Flag: Central African Republic
Registered: April 29, 2022
Last post: September 19, 2024 at 7:19 PM
Posts: 9327
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Is benny actually good mechanically or no?

posted 1 week ago

The Best Initiator of all time. He has 2 trophies, consistently great stats, great utility usage, very smart player. Overall 10/10 player. I think a lot of teams would love to have a leo on their team.

#1 Leo
#2 Sacy
#3 Riens

posted 1 week ago

He's NOT a femboy. I can call him cute :D

posted 1 week ago

the first match I watch in emea and the audio is complete shit. no way its been like this the whole tournament.

posted 1 week ago

hi :3

posted 1 week ago

I didn't even say anything bad about him :(

posted 1 week ago

This is somehow the same with each Champs MVP.

zeek - Never made another Champs or International
pANcada - Made LOCK//IN but that doesn't count. Never made Champs again
Demon1 - No Masters or Champs
KK - ?????

posted 1 week ago

Off season.

Also if you don't have mental issues are you even living life?

posted 1 week ago

Kirya. He's a man but he's cute. I think.

I also come here to practice my English.

posted 1 week ago

I think I know someone.

posted 1 week ago

Don't worry they'll do something in 2025.

posted 1 week ago

You know that wasn't him. It was his cat. He told me and gave me proof.

posted 1 week ago

It's dependent on whether you're having a good game or not. You can be hitting some nasty shots and the enemies won't shoot you or the enemies perfectly track you and you just look like a running ult orb.

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

Oh ok.

posted 1 week ago

Flat and flag bruh? We have a traitor it seems.

posted 1 week ago

He's NOT a femboy.

posted 1 week ago

team secret hate at its finest

posted 1 week ago

Why would you wanna hear a cat meow? Just look up a video of a cat meowing.

posted 1 week ago

He was excused since PCF were playing today. Not sure why he hasn't changed it yet. I'll have a talk with him. Don't worry you can keep your PRX flair winks

posted 1 week ago

Why do you still have the PRX flair. You basically a part time. Change the flair to ZYG to be full time.

posted 1 week ago

Hey n1cf told me to get in contact with you. No we're not a "sex" cult. We're a very professional business handling the most serious problems worldwide. Our owner Kirya has taught us how real men work. He's done nothing but spread positivity and kindness across this world.

Our accomplishments:
Feed starving children
Create cures for diseases
Help the disabled
And more

posted 1 week ago

Can we delete this thread

It's spreads false information, toxicity, and endangers Kirya. This thread is basically endorsing bullying which KIRYA INC will NOT stand for (even though Kirya can knock out anyone itw).


posted 1 week ago

This is from reddit?

posted 1 week ago

Goodnight fam. Sleep well, sweet dreams 😘

posted 1 week ago

Holy detective.

posted 1 week ago

oh shit wtf. Yeah maybe it's not allowed. I wasn't even thinking poptarted anyways tho. I was thinking [REDACTED]

posted 1 week ago

There another kid saying "rocket owns you". I checked his account and all he does is eat rockets dick

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

Join KIRYA INC for proof.

posted 1 week ago

Flair and flag change?

posted 1 week ago

He's a 6'5 muscular, wealthy, handsome male.

posted 1 week ago

Shut up.

posted 1 week ago

No he's not.

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

It's literally impossible for me to walk for longer bc of the humidity and heat over here man. I usually walk for 1.5 hrs in autumn, winter, and spring

posted 1 week ago

I wasn't lmao

posted 1 week ago

I literally went for a walk 3 hours ago.

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

Still finds a way to be a meanie.

posted 1 week ago


Frame it and put it everywhere.

posted 1 week ago

FNC and SEN both making wild decisions. They have to be cooking no?

posted 1 week ago

I think they're cooking sum

posted 1 week ago

Donde esta mi pookie?

posted 1 week ago

I've muted him before the spreadsheets. He's just annoying and arrogant.

posted 1 week ago

It's just you.

posted 1 week ago

Kirya should be 2nd

posted 1 week ago

They eliminated the only good EMEA team KPI. CGN looked dominant over all these teams except KPI. I expect them to win Ascension.

posted 1 week ago
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