Flag: Namibia
Registered: April 29, 2022
Last post: September 21, 2024 at 12:19 AM
Posts: 9358
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Yeah I didn't know retard. I don't watch EDG

posted 3 weeks ago

I don't watch EDG dumbass.

posted 3 weeks ago

Haodong is a coach?

posted 3 weeks ago

Sadge :(

posted 3 weeks ago

I keep reading that as edgar

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

Don't watch it.

posted 3 weeks ago

Yeah ofc

posted 3 weeks ago

Nah they won't do that. Tokyo and Seoul are the same times but the time difference was like 5 hours.

posted 3 weeks ago

Oh... Damn

At least you're gonna hit Ascendant without losing!

posted 3 weeks ago

How are you mentally stable? Uni exams then valo grind. About to be in a psych ward before 2025

posted 3 weeks ago

I was just saying you play like 1 game per act and have horrible stats. Your EP 8 A2 stats are actually pretty good. Respect cuh.

posted 3 weeks ago

I usually see lambos and Mercedes Benz around so I don't have to deal with those

posted 3 weeks ago

Well previous acts do not indicate that. All jokes brother you got this cuh. Outlaw never work for me. I hit 1 bullet and the n get insta one tapped

posted 3 weeks ago

I'll give some advice even though you didn't ask.

Your stats are atrocious. Your HS% is good with phantom/vandal but terrible ACS and ADR. Your KD is also pretty bad. KAST is decent but can use improvement.
Your Sova isn't too bad but I would recommend Sentinel mainly if you wanna rank up. Do NOT play duelist. Your mechanics do not favor that and duelist requires really unfavorable gunfights. You can play Iso though as it's literally impossible to have a super unfavorable gunfight unless your tripped, stunned, etc.
Work on pistols as your KD is poor. Eco needs some work. Shortys, stingers, and buckys and very strong. Your full buy KD is super bad so you need to work on mechanics a lot. Your semi buys are insane you gotta tell wtf you're doing on those.
Using a variety of weapons is much better than using vandal/phantom and op 24/7. Judges, outlaw, stinger are broken. I would only use op for a certain amount of rounds until the enemies adapt.
Overall 5/10

Don't listen to me if you don't want to

posted 3 weeks ago

I also saw the TenZ vision since CS

posted 3 weeks ago

Did I say something wrong?

posted 3 weeks ago

Riens clears.

posted 3 weeks ago

Riens is not underrated.

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

I've been saying riens is the best player itw. I've saw it since SEN v TH Madrid. His aim and playstyle is just perfect. Better than Leo. Only worse than Sacy since he won a Champs but riens has the opportunity to match Sacy.

posted 3 weeks ago

Tragedies for crashies

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

At least make it respectable

posted 3 weeks ago

johnqt and Sacy aren't real talents?

posted 3 weeks ago

some hater. he has like 30 post with just pure hatred and 0 positivity.

posted 3 weeks ago

Choppedboy alt?

posted 3 weeks ago

All good brother. Not all of us were blessed with TenZ level skill.

posted 3 weeks ago

Thanks for the advice. Will try it out. I'll try to make a post today or tmr about a comp.

posted 3 weeks ago

Flair flag

posted 3 weeks ago

I enjoy doing other things. I did analysis just to try it out. I open for suggestions. Also wtf is the hype previews?

posted 3 weeks ago

I mean it's not 100% gaming time. It can be reading, shows/movies or just laying down with music

posted 3 weeks ago

I feel you brother. I slammed my desk for that veto.

posted 3 weeks ago

My daily schedule consists of

School - 7am - 3pm
Walking 3:30pm - 4pm
Eating/shower/cleaning - 4pm - 6pm
Homework/study - 6pm - 8pm
Game/chilling 8pm - 11pm
Sleep and repeat. Not a lot of time for that cuh

I do other things as well

posted 3 weeks ago

It's just so hard to actually make a comp that's viable and not PRX level troll. I feel like most comps are either ran by teams or tested and realized didn't work.

posted 3 weeks ago

Brain fryd. I meant do something else. Like not analysis another thing. Also I walk everyday for like 20-30 mins.

posted 3 weeks ago

LMFAO. Guy is still mad Throwmi picked Fracture against EG.

posted 3 weeks ago

Then what do you want me to do to instead make a response possible? Or do you want to see something else?

posted 3 weeks ago

They had to place 2nd in kickoff or no qual. KC looked 10x better thannthem though. Also I thought they were gonna win or at least likely to win. PRX had too much pressure on them with that jingg shit.

posted 3 weeks ago

SEN flair. What do I expect. 🚬🦆

posted 3 weeks ago

Ok I'll go fuck myself!

posted 3 weeks ago

Nah I don't agree. TH kinda looked mid during kickoff. KC hard cleared them and other teams lookss way better. They both came into 2nd LAN with low expectations because TH had a "sub" and Demon1 wasn't expected to go to Tokyo. People that thought they were villains are pussies let's be real.

posted 3 weeks ago

ong I miss ballsax.

I literally do analysis for people to actually talk about what teams did wrong and how they can improve but people just say "gj bro" "shit analysis bro!"

posted 3 weeks ago

4am pst

posted 3 weeks ago

Are you stupid? I'm comparing skill im comparing storyline and their run.

posted 3 weeks ago

Demon1 and jawgemo 2v5. They run TH down like PRX.

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

Have you tried looking?

posted 3 weeks ago

SEN. Best team itw at 2 different time periods. FNC only had 1 time period.

posted 3 weeks ago

First LAN win one game and lose out.

Do good at regional and qual for 2nd LAN.
Nobody thinks they are gonna do good at 2nd LAN but both miraculously make Grand Finals. Lose GF.

Champs comes around and people start doubting again. Against all odds make Grand Finals. EG won. Will TH?

posted 3 weeks ago
1 •• 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 •• 182