jonas darts are very impractical, like watch a video and try and remember anything. Sinatraas guides were on the fly setups that are easy to utilize for any casual sova player.
Flag: | United Kingdom |
Registered: | February 17, 2023 |
Last post: | March 2, 2025 at 9:44 PM |
Posts: | 1150 |
jonas darts are very impractical, like watch a video and try and remember anything. Sinatraas guides were on the fly setups that are easy to utilize for any casual sova player.
U can also do a mid dart that spots all of mid save for enemies already crossed into catwalk. This one scans subroza as well. So you get on the hump at spawn and shoot it middle, it will hit and scan mid jumpspotters, anyone hiding in the pocket in mid, and anyone crossing cat.
bro thinks he is THE bossman and cauanzin is weenie juniorðŸ˜ðŸ˜
drx aint still got a good enough sova player. Rb is aight but he isnt Zest. No way they replace him when after 3 days of pracc he was their most solid player. They gonna regret it if they let him go
watch him shit on every other team and end up 3rd this event
NA baiters r really cute femboys irl uWu ass region 😹😹😹
better stamina really can go on for days🥱🥱🥱
He mad he didnt make it in val so now he switching up so that cs fans welcome him with warm hands
soulcas isnt a true flex. Jamppi is. So please let him play skye/fade/kayo and let jamppi do the heavy lifting.
I mean it isnt? cuz your mechanical skill requirement in val is significantly higher than cs. it takes alot to readjust your aim from tryna shoot an updrafted jett or satchelling raze or strafing neon than it does to take down a xantares peek in cs. I feel like cs players just say shit like this because the recoil in guns is more realistic than val but then forget that not your average ranked player can call strats and util placement like good igls like fns and saadhak have.
it wasnt listed on websites but dimwit the other leagues got 250k prize pool money as well. You can add two and two and see how enlightened your pea brain will become
why is bro crying? cuz everytime I turn on twitch csgo got one major right after another. The best dont have time to rest ig
bro atleast be happy we have some competent teams man these FNC fans are so shortsighted
they wouldnt have made champs without him coming in before lcq. Ppl contribute their qualification to scream but forget liquid had a shit coach after sliggy left
cheesynut more like saltynut😹😹😹 cry harder bozo
meanwhile if liquid were getting shit on. "liquid so bad, disband, expected tbh, EMEA 1 team region". Bro stop acting like teams wont try to get as much of an advantage as they can get. 1st seed can be a good placement.
he should. Sexcar drifting all over him rn😹
yeah he has nobody to blame but his ego. He got aim but he aint allat in the head. Source: KC win after he gets out of igl
what is blud on about? Liquid ex GMB Loud ex VKS. GMB v VKS = 1-0 there you go I had to explain it for you to get it kkkk😹😹
Sexgar owned fraudster on one of his best maps😹😹😹
Vik v GMB = 12-5 choke kkkkk BRONZIL
trying to make sense to NA : 😥
bro got russian genes even though he lives in america bro knows nothing about biology kkkkk go back to NA school where they teach you delusion and feed that to you
CIS players carrying both EMEA and NA😹😹😹
I think in portuguese or whatever language brazil players play in me is "EU" for them KEKW
Bit misinterpreted. They lost 4 times. Twice to FNC, once to navi (without sayf but very close), and VIT opening match of season
Yeah it did. They cant close out a big lead when it really matters😹😹😹 (11-3/12-5) kkkkkkkkkk
Shut it one of the two players best known in your nation got benched cz hes a crybaby and the other is inting on his team by being an allround shitter😹😹😹
Why get an entry when you have the best entry regardless of role? Demon1s worst nightmare Ange1🥶🥶🥶
wdym sexgar grandfinalist of champs🤨
Redgar honestly wholesome guy. He comforted KRU players and even cried with them on stage and apologized for knife kill on mr.falin. Truly top 1 CEO of sex
Bronzil always remember gambit made brazil their bitch with the comeback. Sacy and saadhak couldnt do shit but watch it happen🥺😥
And they said bro is readable and washed😹😹😹
NAVI fans lost their mind after getting stomped by FUT. Give them some time theyll settle
NRG lost to MIBR😹ðŸ˜ðŸ˜¹ðŸ˜¹ðŸ˜ðŸ˜¹ðŸ˜ðŸ˜¹ðŸ˜ðŸ˜¹ðŸ˜ðŸ˜¹ðŸ˜ðŸ˜¹ðŸ˜ðŸ˜¹ðŸ˜¹ðŸ˜ðŸ˜¹ðŸ˜ðŸ˜¹ðŸ˜ðŸ˜¹ðŸ˜ðŸ˜¹ðŸ˜ðŸ˜¹ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜¹ðŸ˜
wdym bro fnatic beats loud who stomped on eg whos americas 2nd best. Liquid took them to 11-13 on lotus, which was the closest any team has been to beating fnc on lotus other than loud. If anything, they will only become better with time
pearl has now spread its shit onto haven, bind and lotus as well. Its fucking boring seeing skye, harbor and viper being played across 3 maps on every match. Get innovative mfs
nah bro has been cooking in ranked for a while from what ive seen with chamber if he picked reyna itd be straight inting and the hardest bm
water cuz I think I will break my teeth watching these stakes
why? cuz he shoots bodies? talk about hypocrisy LUL
Meanwhile India in shambles bottom of worst leagueðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
he doesnt play viper on frac, sage on split, which botcas does
why go for cloud when you got sheydos? he does soulcas roles and better chem with nats + redgar
I mean he does giveaways and allat but generally he was always someone who cares about their image. Still though to the ppl who he knows hes pretty genuine
he has got a manager that does the tweets iirc. He doesnt use twitter often. Pretty based either way
Title. Plus will they be integrated into APAC at some time in the future? if not itll be hella unfair for a country to be getting 2 spots for masters and champs
man yall underestimate navi so much. Theyre like OPTC in that they perform questionably in domestic tourneys but show up internationally.
mate yall are lucky. EG going into tokyo without their carry. Well be seeing the second 13-0 on an international stage😹😹😹