all controllers rn are balanced imo, and omen's blind is just really good.
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Registered: | May 1, 2022 |
Last post: | March 2, 2025 at 11:47 AM |
Posts: | 3654 |
all controllers rn are balanced imo, and omen's blind is just really good.
do we think she is broken or is every other duelist just shit?
i just dont know? we're going to be in a no duelist meta by the end of champs.
WERE SHIFTING THE META TO A NO DUELIST META, the game is about to be more mid than it has ever been more slow paced than chamber and astra meta bro
dont worry about the nerfs and buffs that are so shit every update, i will infiltrate riot and change every nerf/buff it'll only take 10 years :)
i just mean push the good matches back you're going to accommodated more timzones at 7 -10 AM than 4 AM etc.
why are all the good matches at 4 AM (EST) and the bad one's around 7 AM (EST) are we fucked?
you cannot physically nerf these agents without making them unrecognizable only thing you could possibly do is increase how much their abilities cost and more ultimate orbs.
most likely whats going to happen they states previously they want to change high pickrate agents so both of them will probably be getting nerfed while they buff spme of the weaker duelists
they literally cannot "balance" these two agents without making them shit, riot has to just buff every other duelist or rework.
????? Doesn't them being injured mean the knicks arent at full power? lets use our brain power here and OG was playing for the 76ers series, JR has been injured all post season and they've been fine.
its not a argument these are most likely the changes, since they've been high pick-rate agents, and riot openly states they want all agents to have similar pickrates.
the thing is they're nerfing all of the actual skilled duelists raze requires more skill than something like a gekko due to her satches a price increase or orb increase i'd be fine with but nerfing would be crazy to me imo.
they're going to balance a ton of duelist and making jett and raze i think weaker.
its most likely going to happen they said they were going to balance duelists, and its just braindead these are the only duelists you can actually balance and make them actually unplayable
no fuck rito i infiltrate rito then give chamber back 2 tps
Kawhi was healthy all season and just dies during playoffs wtf
nerfing jett and raze again like how can you possibly nerf these two any more without making them unplayable instead of nerfing agents lets buff the weak ones or completely re work them
probably tomorrow or monday, teams usually like to explore before prac.
lowkey playoffs have been so boring, Pacers fans are happy they beat the bucks in 6 without Giannis now New York has OG and JR injured and they're happy about Game 7.
anyone saying "he has to fill the role of aspas as a duelist" he doesn't have to and it's insanely unfair to say so, but we are not going to sit here and justify the (6th lowest rated player in Stage 1, the 14th lowest rated player in Madrid and the 19th lowest rated player in Kickoff.)
To all the people saying it was unfair that QCK was dropped brotha you are getting paid thousands of dollars to sit at home and play a video game so your focus should be improving as a player you cannot say "UNFAIR" when you can control every single variable whether you are being dropped or not.
Saadhak also personally recruited QCK because he "believed" he could make him improve as a player, so when QCK fails Saadhak is going to have a heavy burden because he literally stuck up for this kid to join the org. last year he was similar in stats aswell so I don't think the role change helped him at all.
This post isn't to discredit QCK for any hardwork he's put behind the scenes, but there are countless players who want to play in tier 1 its very competitive I come from a sports background so it actually sucks when you dont get chosen over somebody who you actually think you're more impactful than.
you cant magically change a person's roles and expect him to be better, either way making a player who GETS PAID to play the game is the least of his worries nor is a burden Saadhak should have. QCK was the least perfect fit for LOUD and when you add a player like that, they get shown their weaknesses, using the words filling the shoes of Aspas is terrible because he's the best player in the world and QCK isnt near that level it is fair for LOUD to drop QCK because it is his job to consistently become better as a player and since last year his stats are identical bottom of both teams he's played on.
no body expected him to be aspas so why even put him in that positon when he was the lowest rated player on Furia last year?
Victor is evenly rated Crashies just talks shit and got carried by fenis
bro is either blind or trying to be nice, there is no way you think QCK being dropped is unfair to him everybody with a retina can see he was the problem.
dont worry Yukky we will return to glory, Lebron and Kyrie will be back!
Using another 4 players success to flex "LOUD HAS A CHAMPIONS TROPHY" when none of those players are on the squad is pussy like the only player on the squad was probably the least to do with their success. I can say SEN has 2 trophies and not sound like a bitch but if you're going to flex LOUDS only trophy and act like Sacy Pancada Aspas and Less are still activley playing for them then go ahead but its for pussies.
yeah with aspas less pancada and sacy 4 players who arent even on your squad currently LMFAOOOOO
has to be on of the best Flex's in the world, top 5 Omen, Probably one of the best Kayo's i've seen consistently 15 + assists led americas kickoff and madrid in APR, was top 10 in all 3 events he attended in KD + FKPR on Omen/Kayo and Gekko. Him on Flex is probably the best thing ever for sentinels now the rest of them have to step up.
TenZ is probably the second best flex in the world under only Forsaken.
he's literally put his career in the gutter for switching to sentinel he was literally the best duelist in EMEA last year. signs this fucking kid QCK you are severely braindead
happy for him, honestly he was such a good player last year even on a new role great player.
brotha ur asking advice on but best of luck to you ask her out after prom make sure to have a good time.
her kit will never surpass omen's her ult can be easily neutralized with running, her q is useless unless paired, Omen has better one ways, and paranoia is just way to useful to give it away for a decay, most characters in this game need a complete rework to actually see playing time, in ranked yes she's good.
you had to apply earlier, but my friend just gave me one cuz i didnt get accepted.
so I've been playing the game for a bit, even though it is horribly optimized the game does have a ton of potential actually only game i can sit down for more than 1.5 hours without being bored
bait brotha, its a well needed break.
if i were to say this is bait but if i werent to say this was bait would you consider this bait or am I just baiting you with the idea that this post is bait?
sadly that was all a facade to say i use :(
if i were to say this is bait but if i werent to say this was bait would you consider this bait or am I just baiting you with the idea that this post is bait?