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Registered: April 21, 2022
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 6:19 PM
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life in the uk is miserable

posted about a year ago

you must live a happy and fulfilling life, people in real life are not like this

posted about a year ago

do not mention anything youve done, dont answer any questions (its authentic), if they ask you if you have experience say no (you dont want to brag)

posted about a year ago

I don’t think removing transphobic comments counts as over moderation, in the same way you don’t see removing racist comments as over moderation. The only difference is you don’t like racism but you like transphobia

posted about a year ago

????? Lmfao

posted about a year ago

But how is discussing something about a real person in a negative way relevant to valorant, they say they are trans, they play valorant. If you want transphobia threads to discuss your already confirmed prejudices on go to 4chan or somewhere that isn’t a valorant forum

posted about a year ago

If people are getting banned for transphobia how are half the comments in this thread still a thing.

And maybe I’m misunderstanding the meaning of what it is to be a sheep, I thought its where you blindly follow the norm without giving a thought or acting in denial that there is any other alternative to the thoughts placed in your heads by the people before you. But that would mean that people who are against trans people (who are mostly completely uneducated on the subject and just give the easiest reaction to it) would be the sheep following the old system?

Maybe I’m misunderstanding sorry!

posted about a year ago

this thread is just honey to the swarm of transphobes, just ignore it as much as you can. 0 moderation on transphobia on this website

posted about a year ago

Registered: January 13, 2023
Posts: 94
Posts per day: 10.4
On this site: way too much

posted about a year ago

scrim 8 hours, party 8 hours, sleep 8 hours. gg?

posted about a year ago

This might be stupid but why don't all the orgs attending Sao Paulo use the money riot gives them for partnership to do at least a 2 week bootcamp in brazil, regardless of if they get knocked out or not. Scrimming every day vs the top teams in the world, and at least if every other team goes home after 1 day you're the only one at that level who are scrimming against the teams who are still alive.

Maybe I'm being stupid but that's what I'd do if I ran an org.

posted about a year ago

you must be constantly hate watching lmfao

posted about a year ago

i mean youre probably joking but 3 bits of utility, maybe a jett dash into smoke combined with a flash would be a good exec in ranked, compare it to any t1 team (the level babyj believes hes at) and the cross map fakes have more utility usage than that lmao

posted about a year ago

its a sad sad day when harmful switches off of a jett lurker onto cypher and is already more credible than babyj. harmful would exit frag his way up the leaderboard of every game into radiant on jett, now hes a better cypher than babyj lmaoooo

posted about a year ago

I mean EG can do internal scrims, meaning they can just practice retakes or something over and over without griefing the other teams scrims. not sure theres any other benefit to signing multiple rosters worth of players apart from internal scrims

posted about a year ago

challengers would just expose him as a fraud as any team he would somehow rat his way into, would collapse after one map loss due to his insanely fragile ego and toxic mentality. If he plays challengers it guarantees that he will never get onto a franchised team, if he just keeps streaming a t1 roster might forget how bad he is and accidently sign him.

posted about a year ago

if its bo1s then its very pointless, but multiple bo3s will take way too long. thats why im not sure why they would make this another gamemode rather than an actual tournaments feature.

posted about a year ago

yea i dont think anything official was every said, but it was a popular opinion/thought that when challengers was announced that was the purpose of the in game tournaments.

posted about a year ago

just seems like such a waste now, would have been so cool if it was fully integrated and we could see at least live scores and stats, or even better if we could watch the games live (with delay).

posted about a year ago

I thought the in game tournament system was supposed to be in conjunction with the challengers qualifiers. Now is it just going to be another ranked gamemode?

posted about a year ago

i mean correct me if im wrong, but at no point is race being used in a discriminatory way in my example or the original comment. People just think mentioning race = racism, when it is true that they are mongolian, and if they win against all other asian teams, they would have conquered asia. Same with with when SEN won iceland, people said they had conquered the world, not racist in any way.

posted about a year ago

how is that racist? ethnicity can be a description for a group of people, who are indeed from that country. At the world cup, someone saying the french are going to dominate senegal or another one of the countries they used to own, is that racist? No they are talking about the two football teams who are going to be playing against each other, historical context does not matter.

posted about a year ago

3rd place matchup always so boring, two teams who have already lost forced to play another match for extra money.

posted about a year ago

then your original take is even more horrid lmao

posted about a year ago

would you rather play in ranked and do the same shitty set up thats super basic and intuitive over and over never really learning much or would you rather watch someone who understands the game much better, has way more experience, has spent time developing their utility and playstyle and take notes.

