Laz or Less?
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | May 25, 2021 |
Last post: | March 2, 2025 at 12:13 PM |
Posts: | 4599 |
yooo i forgot about PRX, fucking love Benkai.
Isnt Chile worse? i dont remember, any Chileans can tell me if you guy's country is safe and nice to visit? legit curious
i recommend Curitiba, Belo Horizonte and Florianopolis, they are not as famous as SP and Rio but i highly prefer them over SP and RJ
Yes, they were a new team that managed to instill fear on KRU when they were strong. Also it was very noticeable how they were much more strategic than Furia, the problem was that the Spot for Champions match was the only Lan game in the LCQ and since they were new the pressure got to their heads. Since Furia is older and has been to more stages they managed to comfort factor.
they have a similar playstyle to PRX and DRX with that controlled chaos and neon pushes.
i didnt mention other teams like Xerxia/Fnatic/Liquid/NTH etc. because their game styles seem pretty bland.
(although i really like NTH)
TLDR: TBK needs a mental coach cuz their strats are good, but their mental in lan is weak since they are all new
Just realized how lovabe all the dudes are:
Aspas is a sweet dog lover
Saadhak is a jokester
Sacy is like that cool nice uncle that teaches you stuff
Pancada is extremely professional
and Less is like a little brother that makes you proud
every interview they have they are always humble and respectful of other teams
The teams that should’ve gotten to this point instead of Optic and FPX were PRX and TBK. Much more interesting to watch
Praying that’s the case, I’m tired of seeing LOUD v optic. LOUD v Drx was much more interesting to watch
if thats the case i think he would retire as a player and continue as staff on LOUD, since the pay is good, and he seems to like his teammates as well
i appreciate the gesture mate but wtf is "dm me"? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk o cara vai brigar via skype
gonna be honest i do not have the link as i saw this shit a whole while ago so i have no idea. sorry, take my memory with a grain of salt. (was hoping someone else in the thread also saw that and could link it kkkkk)
didnt a mf in korea beat up his own mom cuz she turned off his pc?
if you go to the good parts of NY youre safe but the bad parts are BAD. SP is very tourist friendly so they will be fine, unless they go out after midnight to some questionable parties they will be fine
the reasons for that high number is mostly because we are a big ass country and Rio de janeiro
dude basically the translators were at fault, i thought it was fishy when i heard it, because the way it was worded it sounded like an ego thing. i didnt believe Buzz was an asshole cuz i heard the Loud translations and i could tell the BR translators were fucking incompetent.
Basically the way the Translator worded things were "We didnt win because we didnt play at all and LOUD wasnt hard so we are upset" which is high levels of bullshit since even though LOUD claimed they new what DRX was doing at the start of the Breeze match they still got fucked.
Riot needs better translators cuz the shit ive witness is almost atrocious, these guys could make Benkai hateable with how they translate shit.
FNS is more of a meme now, the joke is "he hates brazilians and gets buffed when playing against us" we know he doesnt hate us, but its funny his best play are almost always against us kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
possiveis soluções pra esse dilema.
1 - Ban de Treino, NA teams não poderam treinar com times franqueados sem um "aval" basicamente limitando a vantagem deles sobre BR e LATAM, esse "Aval" pode custar um certo valor que poderia então ser usado para financear bootcamps para as outras regiões (Lat-S, Lat-N & BR)
2 - A sede ser em Los angeles mas os LANs serem todos no BR e LATAM para equilibrar os custos de viagem.
3 - Times promissores a ganharem a Ascensions (Não sei como determinar quais seriam) recebem a oportunidade de fazer bootcamps no exterior.
a ultima solução seria mais técnica:
Riot desenvolveria Servers mais potentes com conexões mais diretas possíveis entre suas sedes, SERVERS para Scrim objetivamente, o foco desses servers seriam para treinos com ping igualado e estavel entre times de regiões diferentes. Server no méxico por exemplo para igualar entre os EUA e Brasil
ever get those out of nowhere HS but you are sure the mf wasnt hacking because you saw him miss you while you where afk? yeah, that
ever get those out of nowhere HS but you are sure the mf wasnt hacking because you saw him miss you while you where afk? yeah, that
maybe its a hint to the new agents design
Wait there’s nothing there
hey that’s my line Kkkkkkk
Fpx already won a masters. They dont need to prove anything
Every time, bug causes replay kkkkkkkk
If riot fucking fixed the game this shit wouldn’t happen.
Whatever the outcome Riot should pay the teams a bonus fee for fucking up the match
not a death threat a death promise
they want Yinsu to pop one for the nation
can you explain to me what is it that you disagree?
he is kind of that colleague that always says the most dumb shit and you just want him to shut up cuz youre tired of it
but thats another thing, brazillian isnt a race. it was an asshole move to villify the country and provide no evidence of it, but it wasnt racist, maybe xenophobic? definetly prejudiced.
the mf that put Loud on tier D isnt a racist, he is just your standard first world ignorant citizen that believes theircountry is the best. he is kind of a trembolona but less toxic.
basically, its not a big deal, it always happens, some "big" country creates a game and thinks they are the best at it, then another region comes in and dominates it. it was like that with R6, CSGO, LoL and others. hell the only e-sports scenes that come to mind that didnt get "overtaken" where specifically because the main company didnt want to truly globalize (overwatch for example that only has NA teams and a few asian ones)
LOUD will win Grand Finals 3-2, 2 OT's but Loud takes it on a thrilling decider map
Atleast then it will be more of a secure duel, rn it’s a tournament tho
Loud vs Optic fucking AGAIN????
Please i want to see other games dude.
WHY MAN, Xset vs Loud would’ve been much more intriguing
Kkkkkkkk te amo
This mf really said Heat and MW????? LMAOO
i wasnt going to be toxic anyway cuz i like drx
Dude, this is the second time LOUD has won a comeback on Champions alone. im incredibly proud dude
Last Dinosaurs
John Newman