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Registered: July 28, 2021
Last post: May 6, 2024 at 8:52 AM
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I'm curious what people think, can DRX pop off and get a high placement in Reykjavik?

If you've watched a couple of their last matches, they look much better than they did in Berlin and in the opening stages of qualifiers.
They are much more coordinated, disciplined and have refined their plays around their main duelist Rb. They rely less on strict set-piece strategies and they have improved their mid-round adaptations.

P.S. Mako is still one of the more underrated controllers

posted about 2 years ago

Sean Gares and hiko are long-time pals tho...
They played CS together

posted about 2 years ago

TY for taking the time to write this out for us, here is your W.

posted about 2 years ago

That match was a joy to watch.
NA is more dangerous than we might think.

posted about 2 years ago

W take, however... let's not underrate Derke and his game sense.
I think that he would even be able to adapt to their playstyle, which doesn't necessarily reward his playstyle but creates frag opportunities in a different manner.
But at the same time, he wouldn't create "Derke numbers" in that system.

posted about 2 years ago

They move like a cohesive unit. They rarely fail to trade and with simple offensive strategies, they often put themselves in advantageous positions when it comes to numbers and map control. On defense, they stick together and rarely over-rotate.
Yesterday, they let M3C play their game. G2 allowed them to take map control at times, which they would gain back once they were more comfortable with retaking it.
It's the simplest things with G2 strategies honestly. They're a joy to watch as of right now.

posted about 2 years ago

Yoru is viable now lol
He looks comfortable on it, we will see if teams can adapt to playing with Yoru in their comps

posted about 2 years ago

This is actually so respectful towards the public and fans, but ultimately in the long run it nullifies the negative effects certain fan narratives would create. If they didn't decide to be transparent Kiles banter would be unberable to him. I felt sorry for him tbh.

posted about 2 years ago

Doma change was necessary. Team needed a Sova (who's comfortable on other initiators) to complete its comps and utilize existing strategies with maximum efficiency.
Liquid should use this approach when deciding whether it's a good change or not. It really isn't as simple as minus L1nk, plus Bonecold for example. Liquid should look at their team comps, existing strategies and make roster according to that. It will be easier to build on from what they already have/know, rather than forcefully adapting existing roster to a new player.

posted about 2 years ago

"For the team as a whole we felt that over time the culture has changed within. The way in which the core of our team see the game and how they want to play it has moved away from the way Bonecold sees it.
Naturally there is some confusion from the general community who only see the situation from outside. Bonecold is a great player and excellent to work with and there is certainly no bad blood between him and the players.
As we've seen from the start of the year these differences in opinion have made it hard for us to play as a cohesive unit and result in a range of difficulties in the effectiveness of our practice and general game plan, as well as in our official gameplay itself.
The other factor that causes a more decisive change is simply the structure of the VCT system. Due to not qualifying for Masters, we are forced to make big decisions now regarding the future, to ensure we qualify to the next event and still have the chance to make Worlds.
We felt that, because this had been a longer-term issue within the team, a roster change was a necessary step to bring us back to previous form and to continue growing as a team.

As always we appreciate the support and hope everyone continues to support Bonecold on his journey!"

via Krimson - Head of eSports Acend

For everyone screaming Kiles should be the one to be dropped, here you go

posted about 2 years ago

Why would you want to replace L1nk tho, he is a menace

TL just needs to stop trolling with these comps, like double controller without viper on split is just ridicilous

posted about 2 years ago

Even Guild looked better than TL so far...

posted about 2 years ago

JohnOlsen should get talked about more even on international stage, sometimes he just gets FS out of the gutter.

W list, hopefully people will pay more attention to the growing APAC scene.

posted about 2 years ago

This is what Valorant is about!
Thank you Fnatic and M3C for 4 hours of pure entertainment!

posted about 2 years ago

Idc who wins anymore, this is peak of Valorant!

posted about 2 years ago

Fnatic has better set-piece strategies and makes mistakes only in mid-game calls on rare occasions.
M3C is a team that likes to punish opponents' mistakes but has less strategic approach to the game.

