Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: February 3, 2021
Last post: October 3, 2021 at 2:54 PM
Posts: 42

Do you mean the ones on the YouTube's page under the video?

posted about 3 years ago
I think this short video is perfect to answer your question and it has the interviews with C9W players talking about the gaming scene and even explicitly not wanting to compete with male Valorant teams.

posted about 3 years ago

Do you by any chance thought for a bit that Valorant have lots fans that that have never bet in their life and may not comprehend the risks of it especially that you made everything sounds like they can win a lot easily since you have presented yourself like such a experienced gambler?
Of course you cannot be responsible for other people actions but you should know better and since apparently have experiences of the it's devastating downsides that some people may see the post and follow our advice without thinking and bet on the same teams... but now you are trying to make it seem like they should know better when you literally promoted it in the first place to almost manipulate their perception into thinking the opposite and that they can trust you.
I am so glad karma came back to you straight away for that.

posted about 3 years ago

Guide the opposite because Babybay actually is a good person/player who would never say anything with malicious intend but share his opinions based on the facts.
What you said is literal self report in my eyes and would recommend trying to let go of feelings of jealousy as it would have negative consequences on only on others around you but would consume your time and life when you could do or focus something better instead.

posted about 3 years ago

He actually did by stomping both casual and pro players in the ranked games and became known as one of the ranked demons in the scene. So everyone saw that he is already crazy good to do that and there is always chance that he may become even better now under organisation.

posted about 3 years ago

Would you mind providing any context please?
What exactly he said or quote? When did he said did? Why did he said it?
Or link to the clip or video?

posted about 3 years ago

I wish I was rich so I could be one actually ! I think you were trying to insult somehow by saying it I guess ??? but I'm far too logical and rational thinking person by now to get this kindergarten level approach of yours.

posted about 3 years ago

Could you please use full sentence? What have a meaning?

posted about 3 years ago

sorry what does that mean ''ze is kech wejow''?I don't understand.

  1. Your first argument is invalid because based on your logic all the streamers that have any other content except for the games would have to be cancelled as well and here is the counter-argument straight from Wikipedia and what Twitch advertise themselves as well :
    ''Twitch is an American video live streaming service that focuses on video game live streaming, including broadcasts of esports competitions. In addition, it offers music broadcasts, creative content, and more recently, "in real life" streams.''

  2. She is not taking advantage of anyone. Anyone who has money also have a right to spend it however they want so if they are happy to sub or donate to her instead of spending it on something else and that is their decision. how are you consider it a scamming and blame her for other people actions? Please explain as I am so curious how you got to that conclusion.

  3. Above all that the strongest arguments against any of your takes is just truth based of the reality. You are not rich enough to spoil the ladies streaming on twitch + they are too hot and too good for you anyway.
    At least you will always have Jett to play with in your life and free videos full of content from the P...Hub ;)

posted about 3 years ago

for what kind of reasons would it be understandable to hate amouranth tho? hope you can back up your take here and present a rational arguments.

posted about 3 years ago

''World is not fair'' is such a common argument to use by the people that are happy to blame everything around them for things being certain way but most of the times they are actually a problem not the world or anything else. As we can see it perfectly in this case.
World is not fair for everyone so why somehow other people still can do their best to make it work , achieve something, be happy or trying to succeed but you are here crying online.
I won't be surprised that you will find lots of people here sharing similar sentiments like you as Valorant community is full of incels just like you.
If you don't like something or someone - don't bother yourself with it and don't watch it. Leave it be and move on.
This is subjective matter and there are people that like her and enjoy her content and they have their reasons just like you have your own for it to not be your cup of tea.
Although taking it further and making posts like that to criticise someone for not any objective reasons but because they are not up to ''your standards'' or liking of who they are/what they do, for any rational human person reading this - it only shows all the negative things of what you are as person and not them.
Complete self report of how much of the failure your life must be for you to feel this kind of need to validate yourself by trying to find the reasons to put other downs as they are either more successful, likable, nice and good kind of people that I think you wish you were but unfortunately it takes legitimate effort my dear to achieve that/be that way that definitely is not just being lazy and jealous low life person that is hiding behind computer screen to post stuff like that instead of doing something good to improve themselves or their lives instead.
Well done. Your mum would be proud for sure.

