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Flag: | International |
Registered: | May 7, 2024 |
Last post: | March 1, 2025 at 11:11 PM |
Posts: | 11750 |
I'm sorry to break it to you but I don't think living 2 km away makes you neighbours
That's a reasonable perspective, to be honest. I guess it's a bit of a blessing that I didn't have to move around so much, and kinda just got to focus on growing up and learning with the same surroundings and environment. Thanks for sharing that, and I hope you're growing a liking to where you currently reside :)
Also that's great news! Hopefully your PC works well π
See ya, reremus! Hope to see you back soon :)
Even though I love that I grew up in one place for most of my childhood, I still really envy those who get to see some many places in their life :)
Also congratulations on building your PC! What else do you still have left to do?
I can't imagine that's a fun experience... but hey, if it works for you, then I'm happy
Mb. You can share some facts about yourself regardless, though π
Those others didn't watch RIDDLE ORDER vs. FENNEL
Not sure what you mean by arc; I've been speaking Arabic my whole life
That's the best reaction I could've hoped for
Any new language that you learn that can help you connect with a lot of new people is a great thing to learn π
aspas is so good he wins AND gets an honourable mention, goddamn
"As of 2021, there are 697,000 Mandarin speakers compared to 553,000 Cantonese speakers"
The majority of those who speak Cantonese live in Greater Vancouver. As for Mandarin, it's spoken a lot across the country (there are a TON of Chinese-Canadians) but more live in Greater Toronto than anywhere else
Oh interesting! I have a ton of friends who speak either Mandarin or Cantonese, but I've yet to meet someone who speaks both, let alone fluently
Edit: this might be an old account or something because it doesn't have any comp games in the last year
The hardest one is steel!! Haha get it? Because steel is hard okay I'll shut up
"Definitely in her learning stage but not quite there yet"
Bro she's a teenager π
Spelling-wise, French is probably the stupidest language on the planet. People joke that when pronouncing French words, you never say more than half the letters π
I'm personally fluent in English and Arabic, and very NOT fluent in French and Turkish. What about you, what languages do you speak?
They're not too far gone though... right? :(
That's more than fair. Good luck learning French!
(Also did you know that créées is an actual word? It means created, and it's the same in both masc. and fem.)
It's a personal list. Taste is subjective. You don't have to like my top 3
I use Prime but my top 3 are Champions 2023, Araxys, and Elderflame
I also like maths :)
Also damn, everyone here knows so many languages
Oh nice! Are you fluent in all four? I also know 4 languages but I'm only fluent in 2
That's incredible! South Korea sounds like a lovely place to visit
Bren has such incredible casting, and Sideshow's the perfect person to complement that. They're such a perfect duo
Yeah that's fair. That being said, though, this is all speculative at the end of the day, we won't actually know until we get to play her
If you come onto their site, they shoot you
(They also have good retakes)
Oh that's what you mean ok
Wdym no info? In the most tame scenario, double initiator + Vyse could be a thing
Okay but like... what if the meta (get ready for this) CHANGES!? WOAH WHAT THAT CAN HAPPEN?
(Also agent 27 will be also out by the time 2025 starts, which could spice things up even further)
When you say "KAY/O Breach whatever" are you trying to say flash initiator or flex
I love the idea and the strats to back it up, but man, I wish we'd see at least a little bit of Harbor
If Saadhak joins KRΓ I'm setting something on fire