Flag: Europe
Registered: July 28, 2021
Last post: May 6, 2024 at 8:52 AM
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Slander from average vlr users, directed towards casters is so undeserving and uncalled for.
As fans, yes, we can criticize and discuss why someone may be hard to follow or why someone should go more in-depth on the casting table etc.
But this kind of slander and blatant disrespect (not to mention the sexism also) towards passionate and hard-working people is moronic.

Half of threads do not criticize or give feedback to casters, but just hate and blatantly disrespect all the hours these people put into preparation.

Casters of Valorant, you are appreciated and goated! Keep up the amazing work ALL of you! <3

posted about 2 years ago

Guild are so disciplined and cohesive, and it is a huge advantage over a momentum based team like Liquid. So it is a possibility

posted about 2 years ago
I think they were coached to try to be cringe as fuck at all times and try to build hype by just saying random shit to make the teams seem better than they are.

How does a thinking human being even think this, let alone write it and post it lmao

posted about 2 years ago

FPX is a very good team and similar to FNC, they are solid strategically and have players who easily adapt to new roles and duties.
Joy to watch them.

posted about 2 years ago

FPX is a very very good team, but issues G2 has need to be addressed ASAP
I hate saying this, but roster change just to reset some things might be necessary

posted about 2 years ago

Don't bother trying to be the voice of the reason on vlr lol
These kids be mad disrespectful

posted about 2 years ago

They are trying stuff out for the international stage probably.
Who can blame them lol, they are overly dominant i their region

posted about 2 years ago

My reasoning behind f0rsakeN being the best APAC player is similar. His agent pool goes beyond Jett and Raze, and makes his whole team flexible with the comps (he played Yoru better than anyone before on a big stage and he is now utilizing Neon efficiently). His entries are explosive and find value much more often than not, even when he gets 0 kills, which is something I personally highly value within the duelist realm.
Jingg is a cracked individual whose impact cannot be measured properly, but he often finds incredible value from lose-lose situations and swings the momentum on the PRX side.
It's hard to give a proper reasoning behind one being better than the other tbh

posted about 2 years ago

Man you have an S tier Vandal there, pls do not complain lol
You havent seen mine yet lol

posted about 2 years ago

In my eyes he is, EU and NA scenes often forget to include them in these conversations. I want others to pay more attention to other regions, hence why I made this post.

posted about 2 years ago

Only Jingg is from APAC there lol

posted about 2 years ago

He is indeed crazy good... And unfortunately underrated on the international scene

posted about 2 years ago

Interesting, who you got in APAC over him?

posted about 2 years ago

Where do you rank f0rsakeN in your best players lists?

Best APAC players - No. 1
Best players in the world - Top 15
Best duelist players - Top 5

posted about 2 years ago

And became a platform where streamers want to be featured on, so whats with the smack talk.
Mans grinded it out and found himself in a winning situation.

posted about 2 years ago

My point still stands tho, but even so, he didn't just start getting them from them out of nowhere. If he found himself in that position to be able to receive the videos in that way, it means he was doing something very good and he became a place where streamers want to end up being showcased.

posted about 2 years ago

Don't know the guy, but that still takes hours and hours to compile and put together

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Sayf is underrated. His interactions with the chat have me rofl sometimes.

posted about 2 years ago

Man is probably laundering money or some shit thru twitch subs, no way he still has those sub numbers

posted about 2 years ago

Who would've thought that it only took a single agent nerf to shake up the meta and make it 100% more exciting.

posted about 2 years ago
You have a problem with that? Cool, I do not care. Either be a part of the discussion or as you so disrespectfully implied "shut up".
posted about 2 years ago

You alright buddy? Need some air or water? What's with all negativity? IRL issues?
You seem to have issue with me talking about someone who played godly on Chamber while naming the thread "Best Chamber?" implying dude is nuts and we should include him more in non-shitpost threads. My post left the question up for discussion. You have a problem with that? Cool, I do not care. Either be a part of the discussion or as you so disrespectfully implied "shut up".

posted about 2 years ago

Did you just say "cringeness" lmao

posted about 2 years ago

Now I know he is not the best Chamber, but I feel he deserves a little bit more attention.```

Kinda said it already.

posted about 2 years ago

Since MAD Lions picked up TENSTAR roster xms has been more than popping off:
24/5/1 (94% KAST & 341 ACS)
13/11/2 (71% KAST & 206 ACS) - only positive KDA player in a 13-4 loss
30/7/7 (95% KAST & 424 ACS)

Other MAD players just took a backseat and supported him while he just farms the T2 scene lol
Now I know he is not the best Chamber, but I feel he deserves a little bit more attention. He was nuts and only just got better during the short off season.

posted about 2 years ago

With new patch being played, I can definitely see a lot of role switches depending on the map. I'm just assuming here, maybe we will see Mitch on a Viper duty on Breeze, or Xeppa being the main entry for the team on Fracture & Bind.