posted about 3 years ago

What do you mean by one month btw?
I think BcJ, Eeiu and Effys from NA scene are excellent Sovas.

posted about 3 years ago

Could you please explain why and if they are shady in any way? :O
As I'm curious cuz I haven't heard anything negative about them although I only know their OWL and VAL teams.

posted about 3 years ago

Crappy people that want to feel better about themselves and wish for others to fail so when it happens they can look down at someone. It is way easier than actually putting that time into improving themselves and doing something productive with their lives.
Underneath all that hate often very lazy and delusional individuals that have not much going on in their lives so they try to find the ways to fill that voids and at least feel surge of power and pretend to be superior online when in real life are not.

posted about 3 years ago

Can't believe that you forgot like the best FA out there which is rara aka 1 tap god.

posted about 3 years ago

It would be nice for Rise or Soniqs to enter the tier 1 scene properly and see how they will do there.
So many tier 2 teams with so called ranked demons in the line ups tho I wonder if one of them could make it higher in the future as well.

posted about 3 years ago

The only people that are clearly trying to hide how toxic they are here are all the hiko haters so BakemonO & TinglyPiano.You try to take out of context everything he does in a manner or actions or something said that may be possibility of being misunderstood so you use them to try paint him in way that would be your some kind of excuses of your negativity towards him instead of you able to just admit that you don't like him openly and nobody will force you to do that to love him or something. It is your choice and your live so you have freedom to not like anyone all. whatever...

But stop playing all your little games and pretend because you not even that good at doing that and it so obvious because your reasonings and based on the situations are so ridiculous and don't make sense in some places I don't know how stupid you thought people in Valorant community will be for you to believe that it will work...

how ironic how it all turned who is not a sweet guys but toxic little bitches so get off hating hiko and maybe posting online all together and put your time in self improvement and making sure of letting out your frustrations about your lives or nothing going on about yourselves not by putting other down but put some efforts to maybe be like more like hiko instead of being lazy and shitty people

posted about 3 years ago


I didn't watch it and don't even have to clearly point out you are so wrong about why he did that and by doing that he actually showed something good as a player rather than things you presented here that shows your lack of thinking and just you having some negative feelings towards him for whatever reasons that clearly you acted upon to be able to focus on hikos and making sure of only place negative meanings on everything related to him in the whole picture

So let me simply just explain what and why happened and the result of it:
Photographer makes a mistake that result in the issue for LG => option is presented to start again => Hiko refuses because clearly the outcome of what is happening in round is something he wouldn't like to sacrifice over the mistake of the event organisations and not some technical issues caused by technology and LG should be feel upset towards event staff not hiko because he showed here how much he cares to win to the point of always being able to put his team no matter what and his dedication and competitiveness that he showed seems like great things about him
rather what you painted him for as you clearly misunderstood

Or provide us with explanations and reasonings how the hell you got to all the things and based on what because your perception of many aspects and the outcome makes no sense at all. O_o

posted about 3 years ago

Was the list aimed to be your best attempt at being funny? :P

posted about 3 years ago

Hi. I am actually trying to change my username as it is almost the same as the one you are thinking of which belong to the the female streamer on twitch and it was coincidence that happened and wasn't helped by the fact we share the same name ^_^" So I would like to avoid any more confusion in the future for both of our sakes :P
Her username is Aniemal while mine has 2x n in it.
She seems like an amazing person although I don't how the level of her gameplay tho but still please don't hesitate to check who she is or her streams ;)