So whoever wins, just had a better day in the office.
51:49 at best

posted about 2 years ago

Give up your predictions people, whoever makes less mistakes today wins.
Two of the best teams right now! Banger and half.

posted about 2 years ago

AimLab is only viable if you like to play in the morning and you need to get your blood flowing faster and warm up the muscles... other than that, play DM but focus on your own gameplay and practicing peeking, crosshair placement and positioning on maps, forget about the scoreboard.

posted about 2 years ago

I think with more time they will get even better, it looks like they are still figuring out their team comps and what they perform most efficiently on.
Nivera is a menacing presence on Chamber both on defense and offense. It's really gonna be fun to see how this roster evolves further down the line. They might be the only team that DOESN'T need a nuts duelist to be an S tier team

posted about 2 years ago

Called it
Finally, a 100T W

posted about 2 years ago

W for a flair
W for this thread

posted about 2 years ago

biggest L in my books by far even though I dont like babyJ

posted about 2 years ago

TL;DR section

100T should focus on building around a few pieces as their current roster doesn't seem to have enough potential together due to conflicting playstyles. They should look for young potential to build a long term team. A fresh start is more than needed at least in the coaching/analyst department as a bare minimum.Potential rosters named:Asuna, bang, ethan, drone, Ange
Asuna, bang, koosta, bjor, drone
Asuna, ethan, aproto, bjor, Ange

posted about 2 years ago

[long thread warning; for a TL;DR section as a sum up of this thread look at #1]

100 Thieves' biggest issue lies in the incompatible playstyles of their players which eventually leads to them being uncoordinated. This problem is most likely rooted in many little roster changes in a short period of time that ruined any progress and team chemistry created. Strategy-wise, the team lacks discipline, coordination and ability to play post-plant situations efficiently. As previously stated, all of the little problems could be fixed with players getting used to each other and adapting to each other's playstyles and tendencies. However, leaving the roster as it is wouldn't be the most efficient solution and definitely not a viable long-term option/solution. Here are some viable options for the future.

1) Building around Asuna 

Peter has proved himself a star on many occasions. He is more than capable of entrying the sites and creating a lot of space for the team whether he is on Jett or Raze, depending on the map. If Asuna is your Jett main, plus Raze on some maps, this team should focus on getting a primary Sova (or some other agents for Split, Fracture) - meaning, dropping Hiko could be the play here. Ethan could stay if this is the case but should be relieved of the IGL duties & he would be mostly playing Chamber or other sentinels if necessary.

[Potential roster: Asuna, bang, ethan, drone, Ange]

2) bang & Asuna duo
Both bang and Asuna are very young and promising talents that have a deep understanding of the game. They both are capable of applying early aggression on defense to pick enemies apart or enter the sites using their own or their teammates' utility is almost unmatched. Them playing off each other and having other players on the roster that allow them to utilize their game knowledge and mechanical gifts could be a recipe for great success. This probably wouldn't take too much time to be realized.

[Potential roster: Asuna, bang, koosta, bjor, drone]

3) Rebuild mode, young core
Solution for 100T problems could also lie in them keeping the essential pieces for a winning team (one experienced and proven player + a star fragger). This would mean that only Ethan and Asuna should remain on the team and go back to the drawing board trying to figure out the missing pieces with their management. Them taking their time, trialing players, using team-building activities like bootcamp and trips for chemistry could potentially lead them to a long term success they so desperately strive for, and in my opinion, this could potentially minimize the roster changes that ruin team chemistry often.

[Potential roster: Asuna, ethan, aproto, bjor, Ange]

4) Coaching
In any case, drop the coaching staff and at least start fresh from there. Sign Sean "sgares" Gares as an analyst.

posted about 2 years ago

To an extent I would agree, but what you've stated was more of them needing to play those agents, because team was formed in such a short time period.

IMO, there's too much conflict when it comes the way current players on the roster play the game. Them picking up a coach and calling it a day, doesn't really target all of their problems, but you're still right mostly.

posted about 2 years ago

quoting my latest thread to see what other people think regarding the 100T situation

"Asuna has a very good game sense, so he probably could fill the secondary entry role with Skye or KAY/O who can be played aggressively or even "duelist like" if needed.
I personally think 100T should try to scout for someone who's capable of being the Jett and the second entry on maps where Raze is the meta pick.
Asuna's Jett is very good tho, but his Raze, even Reyna is S tier. If this is the case, maybe a combo of bang and Asuna, like previously stated, is just the breath of fresh air that 100T need."

posted about 2 years ago

Asuna has a very good game sense, so he probably could fill the secondary entry role with Skye or KAY/O who can be played aggressively or even "duelist like" if needed.
I personally think 100T should try to scout for someone who's capable of being the Jett and the second entry on maps where Raze is the meta pick.
Asuna's Jett is very good tho, but his Raze, even Reyna is S tier. If this is the case, maybe a combo of bang and Asuna, like previously stated, is just the breath of fresh air that 100T need.

posted about 2 years ago

They aren't throwing, they're being ass

posted about 2 years ago

Now that we can agree on, unexpected aggression on half buys or eco rounds is definitely something that we will see more often.
Passiveness is something we will see still, but what is gonna change is the way teams time and plan their aggression with agents you have stated. This is all of course my opinion only.

posted about 2 years ago

Its not the meta, its them struggling to adapt mid-game and quickly giving up map control after they get picked off...

