Flag: United States
Registered: March 4, 2021
Last post: August 18, 2024 at 7:09 AM
Posts: 55
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A lot of people who doubted / are doubting sentinels forget the fact that TenZ is still arguably the best player in the world. Good players can adjust really easily, thats why they are good. Sen 2-0

posted about 4 years ago

I don't think they need a roster change, I just think they need to have better comps. It seems like they are always at a disadvantage in terms of agent composition. They seem to run skye just as much as sova, when no doubt sova is a better character on pretty much every map rn except icebox. There's no reason they should run skye on maps like ascent or bind (maybe bind if you have a cypher to clear angles w/ his cam, but not a killjoy). They need to run raze, on pretty much every map (except maybe haven). Raze's util is just too good to clear angles, especially her nade. Phoenix ult is incredible, but in terms of consistent impact, raze definitely has more. I really liked their first strike / pre-first strike comp, with drone on sova, hazed on smokes and cutler on sentinels, roza and wardell on duelists. I also think they could swap hazed and subroza's role, and have subroza play characters like cypher to utilize the lurk effectively.

The biggest problem I see w/ tsm's team is that they don't really have a flex. Cutler and hazed are the closest thing to one, but they both play essential agents to their comp so its hard to have them play a sage or breach without compromising their entire agent composition. I remember drone playing breach at one point, but wardell is kind of a jett one trick, and on some maps she isn't as impactful as other agents like a phoenix or raze. It's a really hard situation to tackle, but hopefully they can learn from Stage 1 and come back stronger.

posted about 4 years ago
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