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Registered: April 9, 2022
Last post: June 7, 2024 at 3:21 AM
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3 sentences = essay
erm source?? 🤓 bro go to youtube or twitter search "Stax interview 2023" im sure you will find one in which he says this im not digging for you just take my word for it or go waste your time to comeback with the same conclusion i gave you.

posted 1 week ago

no they should have done this

-Foxy9 (Duelist)
-Stax (initiator)
-Mako (Viper/Flex)
-Beyn (Smokes)
-yoman (sentinel/igl)

this would give stax comfort well also being able to use his experience to build up yoman who is a better igl idk if you have watched his games but his calling and reads tend to be better then stax and buzz lowk been underperforming i think foxy is better.

posted 1 week ago

hes literally talked about it in countless interviews he swapped off igl role for comfort during lock in and was forced back on it when they started the 6 man roster and being disciplined is not necessarily the igl its the teams protocols which could be termi or stax there is no way to know. they never should have dropped zest but this is a good change they should bring in yoman an actual good igl.

posted 1 week ago

good now they can pick up a good igl

posted 1 week ago

its a coin flip entirely on the teams who qualify i dont think its worth points either

posted 1 week ago

i agree

posted 1 week ago

yeah i dont understand why they kept ethan it makes more sense for roles if demon1 stayed and it makes more sense for chemistry if marved stayed

posted 1 week ago

conflicting scripts one is fake

posted 1 week ago

aging like milk

posted 1 week ago

bro switched flairs and everything 🤡🤡🤡🤡
g2 clears fut, th, and sen at least pick a winning team

posted 1 week ago

6 man prx is disabled and monyet prx is disabled
old drx would choke this season too and competition is harder then previous years especially in pacific
tenz 3 titles??? are we fucked in the head?
who tf is shit0???????
you are the reason everybody hates sen fans you guys dont have a collective of 80 iq

posted 1 week ago

i dont disagree with your icebox take but they also 13-1d g2 i do think lev are favored on icebox slightly but its like a 55/45 this match is the definition of a 50/50 idk how you disagree.

posted 1 week ago

new drx > old drx
3-0 against disabled prx you guys would get 13-0d by current prx and g2 were not playing at their peak in regular season they started playing well in playoffs
you guys only have 2 masters trophies both from mickeys 🐭

posted 1 week ago

why dont they just not throw man up situations 🤯 i sure hope they dont or else they wont stand a chance against t1.
ok stylistically i agree with you but i dont think theres no use comparing it.
map wise lev bind, sunset while t1 lotus, breeze i would say split, ascent, icebox could go either way.

posted 1 week ago

GenG losses

S0ntinels losses

lets also not talk about the fact that sen had 2 wins gifted to them with FURIA and MIBR
also this g2 cope is too funny you guys could have won 2 more rounds against furia and you wouldnt be in this situation and if you think g2 weren't playing for rounds your delusional and even so they lost map 1 against loud to a random spam kill onto leaf lol which even so was closer then any map sen played against loud. sen also could have closed out against eg and wouldn't be in this situation btw g2 stomped eg. geng meanwhile lost to drx who they beat later, prx who are the favorite for the event, and rrq in a irrelevant close match like when sen lost to g2 nt sen sucks ass right now even they would agree it isnt because its easier to qualify.

posted 1 week ago

bros addicted to baiting

posted 1 week ago

thats why their best player is russian

posted 1 week ago

that is indeed their only win con yes.

posted 1 week ago

they looked worse in lowers that game was a mudbowl but yes relative to everything else sure it was not their best.

posted 1 week ago

word i believe you unfortunately theyll be playing limbless tmrw gl out there :)

posted 1 week ago

im not talking about the bo3 im talking about the bo5. lotus is chalked they experimented and it flopped, icebox t1 easily could have won if you give them a pistol, bind idk about winning but it would have been a lot closer had they not got bonused. compare that to the lev we saw yesterday they beat a t3xtureless gen g on icebox good for them, they lost lotus 13-5 if you take away their pistol 13-3 so even worse then the score suggests, and 13-7 on breeze which again take a pistol and its 13-5. and if we compare g2 bro its not even close.
g2 5-0d lev they choked 2 maps cuz they always choke but both maps were theirs to lose meanwhile t1 were sleeping on map 1 and woke up map 2 with heavy anti strating and by all means should have closed out lotus if xccurates pistol was reloaded g2 dont win second pistol entirely different game.