Sidenote: Aggression or not, top tier teams are gonna have to be methodical about it too, new meta isn't just Brimmy stimmy push sites lol

posted about 2 years ago

Do you think that recent agent changes and game balancing, made pro scene more entertaining to watch?

Also, in your opinion - Is Astra still viable?

posted about 2 years ago

Leo - still underestimated af

posted about 2 years ago

My guy, are you not watching? They are deleted BIG of the screen... Deffos Neon is crazy at taking space

posted about 2 years ago

Ascent - Pizza or Garden towards mid catwalk angle
Bind - Bench on A
Breeze - Box next to B pillar
Fracture - Behind generator B site
Haven - Wooden box garage
Icebox - CT nest to T nest angle on A
Split - Angle on A site

posted about 2 years ago

as long as you entry and create space, you have done your job tbh, ill trade you immediately lol
but this reyna was just waiting for someone to push instead lol

posted about 2 years ago

GTA San Andreas and SAMP

I kid you not, I played these 3 all throughout my childhood

Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

These I played a lot more recently, plus million other RPGs

Then Valorant took over lol

posted about 2 years ago

19-17 dropped a fat 43k with Astra because my Reyna didn't know how to entry

posted about 2 years ago

If I recall even prior to Champions he stated that he needs to work on his aim which also improved massively if you ask me, that Bind 3k on pistol was nuts also

posted about 2 years ago

Thank you ozzy!
Looking forward to seeing you guys perform well too!

posted about 2 years ago

You know how Sova says "If you're not a good shot today, don't worry. There are other ways to be useful." Well FNC Boaster wouldn't need to fire a single shot today on Split against Guild... His utility usage on KAY/O was immaculate.

On multiple occasions on offense he would clear standard pesky Cypher utility on B, bait out 3 or even 4-man rotations while the rest of the Fnatic freely took the A site. When he went with the team, Guild couldn't capitalize on sneaky one and done angles on defense because, guess what, Boaster cleared them all. Worst case scenario, he would die on attack while forcing out SO MUCH utility from Guild.

On defense, this man would stop pushes all the time forcing the Guild to 2 or 3-man peek him just to clear him out, and still he would slow them down even further with his knife ability or molly WHILE DYING... or he would simply flash and peek them.

Add few spicy clutches on top of this.

And all this while shot-calling and moving his team around the map. Let's not underestimate this man ever again!

GG Fnatic!

posted about 2 years ago

Split > Ascent > Icebox > Haven > Breeze > Fracture > Bind

I actually enjoy all maps, but I don't consider my Sova dying with full utility retaking B on Bind fun yk.

posted about 2 years ago

Weorge Weddes, u mean?

posted about 2 years ago

Why is everyone placing SEN strugles on TenZ tho?
Their offense and defense has much bigger problems than him getting picked off early in rounds.

posted about 2 years ago

They just lack coach and discipline... that's it literally.
Like, don't drypeek as much, support Tenz more when taking a site on attack, fix fundamental issues with more discipline and that's it! They need a reality check, they have best team in the world potential and they fall apart on the most basic things ever.

posted about 2 years ago

As strategic as EMEA teams can be, especially Fnatic who are on another level, contrary to popular belief NA is not lacking that far behind.
Top NA teams currently - Version1, Cloud9 & Guard have showcased impressive amount of creativity, innovation and adaptability in their strategies, team comps and mid-round callouts. Maybe it is conncted to the fact that these teams in specific do not relly on a star player to frag out and "go kill" as people like to portray certain NA teams, which ultimately makes them focus more on perfecting the set-piece strategies pre-game or focus on efficiently trying to counter opponents during the game. That makes them unpredictable and dangerous and even if ultimately they fail to beat EMEA teams, the gap between them will be really small.
Rest of NA tho... While I'm certain new meta that's on the horizon will help these teams a little they still need better coordination, work on comboing their utility efficiently and of course, stop relying on star duelists to frag, as previously mentioned. But I guess some rosters need more time to adapt to all the changes, so we should also consider the possibility of another S tier NA team emerging after some time together.

posted about 2 years ago

Not necessarily... I mean, I hate being 101 bodyshot myself, but it's not as efficient as some people make it out to be, it is still clunky and unviable most of the time. Only thing that needs to happen is the price increase tbh, maybe around 1050/1100...

posted about 2 years ago

SMB vs GLD....1-2
TL vs FPX........2-0
ACE vs FNC.....1-2
NAVI vs BIG.....1-2

posted about 2 years ago

I think that the fact that this happens on this big of a stage should speak volumes...
But also, where's the proper IGLing to prevent the team from falling apart on what should be fundamentals...

GE has got a LONG way to go, unfortunately.

posted about 2 years ago

For 1st time in my life Im gonna jump ship just for this one game lol


posted about 2 years ago
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