posted about 3 years ago

Not EVERY joke has an ounce of truth as some of the jokes can be completely made up for the sake of the simple reasons of them just being funny. It is just common thing that the jokes we make that are related to real situations/people/things are usually funnier in the eyes of others as their edginess makes them more personal and often is an indication of the level of closeness between two human beings. BOTH of above options are something that CAN occur between people and even more often in regards of the ones that are friends etc. so like hiko and steel in this case. Do you know, have any indication or any proof to state which one of the above can be considered as the right one to be applied in what we are discussing right now?
Truth is established when there are creditable sources or evidence to back up any statements for them to be proven of being true.
And from what I see is happening here, it is you posting statements that should be consider more like an opinion because there based on the stuff that has no 100% confirmation of being true and also on your subjective view or your judgment (which we don't know if could be trusted or not) than you presenting any solid proof behind your reasonings.

I am not twisting anything as by reading my reply and the comments I have made about you, you can clearly see it was not something I just said on the whim or to try to offend you and be mean for no reason (as that would be very ironic and wrong of me) but something that I concluded based on nothing more that what is presented in front of me in the form of your own posts and your actions related to them.

As harsh as my words may seem or be interpreted by you, I have the only good intentions in my mind and just wanted to make sure that nothing negative could happen to anyone, either players or you as well. As no matter how hard it would be for you to believe in what I am about to say next but I just simply wanted to be honest with you and show you that your actions (as making posts like that) may not be as completely harmless ordeal as you could be thinking they are.
So I just hoped, that after reading everything I said, for you to stop for a moment and think if your words and actions are truly the right thing to do and won't have any negative consequences for others than yourself in any way? If what are you are trying to accomplish is a thing you have genuine reasons to believe of being true and to try for others to see it as well?

posted about 3 years ago

@TinglyPiano Following your way of thinking if steel is a toxic person then it would mean that his tweet about hiko being toxic would be false/misleading statement because it would be just him (steel) being toxic towards his teammate. isn't it? :P
Clearly it seems like it is a real deal as it makes sense that two grow up adults would think that the best and the most professional way to deal with the internal conflict would be to call each other out in public social media platforms.

I really hope you are a troll. ;(

If you really believed that this is a true beef happening based on such trusted sources and the evidence presented then the only toxic individual involved in it that I can see (and this post is the proof of it) would be you for posting misleading information about pros without thinking and that could have an negative impact on them, their reputation etc by people coming across the posts like that and wrongly thinking that they are legit and true or take them out of context.

posted about 3 years ago

Question about nr 8.
Why do you think that will be the outcome of the situation?
I thought since FBI and some kind of special committee they created are involved in the investigation finally we will get some creditable answers.

posted about 3 years ago

Everyone has right to do whatever they want to with their time as long it is not something that would have a negative outcome for someone else.
So not the amount but rather the content should matter more in online activity of anyone :P

posted about 3 years ago

I hope you are able to laugh at your own silly mistakes that may end up making you look like a fool since you online all the time and it is plays that things like that tend to happen even to the best of us/
I am not gonna lie that personally I find every situation of someone trying to mock me or insult me and challenge me when I know my stuff and think they can win against me guide amusing so I am glad that you are not as beta as most of the people online.
Although I will never have to be mean to you ever again if you rather avoid making the same mistake of picking on the wrong person or people as I don't like to be like to be so harsh and scary sounding as that and as I would rather go back to my positive attitude and maybe you will have chance to be able to experience how nice and sweet I can be as long as from now on you gonna behave and I am going to see you have been very good boys.

posted about 3 years ago

First of all Saya is japanese name that is very popular with females and that person even have the flag of that country next it while Saya was only party of the pro player's chosen name plus also he is from South Korea.

The female pro player's username is spelled with only one "n" in it so it's "Aniemal" so your point is not valid and as it happens that Annie is also one of my names so it makes sense to be in my username after all.
Plus I have never expected lack of the option to change the username and literally typed whatever came to my mind while creating the account so I wish I could to change for something cuter but oh well.

