Flag: Romania
Registered: February 12, 2022
Last post: July 11, 2024 at 8:41 PM
Posts: 806
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Nah bro, you don't get it...

The format was never changed. The format stays the same. If you would've read the rules before the competition started, they clearly stated that the Play in Winner cannot play against the same team they played in groups, and if that happens they'll be moved on the other side of the bracket.

posted 10 months ago

at least it will be difficult to make it harder to watch than last time they played talon

posted 10 months ago

I think it's safe to say that 98% of Valorant players that follow eSports scene in any meaningful manner would've picked Demon1 over N4RRATE. I also highly doubt that N4RRATE would be able to show NRG that they made a mistake

posted 10 months ago

you're correct actually

posted 10 months ago

I'm afraid you do not understand the game, or maybe you do not understand what the word impact means. Keznit, while a phenomenal player that had great stats against G2, did not actually have many impact kills. Have we watched a different match? Most of his kills were in non-winning rounds, in what world do you consider that higher impact? He had the lowest round share win and KAST even on his team against G2.

posted 10 months ago

Quick had way less impactful gun rounds and clutch situations than Ethan (and cau actually), there's no factual reason to call his performance dominant. Loud won more due to cau and saadhak performance, definitely not qck.

And even with the "quality" difference between Furia and SEN, Ethan was still more crucial to NRG's win than cau was to Loud's win, via both adr and round share wins (kast).

If you want to actually analyze dominant and top players you have to look at more than just the quality of the opposition (which in this case should be quite irrelevant, since Ethan already dominated all these players last year, so there's nothing really to prove)

I can agree that cau could be considered completing the top3 behind Ethan. anything else is just really a personal opinion based on feelings, I prefer facts and stats

posted 10 months ago

this is where you're wrong

when a lot of other players have dominated much better teams

this simply just has not happened during these opening matches, the only one that had a more dominant performance was aspas, this is easily provable with trackable data, gotta be delusional to think otherwise.

posted 10 months ago

I don't see how that makes a difference... it would make sense if Ethan was just middle of the pack in NRG, or if mwzera dominated the server but lost. Neither are true... Ethan was clearly better than mwzera a few days ago, putting dominating performances on both maps, while mwzera struggled on the second map to stand out even on his mid team.

Your argument is trying to say that a good player on a mid team is automatically better than a good player on a good team, even if the player on the mid team was just dominated by the player on the good team. It really makes no sense, regardless what the sports of esports is. Use logic next time

posted 10 months ago

this makes no sense... Ethan quite literally dominated Furia just a few days ago.

This list is 1. aspas 2. Ethan ... the rest

posted 10 months ago

wonder who's gonna be the first one to say it

posted 10 months ago

The thing is that those people already have a boatload of money, so in reality they only partake in the first two actions (eat, criticize), and eating at a Michelin-starred restaurant is nothing special to them.

You don't get the money after you criticize, you usually get it before and then you're allowed to criticize. This isn't a dream job, it's a networking hobby for the elite top restaurateurs of the world.

posted 10 months ago

Stuns are the most useless (if compared on a "usefulness" chart against all other abilities), this is quite obvious from playing/watching high level gameplay and most pros are pretty clear about this in voicing their... frustrations.

Based on factors such as map design and comp selection, flashes can range from low impact to crucial in winning tactical engagements.

posted 10 months ago

You're overestimating Riot if you believe they thought it through that far..... considering they didn't know what happens if an Ascension winning team needs an Org.

posted 10 months ago

he wasn't even the main duelist on Andbox lol (that was ANDROID). he played more Sage and Breach than Jett if I remember well

posted 11 months ago

everything about it seems to make it a marksman rifle, except the magazine capacity... that keeps it in a medium caliber & range sniper category. DMRs normally have 10/20/30 mag capacity.

posted 11 months ago


posted about a year ago

You're making a pretty big mistake in assuming that obesity only means "fat tissue". You can be overweight even if the majority of your body mass is muscle related, these two things are not mutually exclusive.

posted about a year ago

Where did you get that the info that monyet is going to be sentinel role for PRX? Rumors were saying that he'll be second duelist/flex (considering he was mainly duelist on pre-GE rosters)

posted about a year ago

I highly doubt it makes economical/business sense for Riot to rent San Siro for VCT Champs. What are the chances that enough seats of the ~80k capacity will be filled, considering the Italian Val scene isn't that huge?

posted about a year ago

EG's controller player was decided based on map and comp picked, with the role rotation occurring between Jawgemo, Demon1 and Boostio (alongside extremely rare cases were C0M was the Viper solo control agent)

posted about a year ago

fRoD is already head coach for MIBR, bzka moved to AC role

posted about a year ago

imagine never hearing of the concept of residency

posted about a year ago

Zinedine Zidane, Bordeaux to Juventus for 3.5M Euros. Arguably the best transfer of all time, value for money

posted about a year ago

Leviatan is actually an Argentinian org, even though majority of the players are from Chile. He talks a lot of shit, but he was correct with that one.

posted about a year ago

nah yoru is a better initiator than duelist, especially at high level play

posted about a year ago

Change 1:
KAY/O to Hybrid Initiator

Change 2:
Yoru to Flash Initiator or new sub-category of duelist ;D This agent is way more of an initiator than it is a duelist.

posted about a year ago

I doubt flor (or any other v1 teammate) would release any opinion statement on this situation before mel has a chance to share hers. At least, that should be the expected order of things

posted about a year ago

I also have a daughter, and your point makes no sense.