I get that youre a big yay fan and probs only play chamber in gold but other agents are hard to master.

posted about a year ago

I do agree, all the people i listed are pro/semi pro. When I said streamers I just meant people who stream, ie pros, if i said who are good pros to learn from people would just search up stats and then say the best pro for each agent. Like people who are saying trent to learn sova when all he plays on stream is jett/duelists.

posted about a year ago

the amount of spam troll / bait polls makes the usefulness of polls very hard to justify. Polls like "Is TenZ a fraud" with "yes" and "yes" the two options over and over will just be so boring to see

posted about a year ago

is leaf hated by Brazilians?

posted about a year ago

i like watching him play but watching him force buy ares over and over is pretty boring to watch ngl

posted about a year ago

Hiko - how to have a disgusting crosshair and make among us jokes

posted about a year ago

ive watched some of his youtube content before, also someone called spawns as well is a pretty good educational cypher player

posted about a year ago

valid, but watching high level players play the agent you want to learn is very helpful for understanding timings, when to use util and how etc.

posted about a year ago

dont mention averagej*nas by name, youre gonna start another war

posted about a year ago

What streamers would you recommend to watch if you wanted to learn a new agent?

Some good ones I know:

Sova - DerrekOW
Kayo - FakeAnanas
Cypher/Viper - Nats
Killjoy - silenx
Omen/Brim - s0mcs or bangzerra

posted about a year ago

Duelist: Tomaszy - Portugal
Sentinel: Monsteerr - East
Controller: Obnoks - Dach
Initiator: Braveaf - Turkey
Flex: Mistic - Polaris

IDK who can IGL but seems like a very solid team

posted about a year ago

csm ed 4 better sadly

posted about a year ago

its crazy that if you bottom frag you get hate lmfao, pancada seems like such a good player and a nice guy as well. you Brazilians have to support him no matter what to drown out the freaks that will come for him eventually

posted about a year ago

I forgot how toxic SEN fans are. 3rd official match playing together, only practised for one week, blaming the IGL for not fragging etc etc. Chill out guys, its the fucking Tarik x Ludwig friendly tournament, at least wait until the franchise league starts before you start calling for Dephhs head.

posted about a year ago

least insecure c9 fan

posted about a year ago

better start applying now

posted about a year ago

tenz drops 90 across 2 maps

posted about a year ago

I don't think pros are healthier today at all, most are in awful shape. IN THE FUTURE i think people will realise that they need to take care of their body and they will last longer, but now players will be lucky to stay on top for more than 3 years.

posted about a year ago

nah its defo brave, i remember clearly the first time I watched him on ascent he was ruining people with the guardian

posted about a year ago

I feel like in the future the age will be much older as people will understand that they need to live a healthy lifestyle and shit as well as grinding to get better. Like have a consistent sleep schedule, work out, eat clean, don't order food, move around in breaks between games to ensure you aren't just sitting down 10 hours a day. I feel like modern day pro's could be so much better and have much longer careers if they just took care of their body a bit more.

posted about a year ago

I still remember him using the magepunk guardian and just walking around 1 tapping people.

posted about a year ago

A lot of the EU valorant content scene feels like this, people like grayfps, howtonoodle, flowascending feel so cringe because theyre trying to portray themselves as a good player, when they get most of their "clips" against golds in unrated. averagejonas is probs the most watchable out of all of them as his content like lineup competitions and stuff is pretty good.

posted about a year ago

1-3-2-2 green
1-4-2-0 white
1-2-2-0 yellow

posted about a year ago

xeta + saya

posted about a year ago
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