So it is a bit silly of you to jump to conclusions and make fun of us of being fake or impersonating someone without checking the correct info to back it up plus clearly knowing that Annie and all the variation have been one of the most common names is Europe and probably over the whole world so in the end the truth was and is that I was actually keeping it real from the start and you are the one that is being the one trying to associate yourself with name of the character that was things like being badass af which I clearly you are not and only thing that you the share and is real to who you are is being a (cow) BOY (bebop).

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

You don't have to because just knowing that such a good person like you exists makes me more happy than any like or online validation <3

posted about 3 years ago

You seem like such a good and kind soul and everyone that have you in their life are so extremely lucky.
Keep it up you amazing human being <3

posted about 3 years ago

I only mentioned clip as for others it could be the easiest to understand where I am coming from.

Otherwise I have a strong grasps the situation of what actually could be right or wrong as I have wide knowledge in psychology and I have actually dealt with victims of abuse, abusers etc.
Although it extremely hard to try to help people to understand based on all everything else there is this case it is something I know and see without them having the same knowledge, experience in the field like me above.

posted about 3 years ago

I understand what you mean but did you hear the clip btw? This clip proves at least one rape. You don't need a law degree to access that and what is going on there.

posted about 3 years ago

you are completely right!. the braindead ones are that clearly forgetting that there was the audio clip as the evidence provided to the case, containing the gf not consenting to the intercourse, so he is a rapist and hope Riot would not risk having someone like that back especially that they had so many cases within their company that messed their reputation badlhy.

posted about 3 years ago

NRG and IMT <3
LG - Stellar & NV FNS !

posted about 3 years ago

I think that it is exactly the opposite kind of logic that the most of the teams follow so their brand and reputation is not damaged in the process of investigation and finding out the truth.
As from what I remember the claims came out all of the sudden and the org had to make a decision that would be the best for them and their image. It was clearly evident that many players or people involved in CSGO and Valorant scene actually stood by Shanks and voiced their support making many fans believe that he was unfairly named in the investigation.
The lack of any kind of proof and only basing your theories on the very vague assumptions is a bit much to say such negative things about people that may don't deserve it.
Especially that lots of people may take it out context or misunderstand your comment and I really don't see how voicing it was worth it... As far as I am concerned till this day I haven't seen any evidence or results of investigations that would prove their any kind of involvement.

posted about 3 years ago

It is so sad that story of the Dignitas is basically them constantly failing to achieve the same or bigger success than their promising run when the Valorant pro scene first emerged in NA . :(
Although I would only disagree with you on one thing - not koala being the sole reason to bring them back to glory but addition of koala to round up the roster of their core, experienced players and recently signed super monster rookies to finally create the team that is capable of competing with top teams in NA :)
I'm not familiar with koala so I'm looking forward to see him play since you seem to have lots of trust in him as a player. If he really has so much potential then he would be perfect addition to help rara who has been working his ass off recently to carry the team.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

I think both him and the org can clearly see that parting ways is unavoidable at this point. After the team performing so poorly in the past months and the emergence of the new or improved rosters in the NA scene, it is always sad to see either teams or players struggling to reach their potential or peak again and unfortunately something has to give.
It would be stupid of Dignitas to not build the team around rara, which may involve adjusting the team's playstyle or making as many changes as necessarily for their players to improve or find the new ones that would be ablreto perform on the same or similar level as rara.
They got so lucky to get him straight from the academy and his contact must be such a bargain for them if we look at it from the perspective of the ratio of the newcomer to the pro-scene's money to his actual skills.
That's their best but also the only option as I don't really think not only rara would stay with them but a better org could steal him from them in the future if nothing will change and things get better.

posted about 3 years ago

Hi. Would you mind telling me in which country the studio is? I know Riot had some offices in Berlin so wondering if it is around.

posted about 4 years ago