Flag: Namibia
Registered: April 29, 2022
Last post: September 21, 2024 at 12:19 AM
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I'll handle him.

posted 4 weeks ago

Go to hltv. Why are you still here? It's just pure retardism here.

posted 4 weeks ago


posted 4 weeks ago

Same with demon1.

posted 4 weeks ago

They lose

posted 4 weeks ago

I don't really care about EDG winning. Good for them if they win. Tbh It would be funny to see CN winning after 2 years in the scene and it took PACIFIC 4 years and 2 good teams every year to win 1.

posted 4 weeks ago

Like your flair

posted 4 weeks ago

I want riens and benjyfishy to win but I also don't want minipoo to win. So annoying and carried 24/7. Has perfect team to back him up but still can't be aspas. Just such a mid player.

posted 4 weeks ago

They would've qualed either way. Also I'm not talking about EDG mainly. I'm talking about in general with EDG as an example.

posted 4 weeks ago

Did EDG not look terrible during Madrid and shanghai

posted 4 weeks ago

I hate how much it favors doing good in regionals and not internationals. Like EDG looked horrible during Madrid and Shanghai but since they farm their region they made Champs and finally looked good at a international. I feel like regional games shouldn't give 1 points a win and instead give it to internationals but idk

posted 4 weeks ago

You're right. I'm the GOAT of everything.

posted 4 weeks ago

Aw man :(

posted 4 weeks ago


posted 4 weeks ago

It's why Riens is the GOAT and Top 2 Initiator itw. Sacy just only edges him out since Sacy won a Champs.

posted 4 weeks ago

just shows how loser we really are

posted 4 weeks ago

part 2 soon

posted 4 weeks ago

LEV v EDG Analysis

Map 1: Icebox (Part 2 coming soon)
LEV: Jett, Viper, Harbor, Killjoy, Sova
EDG: Jett, Killjoy, Viper, Sova, KAY/O

Round 1: LEV start with a 0-1-4. EDG start with a 3-0-2. S1mon knifes pipes and nobody darts 410. c0m darts belt. LEV try to push up but get scanned. Aspas pushes up belt. nobody drones belt and scans aspas who falls back while the rest of LEV walk up toward A Main. EDG speeds up B and plants while LEV clear all off A. c0m kills nobody from spawn and LEV all go through mid. aspas wide swings KK who was playing Danger and gets 1 tapped. 3v5 for LEV. Mazino walls off B Main and Yellow. S1mon flashes through the wall to attempt salvage the round but LEV is ready for it and kills all of them and wins the round.

Mistakes in the round
nobody getting picked from spawn is very bad as he has dart soon and can be crucial to stop a retake. KK playing alone since EDG falls back to clear flank because of nobody dying leaves KK on an island where he gets 1 tapped by aspas. Overall good round from LEV and poor round from EDG.

Round 2: aspas kills Smoggy B. Mazino kills S1mon, nobody, and CHICHOO from Dice. KK kills aspas but gets traded by c0m.

Mistake from EDG
You can’t default on a eco. You play separate and it easy to get picked off with 0 trade potential. You have to bring the game to them instead of you. It’s an eco so it’s not that bad but still if you wanna win the 2nd round and make the pistol irrelevant make a better strat.

Round 3: EDG start with a 2-1-2. LEV start with a 2-1-2. Mazino walls off A to apply pressure and deny info. c0m drones A for info. EDG group back toward A for an execute. EDG execute onto A and kill c0m and Mazino for KK. 3v4. Kinggg kills S1mon but CHICHOO trades it. S1mon kills aspas and tex and wins the round.

Mistakes in the round
c0m kills KK and is able to hold with tex but decides to swing even though 4v5. tex doesn’t trade Mazino and leaves making it a 3v4. Did not play together in the 3v3 retake. Took 1v1s and lose the round. KK went a bit too fast on the execute and swung c0m who killed him but luckily c0m swung and got traded. Overall good round from EDG and mediocre round from LEV.

Round 4: EDG take Belt and A Main very fast. c0m grabs orb and runs back toward site. nobody kills tex from Belt to Nest. EDG keep up the speed and KK kills c0m and Smoggy kills Mazino. LEV save.

Mistakes were made
tex can’t die Nest. Not sure if he was holding on peeked but either way LEV had a stack and him dying kinda just ruined it and made EDG go faster.

