Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: February 17, 2023
Last post: March 2, 2025 at 9:44 PM
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Okbotro🗿 bozo

posted about a year ago

You will see, LOUD will be considered Americas on this site only when they win. Now that they have lost, ppl are showing their true colours😹😹😹

posted about a year ago

sheydos plays the same roles as well

posted about a year ago

Savage Mode 2

posted about a year ago

if this gets downvoted, confirmed site is 100% fakeflagger indians🗿

posted about a year ago

Indians are some of the best fakeflaggers on this website🗿

posted about a year ago

Brits arent real. They are and have always been fake. All historical records, music, art and genetics depicting Brits have been altered by the government. It is well known that everyone has an M16 agent. That would either mean that there are double the people in the world or that half the population works for the government. It is said that around half the population is British. Curious, right? Also how do you explain the fact that Brits live longer than Americans? They work for the government! Of course, you might think that there is real proof for their existence, but I can debunk all of it. Their voice is made by voice changers. Their body is made by spotted dick in the air. Of course, the biggest counterargument would be their teeth. But british teeth are a lie. Have you ever seen a Brit with yellow teeth? Me neither. If you have a british friend, you are lying. But just for the sake of argument let's say you do. You have been brain washed by the government. The only thing all politicians agree on is the fact that brits are made up. Hahaha, you have been brainwashed to think about "brits". Everyone knows brits come from Kolkata Asylum. Did I change your mind or has the truth not reached your ears yet? Brits are a lie (any Brits are welcome to prove their existence in my DMs)

posted about a year ago

Botyy with the braindead takes again😹

posted about a year ago

Blud is coping so hard he already erased Tokyo from his pea brain😹😹😹

Wouldnt blame you when its Joever for you overreacting Americas andys🗿

posted about a year ago

Blud forgor what grouped means😹😹😹😹

posted about a year ago

Edward was gaming and they were just better today, nt

posted about a year ago

13-4 on NRGs best map🗿

You literally cannot say anything after that thrashing😹😹🥱

posted about a year ago

when does TSM play?😹😹

posted about a year ago

Bros calling them trash meanwhile Americas best team went 6-13 against EDG😹😹😹

Ni Hao Americas China is your daddy😭😭😭

posted about a year ago

Edward was gaming buddy

posted about a year ago

friendly fire

posted about a year ago

they so butthurt that their "chosen one" lost😹😹🗿

posted about a year ago

lol cope and cry harder bozo

posted about a year ago

When SA win: SA is also NA

When SA loses: Bron71L kkkkkkkk

Yall some funny ass hypocrites😹😹🗿

posted about a year ago

blud copied his whole loadout to the brink. Dickrider confirmed

posted about a year ago

gaming. you can get women but you will never be satisfied the way you are with gaming

posted about a year ago

Blud LOUD didnt even show anything new in their finals against NRG. You must be delulu if you think they arent bringing all the smoke

posted about a year ago

yayster was the most clean player to ever touch this game. Nobody cant tell me that regardless, chamber, jett or sage when OPing didnt expect him to hit those shots he did

posted about a year ago

botnova, the bot of VLR

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

*got carried by

posted about a year ago

Big Hero 6

posted about a year ago

china thinks theyre the shit just because they beat some mid teams🗿🗿🗿

posted about a year ago

cuckron even edited his own shit. goddamn BRON71L always oppressed

posted about a year ago

blud nobody gives a fuck start posting abt them again when its time for lcq

posted about a year ago

BRON71L always remember 12-5 and 11-3 haunt you forever kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

washed team fell off so hard off the face of the earth😥😹

posted about a year ago

ok BRON71L

posted about a year ago

Razer deathadder mini v2. if im not wrong marved uses it. pretty cheap like abt 25 gbp

posted about a year ago

I can tell how clueless you are just by this comment bozo

posted about a year ago

unbiased and based take:
Leo = Crashies
Chronicle = Victor
Boaster < s0m
Derke > Ardiis
Alfajer > FNS

Based on hard fax

posted about a year ago

Okbotro I was referring to the way T1 kept dry peeking and pushing into EDG and how liquid are very slow in their playstyle

posted about a year ago

Fnatic beat LOUD who wiped the floor with NRG and TL is more disciplined than T1. Calm down even if they lose they get a second chance

posted about a year ago

they went up against turkish team best maps. Theyre undeniably good on haven and ascent

posted about a year ago

They done brought out Zest when theyve been praccing with foxy9😹😹😹 ICANT with this team 😥

posted about a year ago

Shao perma initiator, Zyppan duelist, Cnerd Jett OP, Ange1 smokes and suygetsu senti there i put it better than these bots couldve. Shao not on initiator is a crime

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

NAVI gonna win it to save strats for the next masters😹😹😹

posted about a year ago

FUT deserves it. They are nervous and underperforming now, but they can bring all the smoke when needed

posted about a year ago

Botssi crying in Kolkata Asylum bathroom now he is in SHAMBLES😭😭😭

posted about a year ago

Its joever💔. Maybe next time if you would stop saying they are saving strats yall wont be as clowned as much😹😹

posted about a year ago

I think he should be #7. Why do you think #1? Rather silly mate.

posted about a year ago

The real reason you can't invade Australia is because it doesn't exist. Australia is not real. It’s a hoax, made for us to believe that Britain moved over their criminals to someplace. In reality, all these criminals were loaded off the ships into the waters, drowning before they could see land ever again. It’s a coverup for one of the greatest mass murders in history, made by one of the most prominent empires.

Australia does not exist. All things you call “proof” are actually well fabricated lies and documents made by the leading governments of the world. Your Australian friends? They’re all actors and computer generated personas, part of the plot to trick the world.

If you think you’ve ever been to Australia, you’re terribly wrong. The plane pilots are all in on this, and have in all actuality only flown you to islands close nearby – or in some cases, parts of South America, where they have cleared space and hired actors to act out as real Australians.

Australia is one of the biggest hoaxes ever created, and you have all been tricked. Join the movement today, and make it known that they have been deceived. Make it known, that this has all just been a cover-up. The things these “Australian” says to be doing, all these swear words and actions based on alcoholism, MDMA and bad decisions, are all ways to distract you from the ugly truth that is one of the greatest genocides in history. 162,000 people was said to have been transported to this imaginary land during a mere 80 years, and they are all long dead by now. They never reached that promised land.

posted about a year ago

what is blud waffling about?!?!

Kinda racist to stereotypically assume I listen to a certain type of music

posted about a year ago
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