Flag: United States
Registered: May 3, 2024
Last post: July 2, 2024 at 8:58 PM
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posted 3 weeks ago

where is NRG’s major

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

good shit i like

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

yo we found kirya guys

posted 3 weeks ago

if heretics win champs, and geng don’t place top 3, heretics are better
think EG vs FNC last year, EG are better overall
only competition for geng tho is heretics and sen

posted 3 weeks ago

fns will whip it out and sen are cooked

posted 3 weeks ago

facts but imma still complain about the retarded timezone that made the games unwatchable

posted 3 weeks ago

swvyboi0 vs d0rt

posted 3 weeks ago

my bad fam

posted 3 weeks ago

s0m > tenz until this year, we’ll have to see how sen vs nrg goes

posted 3 weeks ago

geng won the same amount of games as sen, and also lost the same amount of games, it’s just that their group was full of shitters that going 3-3 allowed them to qualify

posted 3 weeks ago

put the best support player on jett fs 🤡

posted 3 weeks ago

potter masterclass aspas can’t carry every game

posted 3 weeks ago

vitality has a chance
but no way bro threw in potter saadhak and fns for not making champs at least one of them makes

posted 3 weeks ago

no, you dumbass, sen won the same amount of games as geng and didn’t qualify because americas is just so much more better

posted 3 weeks ago

it was not competitive at all and the audience was mid

posted 3 weeks ago

apoth at champs will be a fluke run

posted 3 weeks ago

geng lost half their games in split 1 and didn’t even win their region, they won shanghai because every team that showed up was total dogshit other than maybe a couple decent games by TH towards the end

posted 3 weeks ago

omen less for smokes more for tps, verticality and abyss allows for good shrouded step plays imo

posted 3 weeks ago

don’t have any clips but i remember the last round i watched (sometime in the middle) mittiii, the japanese international player, tried jumping across mid on neon and died like 2 seconds after round start

posted 3 weeks ago

honestly i don’t find myself opposed to harbor omen either, with the viper nerfs and gekko meta here i think harbor will be very useful

posted 3 weeks ago

my problem is the open space, because of it breach probably won’t have the same pressure he does on sunset/haven

posted 3 weeks ago

we’ve seen some already 💀

posted 3 weeks ago


neon could do better than jett potentially
i am also a fan of a sage pick instead or with cypher
breach i think skye or kayo does better, better info
yoru as a secondary initiator could work as well

posted 3 weeks ago

TH is chilling because shitmea is a one team region and TH is that one team

posted 3 weeks ago

rit0 games 🤡

posted 3 weeks ago

where was he other than map 3?
went crazy for two games
aspas zekken t3xture all clear rn

posted 3 weeks ago

yeah man, we got less rounds in that bo5 than we did in the bo3 against geng

posted 3 weeks ago

needs to be hype, otherwise vct is cooked. nothing but mid except a couple entertaining Madrid games and maybe this game if it goes to 5 maps. last year tokyo was good at the very least, and we had lcq instead of this shitty stage 1&2 format.

posted 3 weeks ago

things have changed since
now emea is 3-7
not much better

posted 3 weeks ago

I want 100 billion USD

posted 3 weeks ago

we got more billionaires
your military buys shit from us because you have no smart people
also you have no genuine cuisine, just stealing from everyone else

posted 3 weeks ago

updraft ez

posted 3 weeks ago

whens that happened before

posted 3 weeks ago

first non-CS post from you

posted 3 weeks ago

jett, you just dash over the drops

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

bad for me i'm in PST how do I watch a bo5 from potentially midnight to 5 AM

posted 3 weeks ago

I'm on summer break with nothing to do

posted 3 weeks ago

G2 isn't 100t lil bro

edit: also don't necropost

posted 3 weeks ago

now all we're left with is ice cream man 😔

posted 3 weeks ago

2022 just hits different, and now we're stuck in 2024 where most games are a mid off

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

same, i've had it for like almost a year now I think

posted 3 weeks ago

anyone know the prize pool for seoul? LA was $2.5M so I'm assuming more, just how much more though?

posted 3 weeks ago
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