posted 1 week ago

somebody is mad their team bouta go winless

posted 1 week ago

idk what planet your living on but if lev play like how they have been playing its defiantly a 50/50 lev will be favorite because their from americas but if you use geng to temperature check both teams t1 look better and if you use g2 to temperature check t1 look better. and lotus isnt gonna get banned so t1 start 1-0.

posted 1 week ago

are we fucked in the head? g2 looked good. 13-1 map pick is shameless but they got anti-strated even down to the comp t1 played. they defiantly have looked better but they didn't look shit.

posted 1 week ago

brotha what? they arent shit they have potential. they lost to a good team and a match they should have been able to close out. gg go next they have a 50/50 against lev hopefully they learn from their mistakes.

posted 1 week ago

welp why isnt sen in shanghai right now....

posted 1 week ago

been saying this since madrid geng 100% should have won the gf and was the better team leading up to it even tho they lost bind they still could have closed out split. sen deserve the win but they didnt win because they outplayed gen g they won because gen g lost to themselves.

posted 1 week ago

if you want free points take notes

posted 1 week ago

hey focus on your team you guys need it

posted 1 week ago

keznit had a bad game bc of our gameplan and our igl diffed aspas not much you can do when the igl is shooting like that

posted 1 week ago

bros tryna sabotage us

posted 1 week ago

we handled aspas, oxy, and keznit we can handle w00t

posted 1 week ago

why u hating on us

posted 1 week ago

im smelling spoiled milk

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

exactly why i said he should wait but if he wants to be on a team accept the paycut and go to eg where the coach knows how to use him

posted 1 week ago

deosnt fit the energy of the team he should go back to eg

or wait until next year since eg is defiantly not gonna be in franchising and his stocks would be pretty high to the point the new team might want to build around him + ascension team will probably trial him if it fits the roles + any failed na split 2 team will make roster changes
either option is good but if he wants to be on a winning roster waiting for next year is the best move

posted 1 week ago

i have the script lev are getting butt fucked

posted 2 weeks ago

not a doubter 1 of few who predicted fpx 2-1 fut

posted 2 weeks ago

Round 1
G2 2-1 T1
GenG 2-0 LEV
TH 2-0 DRG

Round 2
G2 2-0 FPX
GenG 2-0 TH
T1 2-1 FUT

Round 3
TH 2-1 T1

100T 2-1 G2
TH 2-1 EDG
GenG 2-0 PRX

Lower Round 1
G2 2-0 EDG

Upper Finals
100T 2-0 TH
GenG 2-1 FNC

Lower Round 2
FNC 2-1 G2
PRX 2-0 TH

Upper Final
GenG 2-1 100T

Lower Round 3

Lower Final
100T 3-2 PRX

Grand Final
GenG 3-1 100T

posted 2 weeks ago

drg are all shooters i expect them to win a lot of gunfights i doubt they get stomped but their macro is shit and vo0kashu rage buys vandal every round so unless heretics have a really bad day i dont see it

posted 2 weeks ago

regular season is more important than kickoff? how is that hard to understand? sen won madrid which i dont wanna say it but it was kind of a fluky micky mouse ish tournament bc of the kickoff format. they deserved to win but just bc they win 1 event doesnt mean they deserve to go to every tournament and be locked in for champs.

posted 2 weeks ago

bro its too obvious its true s0m is locked in and fns is trialing for demon1s spot.

Victor - Duelist
Crashies - Initiator
Ethan - Flex
s0m - Smokes
FNS - Senti/Flex (IGL)

posted 2 weeks ago

honestly i can see this idk bout the exact scores but this those type of series are defiantly possible

posted 2 weeks ago

if you got anything important going on tmrw go to sleep if not fuck it

posted 2 weeks ago

ill be watching the valyn masterclass

posted 2 weeks ago

brotha chamber is a single buff away from being really good its only a matter of time

posted 2 weeks ago

yeah thats mb i meant like break as in she could slide through not break as in fully destroy.

i agree the leer would be no worse then omen flash and on some open sites it would be better but i can also see scenarios where omen blind would be better bc you can cast through deeper walls even so this would counter the omen problem being that hes the best dome smoker by a mile. also if you can destroy the blind the alternative is that its shit. and i can see how the combo like your fighting a reyna who already got a kill she dismisses and then throws her blind would feel hard to play against but that is almost all her utility for the round and its only in the scenario she got a kill prior to fighting you.

posted 2 weeks ago
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