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Registered: July 26, 2021
Last post: March 18, 2023 at 7:08 AM
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finally exwarrior is casting t1

posted about a year ago

that round and when they 3 man pushed into A link felt very like paper rex

posted about a year ago

ive seen them play some rounds like PRX, they must taken some strats and think its great

its not worked very well though maybe because theyre not used to being so aggressive and need more practise

posted about a year ago

yup look what happens when tier 2 kr and even russian players play in japan teams their stats all are insane as fk

posted about a year ago

ive had these flairs since like 2 months ago im not like the bandwagoners at the start of the LCQ

posted about a year ago

They would be top 3 team itw easy

They cant keep getting away with making deep runs without any solid game plans or strats but theyre just such a talented roster!

posted about a year ago

somewhat of confidence problem but also they had a very bad read on the meta before, they even said so themselves and now its fixed

posted about a year ago

in total theres much more yeah

posted about a year ago

no every league in LOL got 10-8 teams, only china is more with 17

posted about a year ago


i wonder if the league is 10 partnered teams + 2 teams from relegation/promotion so 12 total

posted about a year ago

ye i saw it live too

posted about a year ago

at least when all LCQs are finished

posted about a year ago

go watch twitch rivals then kid

posted about a year ago

tbf they already built a big valorant fanbase before signing tenz but tenz also sky rocketed it even more

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

the new coaching staff for OG LDN really brought them to the next level it feels

posted about a year ago

? shroud probably gonna say in sentinels...

posted about a year ago

emea so unpredictable

posted about a year ago

i dont know why they didnt bring russ back

originally benching russ was fine decision though, they just got fucked by riot

posted about a year ago
  1. never acted like yacine is doing better
  2. not guild's fault riot didnt let them get twisten
posted about a year ago

russ defenders acting like yacine was guild's first choice

posted about a year ago

they were trying to get twisten not yacine anyway

posted about a year ago

if twisten was on guild***

posted about a year ago

sad that they lost but on the bright side happy that they will finally drop dinkzj and perhaps duno

with this changes they can actually become a top 4 emea team and qualify for an international + they getting into franchising 100%

2023 will be a great year for navi assuming they dont pick up another washed bot

posted about a year ago

navi overhyped

posted about a year ago

jady and cloud are better

posted about a year ago

Boaster is bad fundamentally with leading. Some example is like overmicromanaging which some of fnatic fans seem to praise for is actually a bad thing and builds bad habits within the team such as an over reliance on Boaster telling them what to do. Too rigid and not very adaptable or flexible playstyle.

I think Boaster got the potential to be the best IGL in the world if only would fucking stop ignoring the fundamentals. In terms of set-plays, executes, creative ideas and somewhat game-plans Boaster is one of best at that stuff though.

These issues I think is what leads Fnatic to crumble sometimes and perform way worse than they should for no apparent reason, just seems like choking. The fact mini not caught onto these issues and instead thinks roster changes and adding firepower solves it means I don't put mini S Tier either.

posted about a year ago

foxz is IGL for xerxia or at least was during stage 1, not sure about now

posted about a year ago

the org maybe yes but the original roster started in oce

posted about a year ago


Duelist: Derke, ScreaM, Chronicle, Cloud, cNed, trexx, Alfajer

Flex: Leo, trexx, hoody, Jady, nukkye, Cloud, Chronicle, Shao, Alfajer

Initiator: Leo, trexx, hoody, Shao

Controller: nAts, Shao

Sentinel: Suygetsu, nAts, Alfajer

Operator: Derke, cNed, ardiis

IGL: Ange1, Redgar, koldamenta

Coach: d00mbr0s, Engh

posted about a year ago

bzkA is an S tier coach, no?

posted about a year ago

that was when OCE was part of the NA system by leading into their LCQ so it didnt count as import

posted about a year ago

ten is taking a break and xdll is their stand in

posted about a year ago

they are in bootcamp already in poland apparently

also ten is inactive and instead they signed xdll

posted about a year ago

no they wont, if they move to korea they should only bring munchkin and xeta with them, maybe ban

steel definitely doesnt wanna leave NA unless the get gets literally 0 offers from other orgs

posted about a year ago

koldamenta was smart and jumped ship to Guild, G2 never actually dropped kolda i think

posted about a year ago

guild and fpx make the best roster decision

posted about a year ago

neither map 3 was close though

posted about a year ago

G2 2-1

can go either way, i put my trust in navi to beat liquid after so many people overhyping them, then they play much worse and seemed they just anti strat a cold guild as i originally thought what happened

maybe navi are just trash on breeze and fracture but i think if g2 are not dogshit then they should get win, but its g2 so who knows

posted about a year ago

Ban isnt from Korea

posted about a year ago

yes basically

posted about a year ago

i agree about that they looked a lot better tactically

posted about a year ago
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