- her rewind reverts her space taken, this is obviously brain dead for a duelist with dashes especially in pro play, can still die during the ability
- her dashes are predictable straight from the get go, 1st dash forces the 2nd dash immediately after, less time to pull out your gun if caught, also isn’t the signature ability so you gotta pay to use your fucking gap closer every single round (big)
- worse site engage than Jett (updraft dash smoke for cover hard clears in comp play) and Raze (covers way more distance, less predictable)
- has a molly that deals no damage, only a weird form of CC that doesn’t actually prevent the enemy from getting the first shot off with 100% accuracy (literally does not work vs OP btw)
- site wide shitty cc ult on a duelist who’s kit is already lackluster when it comes to actually being a duelist is stupid, lazy, and unrewarding especially since it costs 8 orbs