This move is so exciting tbh. I want to see C9 on international stage again.

posted about 2 years ago

Numbers do not differentiate that much tbh, especially taking into consideration how long CSGO was establishing its esport scene and how long Valorant has been out. Valorants viewership will rise even further, it has the potential to be the most followed esport scene in the future, but I'd also like to see CS evolve with it and continuously challenge them.

posted about 2 years ago

Worst team or not... this was far from a "carry".
If you are SO into stats, shaky KAYO doesn't get 19 assists.

posted about 2 years ago

Once they get more comfortable in all roles, Guild can go all the way

posted about 2 years ago

We can only assume what they are gonna do, its been months since we have last seen Acend.
One thing to note tho... Cned has almost unmatched impact on Jett and it wouldn't make sense to have someone else in that entry role.
Even with nerfs in mind, even if he is to stay away from Jett on, let's say Fracture, he would play Chamber or Sage, while zeek would be the one entrying on Raze.

but then again, they could have reinvented the way they play...Like I said, we haven't seen them in a while.

posted about 2 years ago

In low-elo lobbies, people's game sense is non-existent (except few rare instances). It is aim that gets you out of milion crappy situations.
I would argue, from my experience and from some analyst podcasts, that you shouldn't always play "properly". To elaborate, use first few rounds to see the tendencies of your teammates, are initiators using their utility to clear sites, are controllers smoking the defaults and generally how they position themselves. Ask for their help and if they do not offer it, slow down, angle by angle, clear everything and only explode on site once you have cleared all angles of chokepoints. Train your aim in meantime, as this is what you should focus on perfecting all the way to diamond-immortal lobbies. I recommend PREMS method of training and if you really like it, Aim Lab to warm up.

posted about 2 years ago

Big W for them... Sad to see a legend gob b gone, but this was the right move.
German Valo to the moon!

posted about 2 years ago

0.15 1600dpi

posted about 2 years ago

Roles, like positions in sports, would be a necessary criteria for choosing players

posted about 2 years ago

Imagine an all-star game, like in NBA for example lol
SO it would be people from TR and CIS vs EU all-stars (5+2 subs+1 coach)
Coaches are allowed to talk and subs can come in and play after a timeout call

TR & CIS roster
Duelist: ACE cNed
Sentinel: M3C Chronicle (switching roles with nAts)
Initiator: FPX Shao
Flex: BBL aimDLL
Controller: M3C nAts (switching roles with Chronicle)
Sub: FPX SUYGETSU & M3C Sheydos

EU roster
Duelist: FNC Derke
Sentinel: TL Nivera
Initiator: GLD Leo
Flex: G2 Nukkye
Controller: TL L1nk
Sub: TL Scream & ACE zeek
Coach: FNC Mini

What would your hypotetical EMEA All-star game look like?

posted about 2 years ago

damn, where'd you get that info

posted about 2 years ago

Tip #6 If you really like certain skin and you are financially stable after the purchase, just buy the skin and enjoy it

posted about 2 years ago

SInce you have already said you are P3 (predicted it lol)

Your aim is fine, you just have a tendency to overflick sometimes + crosshair placement is decent
Its your movement and positioning that needs little bit of work

posted about 2 years ago

SEN are too inconsistent imo. They will need some more time to figure out how to properly play with Kanpeki and they will need to put the work in. They cleaned the lower bracket, yes, but they still made fundamental mistakes that cost them so so many rounds. Shazam as an IGL needs to be more assertive and not allow so many hero plays to be attempted mid-game. Only than, they can be SEN of early 2021.

100T are RAPIDLY improving and playing coordinated and cohesive. They are a team to beat as of right now, but in the long run, we could be looking at a Champs contender IF they keep improving and eliminating some mistakes they have made.

Guard, Optic and C9 can beat out each other one day, and than lose against each other, the very next day.
I would say Cloud9 are my main pick for a number one seed, but its a bias, as I love how they jump from a loose playstyle one round and than have a killer set piece strategy the very next round. OPTIC on the other hand, they just read their opponents so well and are easily the best team rn when it comes to mid-round adaptations and post-timeout adjustments.

posted about 2 years ago
  • Double duelist comps are gonna be even more exciting now
posted about 2 years ago

You mean Magnum?

posted about 2 years ago

still, just a speculation, but what man said is true, this NRG has a lot of potential

posted about 2 years ago

Doma left cause he didn't fit in with FNC vision about future, I dont think you can call Doma anything using the word "bad" lol

posted about 2 years ago

I feel like that is just a slight exaggeration. We have seen The Guard apply the "traditional EU coaching formula", 100T have also been putting the work in and I feel like, the recent Shazam & Sentinels criticism (which is to a certain extent, applicable) has made us over-question NAs dedication and willing to put the work in to reach the top spots in International stages. I mean, ENVY/OPTIC have been making noise on International stage for a while.

Lets not make it about NA (region thing), it is more of a team culture thing.

posted about 2 years ago

Recently, FNC vs M3C was damn near stressful lol
I loved 100T vs GMB on Icebox during Masters 2
Do not forget 100T comeback on Breeze against ACEND

posted about 2 years ago

I asked him for his opinion as a fan of the game, captain obvious

posted about 2 years ago

Recency bias plagues this list...

posted about 2 years ago

You think he can fit in with their team and the culture in Fnatic?

posted about 2 years ago

Did Fearoth get signed on a full contract?

posted about 2 years ago
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