Flag: Central African Republic
Registered: April 29, 2022
Last post: September 19, 2024 at 7:19 PM
Posts: 9327
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Working on making money.

I think they're having a bit of a mental crisis. A while ago they said that they couldn't handle all the "trans" shit and they deactivated their twt acc

posted 1 week ago

Sayonara b1sk = shaq and kobe

posted 1 week ago

Unsustainable to hold many players on 1 team.

posted 1 week ago

Oh wow I just saw. Sadge.


posted 1 week ago

KPI is the only team in EMEA that could do damage globally. They just had an unlucky game against CGN.

posted 1 week ago

Not a cult. We're business men.

posted 1 week ago

Yeah fuck u roach

posted 1 week ago

Those posts were unauthentic as he was hacked during that time. The meowing was hit cat.

posted 1 week ago

No you couldn't.

posted 1 week ago

?????? this is slander against our boss and you're saying W?

posted 1 week ago

Oh wow

posted 1 week ago

At being a loser kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

posted 1 week ago

wow that's dominant

posted 1 week ago

Buddy is desperate. Kinda sad tbh. Join KIRYA INC and maybe you'll find people that will agree with you.

posted 1 week ago

Only if Sayonara didn't have an off day. They would've dominated Ascension if they won that. KPI actually looked capable of putting up a fight against CGN.

posted 1 week ago

Still have more trophies than you.

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

Oh phoenix IGL? He thinks he's subroza?

posted 1 week ago

Who is this guy and why is everyone so mad at him?

posted 1 week ago

2 weeks of off season

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

btw it wasnt him it was his cat

posted 1 week ago

I will defend KIRYA with my life. He's my King. He saved me from being broke, ugly, and a loser and he turned me into a wealthy, muscular, handsome man by joining KIRYA INC. Talk down on him with any disrespect and it will not be good for you. Once again I'm saying he's NOT a femboy and he won't ever be one. We do NOT like femboys as they're the opposite of KIRYA INC. Femboys are weak, puny, submissive while KIRYA INC is Strong, Wealthy, Handsome. Kirya is King.
Kirya is Life. Kirya is Everything.

Sincerely, KIRYA INC
#KingKirya #KI #KIRYAINC

posted 1 week ago

Thanks syncz for defending the King.

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

i dont wanna get fired :(

posted 1 week ago

The company name is literally KIRYA INC. what the fuck do you want me to do? call him a dumbass?

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

You're just a normal human. Like me!

posted 1 week ago

I was gonna mention that but like yk.

posted 1 week ago

You fell off.

posted 1 week ago

He's busy lil bro

posted 1 week ago

Mad? What's wrong with Kirya?

posted 1 week ago

The meowing was his cat. All of those "sus" messages were obviously him getting hacked.

posted 1 week ago

No one believe this guy. He is spreading false information. Kirya is NOT a femboy and he will never be one. It was his cat that meowed not him.

Sincerely, KIRYA INC

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

Never said he did.

posted 1 week ago

he always was ranked demon. he used to be #1 on the LB before he joined Mad Lions.

posted 1 week ago

no d1? :(

posted 1 week ago

Not sure tbh. I think scream played with him back in the CS days so maybe thats how.

posted 1 week ago

He has a cat bro.

posted 1 week ago

yeah that was the one

posted 1 week ago

It was his cat.

posted 1 week ago

Weird wording. I'll try to make him more vocal about his love for SEN.

posted 1 week ago

He's a secret SEN fan. He's just shy yk.

posted 1 week ago

He's a 6'5 Muscular Wealthy Handsome Male.

posted 1 week ago

you can still root for them. i still love sen its just im in KIRYA INC.

posted 1 week ago

dude u meet the requirements and i want you in but u have to change flag and flair

posted 1 week ago

It's not a cult. It's a business.

posted 1 week ago
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