the plan was ALREADY to switch to english for aspas...as adressed the plan was ALREADY to switch to english for aspas...as adressed the plan was ALREADY to switch to english for aspas...as adressed the plan was ALREADY to switch to english for aspas...as adressed the plan was ALREADY to switch to english for aspas...as adressed the plan was ALREADY to switch to english for aspas...as adressed the plan was ALREADY to switch to english for aspas...as adressed the plan was ALREADY to switch to english for aspas...as adressed the plan was ALREADY to switch to english for aspas...
wait wait wait wait wait wait. we already know all 5 members of the team speak english. if your argument is
The point is just that you are trying to say as if they have to learn a "new language" when they literally would not have to.
then why even oppose it. tex doesnt speak spanish they picked up tex all 5 players speak english already. you want to force the 5th into speaking a different language AND they were already planning on switching to English for aspas.
go back and do a little re reading of that comment dude seems like you need some help. I never said said they wouldn't speak Spanish. use a braincell for half a second and do some reading.
did, you're just assuming "Portunhol" is a different language when literally is just a word portuguese and spanish speakers use to talk about of a mix of both languages used that makes them understand each other. It's not "a new" language
i already knew that you fuckin idiot.
YOU assumed that the players already knew that language and as adressed the plan was ALREADY to switch to english for aspas...
read the fuckin thread my man.
This team is going to go wrong, it doesn't make sense to change the language because of 1 player
Spanish/Portuguese for English is much more difficult than "Portunhol", and Leviantan players speak Portuguese, Portuguese and Spanish are similar and Latam players mostly play on the Brazilian servers...
fuck english wtf, they need a good team, not this lol
at least read the goddamn thread before replying you idiot
but def is not their main language
neither is Portuguese you are simply ignoring the English proficiency and belittling the player on LEV saying its impossible for them to com in English despite the fact that ALL 5 PLAYER ALREADY KNOW THE LANGUAGE. you want to force one player to learn a new one for no reason other than national pride its idiotic.
welp when hes got a dogmatic attachment to one language which objectively less players on the team speak and wants to change to that language for no good reason it is natural to assume its out of nationalism rather than any actual practical reason. hence why i criticize his country.
so if your issue is with the acutal roster then why disguise that disdain for the players under "duuuuuh new language bad" what an idiot.
damn u get shown why your wrong and resort to insults to try and save face. unsurprising tbh
brother, spanish and portuguese are similar they would have 0 issues
tex is on the goddamn team my man u good?
different to IGL in another language
wait but i thought u said they should switch languages 🤔
Pretty sure aspas can understand spanish cuz he lived with saadhak, frod
nzr can english, mazino can english, but it doesn't mean shit. their native language would be always better for smooth calls.
tex is on the team my man.
you are creating the issue instead of having the team speak a language that ALL 5 PLAYERS ALREADY KNOW u wanna force a different language because "its better" thats just idiotic.
i see br has rotted your brain. we are making 0 players learn a new language but u want them to make now make players learn a new language ok :) very brain much good.
English is much more difficult than "Portunhol
yeah and mazino and kingg also speak english. what r u on? idk bout nzr but mazino and kingg are both conversational with their english and have done interviews/videos entirely in english before. you are creating an issue where there is none lol.
putting g2 above eg without any actual matches is pure cope
so switching languages for one player is ok when its aspas but switching languages for TWO players isnt ok?
Seriously forcing players to play with half pay is true evil.
they didnt they're exercising their legal rights by keeping them under contract until it ends. Like it or not this is what good businesses do under capitalism. Players are not things 99% of orgs will ever respect or care about. Orgs view players and their labor as a resource to extract value from and one of those ways is through buyouts. Capitalism insists that if orgs want to succeed and prosper of long stretches of time they do their best to extract the max value from players and yes that includes being draconian about the terms of a contract.
tbh not having a permanent buyout on the contract you made the tier 3 unexperienced player
i thought u said the problem u had was with them denying boostio's buyout? youre switchin up.
he quite literally has not played it since forsaken started flexing. but ok if you wanna go back to a worse version of prx by all means go ahead.
he quite literally has not played it since forsaken started flexing. but ok if you wanna go back to a worse version of prx by all means go ahead.
in what world would davai play sentinel?
ah yes quoting you is putting words in your mouth. ofc i get it insulting people is not you being mad at aaaaall totaaaly dude you're sooooo not mad.
Im still seeing no arguments
then why say this?
i get it youre mad that people disagree with you so you decide to lash out emotionally because you feel hurt by being confronted with disagreement.
*ignores the other 2 comment arguing against him
From pure speculation and my interpretation of the announcement video it sounds like if they win ascension they'll use SR's existing infrastructure in LA to fulfill the requirements for the partnership league while keeping the actual management/coaching/decision making behind the team a joint effort between the 2 orgs. theres probably a big complicated contract that details who has what responsibilities if they make the partnership league.
2 of those team were dogshit and just want to shake things up. The third was dogshit and refuses to shake things up.
btw the insecurity is showing with val fans here lmfaoo,0 replies but -4🤣🤣
""oh no people disagreeing with me means they must be insecure because i could never say a bad take in my life 😨😨"
🤷♂️im just goin off your own words lil bro
and i think youre stupid for that goodbye
yup and notice how stupid and childish this argument is
and none of that was the point of the original post. The point of the post was to be a smart ass and attempt to point and laugh at the dumbasses who think t2 experience is a pre-req to even get a t1 try out.
accept and reinterpret it to suit their argument--whether knowingly or unknowingly
that is a semantic argument just presented as an assertion.
If you've ever been into a debate and realized an hour in that neither of you have the same idea in your head about what you're arguing about then you know what I mean
yea thats never happened to me because i dont argue semantics when actually debating a topic i care about.
imo semantics is a way to keep both of you in the same
its a distraction and waste of time. At best it is used to justify intentional misinterpretation at worst its used as an intellectually dishonest way of attempting to make someone say the opposite of what they mean.
Far more childish and stupid for others to strawman your points based on either malicious or dumb interpretations of your wording.
you mean you dont like it when they make a semantic argument about your wording?????
yup i dont defend rapists and sexual assaulters. I guess youre the type not to snitch on a pedo
semantic arguments are childish and stupid at best.
He was supposed to be tier 2
thats the point he didnt have t2 experience still tried out for t1 org.
couldve went Tier 2 , but went collegiate
again u have stumbled right into the point.
Same thing as jake, all the Tier 2 IGLs were signed and no one was avaliable
and say it with me one last time thats the fuckin point.
t2 experience is not a prerequisite for getting a t1 try out. are you daft or disingenuous?