honestly can't believe you're falling for this kinda bait
Flag: | Saudi Arabia |
Registered: | June 2, 2023 |
Last post: | March 2, 2025 at 1:05 AM |
Posts: | 568 |
honestly can't believe you're falling for this kinda bait
invite the team that got diffed 3-13 on decider map against sen kkkkkk
he doesnt know u lil bro
how are you french and a navi fan, atleast pick one struggle to live with
whole gen.g literally hyped him up after trials, but youre right, you should apply for heretics talent scout position mr.riddle
go for it, couldnt care less abt it tbh
drop whole sen roster now!
idk if youre really that delulu, but heretics wouldve not picked him up if he wasnt talented enough to make the roster. he has raw aim, saw that in turkish challengers and ranked and before you say "rAnKeD iS nO cOmP" karon literally got scouted through ranked and ran through pacific and loud
if burgers are claiming loud's championship win, eu mfs can for sure claim johnqt
rating talent based on one mickey mouse tournament, the burger calories really got to your head huh
you confirmed that youre mentally challenged, thank you. have a nice day!
you really can't be mentally challenged like that, you literally went back and forth a minute with someone under the "worst valorant signing" mentioning sen without context kkkkkk
you literally talk abt sen in non sen threads too, so what are u even on abt
it literally doesnt, bc you keep talking abt sen. buddy talks more abt his rival teams than he praises his own kkkkk
ironic how you still have sens dick in your mouth after losing to them
homeless person calling another homeless person broke ass
what could possibly be so hard for him to play raze though ion get it
w all due respect to schoolboy q, you dont think they'd pay an artist w a higher audience to tweet abt it?
idk why youre mentioning tenz in this, zekken hard diffed him
i mean.... neither is drx
couldn't be on a team with tenz, he doesn't like women
i mean they've been paid if you have been keeping up, but i couldnt care less abt a tier3 spanish team jajajaja
blud thinks this is going to a 3rd map
idk why this gets downvoted tho, u're lowk right w it
mf bumped his own thread bc no one gave a shit 💀💀
thank you sen_fan335, i can pay my rent now.
jamppi, hasn't shown anything spectacular in his time in liquid. Didn't overperform when they won EMEA league either
While I do agree that their team is stacked on paper, that doesn't mean they're gonna win it tbf. Ii they would've been together for longer then yeah, I'd think they'd win but with what they shown against c9 and furia, damn that was whole lotta ass. I've to see how they play against sen though
its gonna be delusional if they win vct americas, asuna_yuuki. If you can read, I said gotta wait till the first master game to see what they're cooking up, for it to not be delusional!
Being this full of hatred is crazy to me, hope you gon get well soon my friend
the coach got paid btw!
They beat the worst 2 teams in NA, how can it not be delulu to think they're gonna win masters based off this? If they're "saving strats" we gotta wait until masters (if they qualify) to see what they're cooking up. Till then, its gonna be delulu