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Registered: June 13, 2023
Last post: September 6, 2024 at 6:17 PM
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0/8 bait

posted 6 months ago

please you dont have to rub it in like that 😭

posted 6 months ago


Tell me, what has any of these teams proved? Don't give me any EMEA BS, FNC got very arrogant and noticably played much worse, thinking it was a free win. NAVI is and always was shit.

PRX has 80% of the team that made it to 2nd place at Champions. While Monyet is not and probably never will be Jinggg 2.0, he has done his job. Get space, capitalize off of pushes, and make a heroic play every once in a while. Not much more we can ask.

posted 6 months ago

This is because of PRX's playstyle. While I really like watching Platoon, these stats fail to take into account the context behind it. Jinggg is their main duelist(Something is First Contact duelist). If a push works, then Jinggg is almost always at the front leading the charge, and he gets a kill because of his double satchels. If he dies first, then the push probably failed, leading to a loss. Now, PRX is putting Monyet on that role, so nothing really changed in terms of their playstyle. Monyet is just worse at aiming and I feel like he's leaning too hard into the #WGAMING(TM)

posted 6 months ago

Sen's legacy was 2021 and that's it.

What did they do in 2022-2023?

posted 6 months ago

LMAO what the fuck does this have to do with anything?

Also PRX can ez #WGAMING(TM) the rest of the world, where the fuck was Gen.G at Champions? Reigonal Finals only had some Championship Points + better seeding, better to save strats + triple duelist is fun

posted 6 months ago

I dunno, I could at least understand the Sova pick, but I heavily disagree with Deadlock. Sage does almost everything Deadlock does but better than Deadlock.

posted 6 months ago

need to boost morale somehow with how badly they are getting crushed

posted 6 months ago

So this is the angle FNC fans are going for now that they didnt qualify? Interesting...

posted 6 months ago

username + country checks out

posted 6 months ago

nah bro Sen is better cus they have so much time

posted 6 months ago

No, because riot is an indie org and can't get the format to be good

Heck, winner of kickoff for each reigon gets three tournament points(fun fact: that's the same as madrid!)

posted 6 months ago

EU and China. Not many people follow the chinese scene outside of EDG and maybe BLG, and a lot of these teams were formed recently(did not see wolves 4-0ing BLG). Fut failing and TH somehow making it in is crazy.

posted 6 months ago

[tournament name] is a mickey mouse tournament because [insert excuse] but my favorite team [insert team] won so it's not a mickey mouse tournament

This is always true :)

posted 6 months ago

of winning the series? or just a map?

posted 6 months ago

Last time he played in T1 was 2022

it was fair to underrated him, as we had no idea what his skill would be.

posted 6 months ago

you can't just change it just like that

posted 6 months ago

yeah, idk why he's considerd an import

he played in apac challengers

posted 6 months ago

didn't you hear? he lost his cock:

posted 6 months ago

Winner get preferential seeding for Madrid.

posted 6 months ago

you are not happiness_

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

I want PRX to pull out five duelists so bad lmao, even tho this decides seeding for madrid

posted 6 months ago

don't care as long as it's a good match

Tho IMO SEN 2-1(gotta stick with my pickems)

posted 6 months ago

what are these takes

It's like you just looked at who won and drew conclusions off of that

posted 6 months ago

what the fuck

posted 6 months ago

The main benifit of sage is having the wall, allowing for easier plants/defuses

not much more benifit outside of healing

posted 6 months ago

KRU over SEN/LEV is a scorching hot take

posted 6 months ago

I'd swap G2 and MIBR, but overall solid list

(I think MIBR is actually a very solid team, just not good enough to win anything)

posted 6 months ago

then why complain?

posted 6 months ago

[tournament name] is a mickey mouse tournament because [insert excuse] but my favorite team [insert team] won so it's not a mickey mouse tournament

posted 6 months ago

same lmao, outside of Furia losing to MIBR and now G2 losing to EG I had a perfect pickem :(

posted 6 months ago

well this aged well

posted 6 months ago

damn, lets see what potter has been cooking

posted 6 months ago

please dont kys, valorant is a game and should not be taken that seriously

(can't tell if this is a joke)

posted 6 months ago

TW: allat(at least by VLR standards)

I didn't like G2's defensive gameplan. It was basically take A/B main control, and play retake the other site. I get the idea, but you could see EG learn this, and adjusted by using less util to take site. Don't think G2 made any major adjustments, unless you count the OP by leaf. Apoth also got WAY too much value in mid, in the second to last round, he was able to preaim the mid trip and cam, and was able to cause a commotion. I understand it goes against their game plan, but they need to have some control of mid, or stop Apoth's lurks. He singlehandedly won a bunch of rounds for EG.

I'm really starting to think Sunset is actually heavily attack sided. Mid is a nightmare to contest, and retaking is kind of hard on both sites. There are just so many opening and holes if you can take control of mid, and Cypher's kit can get broken easily, as Apoth showed. IDK what the adjustment should be based on that info, but yeah.

Though Supamen and Apoth looked good. Jawg was good as always(that preaim onto leaf's OP is crazy). Derrek and NaturE looked okay but not amazing.

posted 6 months ago

WTF r you talking about? For some reason, despite something playing in APAC challengers, he is consdierd as their import, meaning they can't get jawgemwo.

posted 6 months ago

are you even watching?

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

pacific el classico(PRX vs DRX) is up there, but idk how many people in other reigons care about it.

posted 6 months ago

I'd bet money that they avoid doing this, I think they want the "top" teams to make madrid because that brings in more viewers.

posted 6 months ago

No one saves strats for the Super Bowl/World Cup(whatever you're into) either.

posted 6 months ago

raze + breach + fade combo

posted 6 months ago

IDK why they changed it either. It's that he said "unfair how prx are given the best seed but at the end of it when it really matters they dont play the play in team", and I'm explaning the reason is because they were in the same group

posted 6 months ago

GEN.G and PRX were both in group C, so they can't play each other again.

posted 6 months ago

How is LEV 1? How is NRG 7? WTH is this list?

posted 6 months ago

yes because of something that happened when I was two means I should quit high school and start a multimillion dollar buisness. Makes perfect sense.

But it's okay, I don't remember her.

posted 6 months ago

koi isn't in all three reigons


posted 6 months ago

mb typed it twice

posted 6 months ago

kinda hard to breed someone if they're dead

posted 6 months ago
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