Flag: Poland
Registered: July 22, 2021
Last post: September 19, 2024 at 4:31 PM
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another one

posted 4 months ago

mimi and ender casting duo...

posted 4 months ago

suygetsu, the reset...

posted 4 months ago

wyd if victor picks raze again..

posted 4 months ago

he operates both customer and worker role. so flexible!

posted 4 months ago

bump cause you can see again

posted 4 months ago

hes ok

posted 4 months ago

i think navi wins but bbl has a chance too!!

posted 4 months ago

are so ridiculous
initiatorless lotus today
killjoyless icebox
deadlock sunset
razeless bind

i havent been watching them much but wow, they do good with these too mostly

posted 4 months ago

borkum also dropped 102

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

uhh his house? Oh I forgot he can't! he can't be in his house because no one can ever be in his house because he is in the middle place between World and Time. I'm just kidding guys, he in spain. Meep Moop Mreaow.

posted 4 months ago

i wont even bump this post is trash

posted 4 months ago

if your pickems didnt have kru winning today idk what to tell you

everyone knew kru was winning, dk how you missed the memo

brazil 0-9 now

posted 4 months ago

because protocols are not executes. i think you misunderstood something

posted 4 months ago

actual retard. saying the winner is undeserving is some bullshit cope

"b-but we shoulda won!! its not fair!! 😢 "

posted 4 months ago

cause they were undeserving

posted 4 months ago

then why did gambit lose

posted 4 months ago

if they didnt deserve it who did

posted 4 months ago

zeek and starxo below zombs and diaper :(

posted 4 months ago

if loud dont get 2 wins and eg loses to nrg then theres 4 slots from group alpha

id say option 2

posted 4 months ago

goes either way. if loud dont get 2 wins and eg loses to nrg then theres 4 slots from group alpha

the other good thing that can happen is kru losing every game and finishing below sen.

posted 4 months ago

bro said astra boaster and not karon

posted 4 months ago

more first kills than anybody else without even playing a sentinel

t0x (11)
aspas (8)
icy (6)
leaf (6)

posted 4 months ago

what if you accidentally put a billion dollars on nrg losing. i bet youd want eg to win then.

posted 4 months ago

theres absolutely a way

posted 4 months ago

actually no idea how he plays it

posted 4 months ago

you also missed that theyve played 3 games and theyve lost every game with him. i think hes good but you might be off meds

posted 4 months ago

who else?

posted 4 months ago


should have never thought it tho, hes just dumb

posted 4 months ago

just now could have killed jonahp but didnt shoot

posted 4 months ago

hes so dumb

posted 4 months ago

today was terrible but you can still top the group. koi and giants left to play

posted 4 months ago

theres a strong strong chance every team goes 3-3

FNC 3-1: play FUT and NAVI. i think they either lose both or win both. if they lose both its 3-3
KC 2-2: play KOI and TH. i think they beat koi and lose to heretics (now with wo0t). 3-3
BBL 2-1: play NAVI, FUT, and GX. i think they only beat gx although i lowk believe in gx. 3-3
LIQUID 2-3: only play GM8s. i think they win but im not confident. they go 3-3
VITALITY 2-2: play koi and gx. this is the first one where its not likely. all that has to happen is GX beat them tho. 3-3

posted 4 months ago

Your honor, my client has been dealt simple minded players since his arrival at the club. In 2023 he had to deal with the scrim merchant soulcass who he actually managed to win a trophy with. Members of the persecution will say that my client plays "jail valorant", outdated strategies or "2021 valorant". This statement does have some truth but lacks crucial context. The organization which employs my client also happens to employ mistic and enzo, washed Fnatic players who havent been good since the birth of the strategies he runs. With these players my client has been gifted, he cannot strategize anything beyond 2021 valorant, as his players just do not have the mind for it. Enzo especially plays a crucial role in organizing team strategy, he can barely handle the simple 2021 strategies my client gives him, imagine the trainwreck which would occur if he was entrusted to deal with complex, game bending, revolutionary 2024 strategies? My client has done the best job with the input given, he is an output coach. Despite the terrible output at the moment, i assure you my client has done the most with his input. Thank you.

posted 4 months ago

very stoppable force vs very light and movable object

who will win 🔥 🔥

posted 4 months ago

i dont agree. eg champs 2023 beats probably any team currently. the players may be bad now, and bad in 2022, but the roster is still really good. c0m having potter to teach him lurks with the great util from ethan and jaw to create openings was huge, he doesnt have that anymore. also c0m is a really good sova, hes been on that role less since joining lev

ethan has had to take up IGLing for the first time and he hasnt even been bad

demon1 has had to deal with a big jett nerf and nrg has wanted him to pick up raze. demon1 is still really good and has a 1.17 jett rating in the last 90d

jawgemo showed his class yesterday owning on 2/3 maps vs sen, diffing zekken. jawgemo has some of the best raze util in the world and you can still see it when he plays now. he just doesnt have ethans util and demon1 secondary entry to help him succeed as that spearhead. The wood of the spear has been dulled, although the iron is cut from the same ore.

also boostio, idk. boostio was good in 2022 so thats what i can say.

this team had a sick dynamic, jawgemo and demon1 were perfect for each other, the way boostio calls is amazing. this team would OWN current prx, fnatic, navi, sen, karmine corp, team heretics, drx, gen g....

that team was special, regardless of the individuals who arent anything that spectacular, the team as a whole was top tier.

posted 4 months ago


10-26 against gentle mates

posted 4 months ago

very. zellsis had a BAD game (worse than stats suggest) and ive been supporting zellsis since they benched pancada
sacy aim very bad, played good on bind but lost tho
and bad throw on map 2. their attacks were good mostly if thats a bright spot! watch only attack and it might go well

posted 4 months ago

bro asking fns to ditch his only friend because of his voice 😭

posted 4 months ago

no it just popped in my head

i wouldnt do it for zekken or something cause its like 30 games and would take me longer than 5 mins

posted 4 months ago

i said its not hate wth

if i wanted to hate i would include his omen game which they lost 3-13

posted 4 months ago

ignoring games against double duelist comps

demon1 vs mwzera 6-6 in a 2-0 game
demon1 vs oxy 4-5 in a 1-0 game (ignoring double duelist comp)
demon1 vs zekken 8-16 in a 1-1 game (ignoring when he doesnt play duelist)
demon1 vs qck1 6-5 in a 2-0 game
demon1 vs aspas 1-8 in a 0-2 game

posted 4 months ago

when you say it its +16

when i say it its -54 :/

sen flair OP

posted 4 months ago

also his payout for winning champs was absolutely insane

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago




posted 4 months ago

hey it is a common quote i think

posted 4 months ago
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