Flag: Sweden
Registered: April 25, 2024
Last post: October 23, 2024 at 12:12 AM
Posts: 2015
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j0nggg keke

posted 2 months ago

poopoorex should have won that match ngl, closest they ever got to winning a trophy

posted 2 months ago

best awper in the world wardell

posted 2 months ago

If China doesn't belong in champs neither does FUT keke

posted 2 months ago

Very flashy player, very reactive, he's great for the clips. He has the protagonist personality. You don't really get Zekken or Derke for example going crazy, yelling, taunting, etc. KangKang's good for that type of shit to put in the trailers. Of course tencent owns riot and they want attention on the chinese scene so it's all perfect.

posted 2 months ago

is davai the only one of them with a girlfriend? lol I know she shows up to a lot of his matches

posted 2 months ago
  1. Lizhi
  2. Mary
  3. YamzzI
posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Bilibili 3-2 Trace
5 maps with 5 OTs

posted 2 months ago

I don't think anyone thinks they're winning champs, not with their nepotism hires at least keke

posted 2 months ago

yay is the best valorant player of all time because he didn't need to farm players in other regions to become stronger

Do you agree?

posted 2 months ago

Not sure why anyone would have a DRX flair to begin with, the players have been cool but the org isn't very respectable

posted 2 months ago

j0nggg dis0st0rcl0ss

posted 2 months ago

Zekken that high honestly makes no sense. I haven't seen TMV's list but if I see KangKang in another top 10 I'm calling bullshit. Yes he's mechanically excellent but we have no reason to believe EDG will be good this time around. There's got to be 10+ players to put in that top 10 over him.

posted 2 months ago

Don't believe anything you see from vlr or reddit, really. We need actual comments from authorities, the org, etc. People throwing around names like "yeah I knew X would do something like that" is straight up disrespectful and stupid.

posted 2 months ago

I don't know, I think it's close. Smoggy doesn't really get to flex anymore. I think he's currently a better player than forsaken. He played duelist recently on Abyss and looked great.

posted 2 months ago

Does it really happen that often? I feel like that's an exaggeration. But if I were to throw my two cents in I'd say it might be because of esports players being anti-social/outcasts that have no idea how to interact with people or women in general. It's like that with gamers outside of professional gaming so that's my personal opinion.

posted 2 months ago

Last episode because of the map pool. Breeze was the least fun map to play. Almost never felt competitive and the map was boring as shit to play on. Every game was one team stomping the other and it had the most dodges/throwers.

posted 2 months ago

A good Gekko player can farm Gekko ult what, 3 times minimum in a half? That's 6 ults if they get reused. If anything he needs a nerf.

posted 2 months ago

greatest igl of all time fr

posted 2 months ago

Fake news?

posted 2 months ago

m0n0b00 gonna get so mentally broken by life he'll let patitek take his spot for the rest of champs

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

LOUD with qck1 S tier is unbelievable

posted 2 months ago

Hope to see them together for at least one more year before they move on to other things.

posted 2 months ago

Best Chinese controller/flex probably, but I think KK and Kai are mechanically better. Dude is still one of the goats.

posted 2 months ago

karon pookie of the year

posted 2 months ago

This is spot on. I'll add that if FPX improved their mistakes from Shanghai they would legit be in contention to win champs. That might sound crazy but they had TH and GENG dead to rights in map 3 of each game, but their inexperience and poor defense led to thrown rounds.

If they could get out the death group they could be a dark horse to go quite far, but that's a slim chance because instead of improving they've looked worse post-Shanghai.

posted 2 months ago

Popularity = haters, not hard to understand bro, how many haters does B1ack have? None because no one knows who the fuck he is

posted 2 months ago

They're very good with sheriffs and low buy weapons in general

posted 2 months ago

Does Jawgemo even fit the playstyle of G2? He's incredibly explosive and his best performance were when he had someone like Demon1 to balance things out.

posted 2 months ago

I don't know where these JonahP performances started coming from. I remember him having a number of bad series earlier in the year but he's been killing it every time I see him now. Definitely a top player going into champs.

posted 2 months ago

EDG's comp was lowkey decent, I kind of like the double duelist

posted 2 months ago

more like the ice cream man

posted 2 months ago

j0nggg b0st r0ze in the w0rld 😸

posted 2 months ago

Keznit is washed and won't beat bilibili I'm afraid

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

They didn't just struggle, Vitality straight up cleared them

posted 2 months ago

me: 200IQ gamesense, gets one tapped whenever I swing
my teammate: refuses to save, rage buys ares, runs it down mid and wins gunfight

posted 2 months ago

well you see, minibum is cooked keke
you aint winning shit with that nepoduelist on your team

posted 2 months ago

BLG could beat KRU quite easily I think, DRX would be a lot harder. FPX could have beat TH and GENG in Shanghai if they didn't make as many mistakes, this time around it should be a lot harder looking at the current form of everyone. Trace has the easiest route to top 8.

posted 2 months ago

can someone post another bait thread pls

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

GENG (remained the best team itw post-Shanghai and haven't even fully revealed their hand, we've seen them in so many three map and five map series this year so they're used to high pressure, the team is just incredible)
FNC (FNATIC haters be damned, this team deserves massive credit for looking even better with a new player, #2 team itw)
G2 (problem is they've proven to be underwhelming in a best of 5 series, otherwise they look excellent)
LEV (I have to put LEV here cuz of their high level of play since their coaching changed, but part of me feels they're being overrated similar to 100T in Shanghai but hope to be wrong)
TH (mechanically the roster is amazing and they were #2 in Shanghai so they have to be a contender, but there's a chance they get grouped and I'm not sure they have the mental to go the distance)

dark horses:
FPX (IF they make it out of the death group they may have what it takes to win champs, but that is a slim chance. If they improved their issues in Shanghai they would look amazing right now but they've fallen off regionally so they're a question mark team)
DRX (we don't know how this roster will look on the big stage yet)

posted 2 months ago

He looked incredible in some series but I understand why he doesn't want to be on duelist, I think he doesn't want to play with that added pressure. He used his weak performance in the final of Shanghai as an example of why he doesn't want to play that role.

posted 2 months ago
  1. GenG
  2. FNC
  3. G2
  4. LEV
posted 3 months ago

Trace probably have the easiest road to top 8 out of all the chinese teams. Vitality and Talon are both winnable matches for them.

posted 3 months ago

j0nggg come

posted 3 months ago
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