Round 5: LEV take early A control. EDG start with a 3-1-1. c0m drones and spots CHICHOO. EDG speeds up after CHICHOO hears a lot of A noise and takes B. LEV go mid to hold CHICHOO and unknowingly of Smoggy kill him instead. aspas gets aggressive and whiffs on CHICHOO but tex kills KK making it a 4v3. LEV retake and c0m sova ults. LEV wins the round.

Smoggy should have been aware that would go back mid after the A control. He should’ve had his orb up. aspas whiffing is unlucky but LEV forgot about him and he lurked up mid and luckily whiffs. KK again pushing up too aggressively without any util or anyone to trade. Decent round from both teams.

Round 6: EDG take fast B control. LEV start with a 1-0-4. EDG take yellow and LEV fast rotate. S1mon taps bomb for a flood. LEV start to take some space onto site but over extends and nobody kills Mazino. c0m walks up A to make sure they don’t rotate and info but CHICHOO is up Belt and kills him. 3v5. LEV reclear mid and A while EDG rehits B and plants. kinggg orbs and mollies and spams S1mon after planting. nobody ults while Smoggy and KK swing snow and both die. 3v2. nobody holds a tight angle and dies. CHICHOO 1v3 kills tex but falls to kinggg.

c0m overpush while down 4v5 and CHICHOO has been sitting outside of A most rounds is very bad. Smoggy and KK both losing their 1v1s making it a 3v2 instead of playing time and making LEV pressured. EDG needed to stop doing 1v1s there. Overall bad round from EDG and decent round from LEV.

posted 4 weeks ago

This is NOT a serious answer. I need REAL SERIOUS answers.

posted 4 weeks ago

maybe riot should host in americas or emea 24/7

posted 4 weeks ago

look at that fat fucking arm. it makes me think he cant control the gun or some shit. same with brim or breach. i rarely q dm and when i do i pray i get duelists or sum shit

posted 4 weeks ago

we almost die but the season starts before we die

posted 4 weeks ago

title. meow for me

posted 4 weeks ago

playing certain agents in any mode just throws me off like cuz of either their big ass arm like brim or just shit arm like harbor or breach

posted 4 weeks ago

Why Shanks is the GOAT of Valorant that no one knows.

posted 4 weeks ago

I have 2 knifes. Default and kuronami which imo is the best knife in the game. I probably won't buy another knife. I just can't fathom how people can actually every skin in the game but still complain about the price.

posted 4 weeks ago

No SEN no watch. I mean I think people from Americas would watch it even without Americas team in it but the time zone kinda fucks us.

posted 4 weeks ago

The truth. The crowd was roaring with excitement. Pure energy for C9. Toronto is going to be sleeper since everyone is gonna be high and not know what's happening. Even Tarik knows Boston Major is better than Champions 2024. idk how riot can allow this but they need to do something to create some hype for VCT. Better Stages and Production.

posted 4 weeks ago

Kirya > kriya

posted 4 weeks ago

Ikr. Fuck Valorant.

posted 4 weeks ago


posted 4 weeks ago

Maybe bc of the format. Just makes it very fast ig

posted 4 weeks ago

Holy fuck this season felt fast asf no? Last year Champs ended in September I think. This year Champs ends before August. Off season is about to be cancer. Only good off season events are Red Bull and Ludwig Tarik. Gonna be so boring wow. Probably not a lot of roster changes too since teams are broke and don't care about val or maybe change 1 or 2 players. I doubt there's gonna be full rebuilds but maybe I'm wrong.

posted 4 weeks ago


posted 4 weeks ago

Obviously. Spamming 5 flashes?

posted 4 weeks ago

No way johnqt just got hand delivered another champs trophy on a gold platter.

posted 4 weeks ago

Gamblers quit before hitting their big win

posted 4 weeks ago


posted 4 weeks ago

Isn't verno 16? Or was that sayonara

posted 4 weeks ago


posted 4 weeks ago

How do threads like this get more attention than threads with actual val discussion

posted 4 weeks ago

Idk about that

posted 4 weeks ago


posted 4 weeks ago

These roster moves don't make any sense. Sacy for verno can be a upgrade but having too many rookies and young players can also be a detriment. N4RRATE for Zellsis is kinda weird since Zellsis doesn't really have a role. He plays Brimstone, KJ, KAYO and other shit. I haven't seen much of KC so idk if N4RRATE can play this shit. Another problem is just ruining the chemistry which SEN would have to rebuild and a possibility of it not working out. In my eyes these roster moves make 0 sense to me.

posted 4 weeks ago

This is dwugsssssssss

posted 4 weeks ago

Already did some fentanyl.

posted 4 weeks ago
1 •• 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 •• 182