GC Champs 2022 was won by an all biological female team (no trans/non-binary player on roster). My daughter is too young to understand Valorant, but she likes G2 mimi (I assume due to her long blond curly hair).

Having trans woman players in GC is not in any way proving to be a detriment to biological female players. Stating otherwise might require some inner introspection in regards to pre-conceived concepts clashing with reality.

posted about a year ago

he said that about yay and cryo, not scream, from what I've seen on the podcast

posted about a year ago

-clone makes faking sites very easy

you must be trolling lmao

posted about a year ago

Have you heard of Vanessa Bryant?

posted about a year ago

Then sounds like you should say "I don't understand it" instead of "I don't agree with it"

posted about a year ago

This is the same thing that was performed in the past by ignorant ppl in regards to homosexual awareness. "Don't tell children about gay people because they'll become gay". We're simply repeating history

It's an advanced level of stupidity that unfortunately reached "normality" rates in some cultures, therefore they see it as "their truth/different view"

Sadly, intelligence and common sense are... not that common.

posted about a year ago

Reply to your previous ignorant justification of "I don't agree with"

Please elaborate.. what don't you agree with?

Do you not agree with the scientifically proven fact that someone's brain chemical compound consistently gives signals to the owner of said brain that they're not the gender that they were assigned at birth based on sex?
Do you not agree with their synapse flows?
Do you not agree with the major depressive disorder that the person is usually diagnosed with while trying to fight the signals from the brain and act as nothing is happening?
Do you not agree with the fact that there's different variations of cerebral chemical compounds, and therefore everyone is and should be simply the same, in order to match a "normality" meter arbitrarily created?
Or in reality you simply don't agree with things that you do not care to study and understand?

You don't need to mention racism, it goes without saying.

The thought process is the equivalent of saying "I don't agree with the fact that people from arabian penunisula have the necessary brain to function in a normal society, because their anatomy is different than mine" Just because I say "I don't agree with" does not make it not racist.

While the above statement might have some technical truths in it (yes, there's usually a different anatomy structure based on continental origins), it simply ignores a bunch of other scientifically defines truth in order to reach a "different view". And yes, you can call it a different view. That different view is simply defined by racisms. Much like your different view is simply defined by transphobia

there is a very big difference between race and transgenderism.
race is something that you are born with.
you have no capacity to change it.

You're wrong here as well... race is not something that you are born with, you're simply assigned one, much like a gender. Race is a social construct, much like gender.

Don't confuse ethnicity with race, nor sex with gender.

The only race that we can be born with is homo sapiens, we're all this race and genus. Everything else is just things that people tell you that you are.

posted about a year ago

not sure if you're stupid or just pretending...


matchmaking APIs data, userID list within the lobbyID array alongside the unix_timestamps (start , end)


those are estimates, i doubt tracking sites have access to such player data

hint: they do, via the public APIs. you just lack the knowledge of what these are and how they work

regarding the player count, which is data aggregation performed by independent parties (of previously mentioned matchmaking data)


data might not be 100% accurate, but it would be close enough

it's quite comical how confident you sound, while being stupidly wrong

posted about a year ago

Flying scoutsman? You're literally trying to play a game mode that's notoriously used by hackers to level up their accounts. I'd personally be surprised if any real person even tries to play that anymore (you're the first one I've heard of in a long time)

posted about a year ago

sounds like you don't know how matchmaking APIs work and what data schema is available. tracker.gg can display all your (your = userID) games and every player (=every other userID) in the lobby (lobbyID), every single time. They can do that because the data is available via a publicAPI endpoint. There's nothing estimative about the dataset in question.

I would suggest that you do some research before spewing such inaccurate statements.

posted about a year ago

that's quite a bold (and wrong) statement. the answer is quite simple and logical: matchmaking APIs (that feed data into tracking sites for example)

data might not be 100% accurate, but it would be close enough

posted about a year ago

10-man in a 2v2 game mode? interesting story. tell us more

posted about a year ago

This is a problem with all partnership regions, not only Los Angeles and its respective Americas region. I doubt Riot cares, since they chose 1 city in each specific region, they had to know this would happen

Parternships/Franchises are almost never about enhancing competitiveness, but rather about the orgs making a more stable income (main org here being Riot)

posted about a year ago

after 11 months together. He was the newest member of the roster, as he joined in January.


posted about a year ago

it's an announcement video or looking for impressions. it's not a deck to present to investors, you're confused

posted about a year ago

the only ppl that say/write that kind of thing are the incel nerds that didn't get any girls. he wouldn't know if there were actually sluts in his 8th grade, he just knows that girls were seeing other guys, and not him, and then created his own narrative.

posted about a year ago

ADR, generally speaking, is the most important in any FPS game. K/D can be very misleading

posted about a year ago

ADR trumps K/D in ACS calculations

posted about a year ago

the servers have been pretty bad since 2021 (mainly via tickrate inconsistency in lobbies)... I suspect this is one of the reasons replay was never launched

posted about a year ago

there are a million ways to flank on Sunset.. I have a strong feeling there'll be a sentinel in the meta (possibly Cypher)

posted about a year ago
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