Flag: Central African Republic
Registered: April 29, 2022
Last post: September 19, 2024 at 7:19 PM
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Thanks for sharing the light of Abdul the Great.

Sincerely, KIRYA INC

posted 1 week ago

Asking devs to add something to this site is like asking a rock to walk.

posted 1 week ago

Sorry. Next I'll be more informed. Can you tell me who the fuck is Abdul? :D

posted 1 week ago

Is he washed and finished?

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

Also zellsis idk bout bros gekko

posted 1 week ago

Average ardiis viewer.

posted 1 week ago

TenZ is a arguably smarter player than Demon1 and he played Brim and Astra. He can but the team doesn't need him to do it. He has more impact on agents like Gekko.

posted 1 week ago

Big dawg I built this company brick by brick.

posted 1 week ago

At least we beat 100 shitters twice

posted 1 week ago

It's now what he brings to the table. It's if his team provides the table.

posted 1 week ago

Ah ok I see.

posted 1 week ago

? That's very weird man. We're not weird like you.

posted 1 week ago

ZYG winning it all. Doesn't matter.

posted 1 week ago

Oh where?

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

Not announced yet.

posted 1 week ago

B1sk dominance. B1sk MVP. B1sk win all of 2025.


posted 1 week ago

It's been known.

posted 1 week ago

You're implying it.

posted 1 week ago

where did i say tenz was leaving sen

all i said was tenz leaving sen could help his legacy

Bait or mental retardation?

posted 1 week ago

Thanks lil dude. Appreciate it.

posted 1 week ago

He didn't do bad in 23. His team failed him. They built the team around him and he still has no support.

posted 1 week ago

He didn't say that either lmao

posted 1 week ago

It's an obvious pug teams. People just be so retarded sometimes. Why would any team be trialing right now when Ascension isn't done.

posted 1 week ago

I didn't forgot 21-22 Sacy? I didn't put him since it's obvious he's #2 and possibly even better than Leo. Crashies had 21 but he also didn't have 24 or 23.

posted 1 week ago

hiiiiiiiiiiii :3 uwu

posted 1 week ago

Flag and flair

posted 1 week ago

Why people baiting so hard about TenZ being bad? Like at least try to make it believable.

posted 1 week ago

This is an obvious pug roster. Idk how people still don't know what that is.

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

Idk what that is but that's good :D

posted 1 week ago

If only he would join KIRYA INC his intellect would double :(

posted 1 week ago

Asking the devs to make VLR better is like asking a rock to walk.

posted 1 week ago

Somehow TenZ was still doing pretty good. Idk if kyedae still has cancer but if she does and he's been playing like this then wow.

posted 1 week ago

SEN v KRU Champions 2021 Group Stage B Decider Map 3 Split Last Round.

posted 1 week ago

Already did. Got laughed at.

posted 1 week ago

It's like this for everyone. I follow mostly Valorant people with some CS and other people and I still get shit like that.

posted 1 week ago

Very angry

posted 1 week ago

This is not serious do not take this seriously ok thanks 😘

Inspire - Sentinel
pANcada - Smokes
Mada - Duelist
flyuh - IGL/Flex
Brawk - Initiator

posted 1 week ago

LOUD Inspire

posted 1 week ago

ok i was trolling. removing chron would just be self destruction of the roster.

posted 1 week ago

-chron +trexx

posted 1 week ago

I'll talk to John Riot. Don't worry we'll get a replay system soon.

posted 1 week ago

Kicking a kid while he's down.

posted 1 week ago

He wasn't even that bad in 22. He just had a horrible team while not playing his comfort role. 23 was also a shit year for SEN but he was doing so braindead plays icl.

posted 1 week ago

Shush it lil dude

posted 1 week ago

I honestly think the whole idea of the spreadsheets are kinda mid.

posted 1 week ago
1 •• 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 •• 182