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Registered: May 3, 2024
Last post: July 5, 2024 at 3:53 AM
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its all d0rt

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

thanks bro

posted 2 weeks ago

does anyone actually use linear

posted 2 weeks ago

you are butthurt, you're the one saying "arrogance of this brat". he isn't really arrogant, he joined a bum team and won. its not his arrogance that "led him to fade into obscurity", its ch0t the snake and NRG's failure of a system. i wouldn't even say he's obscure now, he gets solid viewership on twitch as well. afaik he's a really nice guy irl and he made the scene way more entertaining with his villain persona.
quit being butthurt, you're coping from tokyo and champs.

posted 2 weeks ago

not really arrogance
he was the best player in the world, and for some reason you're butthurt

posted 2 weeks ago

G2 top 3 at masters and Kru top in the group
we might be cooked

posted 2 weeks ago

the clear difference with reyna and iso is
reyna needs kills to activate util
iso's util now activates without kills

posted 2 weeks ago

i'm the biggest fns glazer on this site but fns can only shoot feet

posted 2 weeks ago

but if it negates sentinel util and ops it just ruins the defense half

posted 2 weeks ago

you just unlucky

posted 2 weeks ago

spittin facts

posted 2 weeks ago

civil discussion my ass

posted 2 weeks ago

tf you mean, you can just dry peek op and live

posted 2 weeks ago

vanity negative firepower

posted 2 weeks ago

nah, only firepower on c9 is oxy and maybe runi. vanity is useless, and between s0m, ethan, and victor, nrg has enough firepower

posted 2 weeks ago

fr, you shoot the head and he doesn't die
its fked

posted 2 weeks ago

next to door on A site
the side opposite to the switch the corner

posted 2 weeks ago

has to be ardiis right
literally the spot is named after him now

posted 2 weeks ago

nAts will do it all

posted 2 weeks ago

get kim jong un in there and they win the LAN before it starts

posted 2 weeks ago

its a joke you daft idiot

posted 2 weeks ago

yeah i'm predicting a saadhak neon as well, we'll see how it goes

posted 2 weeks ago

difference is emea trophies are ancient history americas trophies are modern history

posted 2 weeks ago

nobody give a shit about org
only care about the players
caring about org is a massive L

posted 3 weeks ago

copenhagen 2022
at least come up with a good reply

posted 3 weeks ago

for me i don't play that much, so its fine
but for watching, sunset ascent get boring
pearl was bad with b long
icebox breeze as u mentioned is atrocious except loud vs fnc 11-3
everything else fine

posted 3 weeks ago

rip twisten, went +24

posted 3 weeks ago

top 1 support in americas btw

posted 3 weeks ago

there's one spanish player bro

posted 3 weeks ago

yeah zeta is still pig shit

posted 3 weeks ago

didn't these guys beat prx twice
why are their odds vs bleed so mid

posted 3 weeks ago

watch me

posted 3 weeks ago

put some respect on my goat
having that brain is like playing with cheats

posted 3 weeks ago

damn bro has beef or what

posted 3 weeks ago

do i get banned for this

posted 3 weeks ago

all of the opener games are mid af
drx will win, lev will win, fut will win
why even have the game

posted 3 weeks ago

see #2

posted 3 weeks ago

edit: mods how do i put this in off topic

posted 3 weeks ago

underrated game
no fps game comes close

posted 3 weeks ago

are you dumb or what? we're talking about 2023 here

posted 3 weeks ago

NAVI fans > NRG fans except me

posted 3 weeks ago

rit0 pls give xerofang vandal for 40%+ discount and maybe i'll buy one of your overpriced ass skins after all

posted 3 weeks ago

i got one for them

Be EMEA 3rd best team
-cNed +ardiis
Becomes EMEA 4th best team

posted 3 weeks ago

me, myself, and I

posted 3 weeks ago
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