Not EVERY joke has an ounce of truth as some of the jokes can be completely made up for the sake of the simple reasons of them just being funny. It is just common thing that the jokes we make that are related to real situations/people/things are usually funnier in the eyes of others as their edginess makes them more personal and often is an indication of the level of closeness between two human beings. BOTH of above options are something that CAN occur between people and even more often in regards of the ones that are friends etc. so like hiko and steel in this case. Do you know, have any indication or any proof to state which one of the above can be considered as the right one to be applied in what we are discussing right now?
Truth is established when there are creditable sources or evidence to back up any statements for them to be proven of being true.
And from what I see is happening here, it is you posting statements that should be consider more like an opinion because there based on the stuff that has no 100% confirmation of being true and also on your subjective view or your judgment (which we don't know if could be trusted or not) than you presenting any solid proof behind your reasonings.
I am not twisting anything as by reading my reply and the comments I have made about you, you can clearly see it was not something I just said on the whim or to try to offend you and be mean for no reason (as that would be very ironic and wrong of me) but something that I concluded based on nothing more that what is presented in front of me in the form of your own posts and your actions related to them.
As harsh as my words may seem or be interpreted by you, I have the only good intentions in my mind and just wanted to make sure that nothing negative could happen to anyone, either players or you as well. As no matter how hard it would be for you to believe in what I am about to say next but I just simply wanted to be honest with you and show you that your actions (as making posts like that) may not be as completely harmless ordeal as you could be thinking they are.
So I just hoped, that after reading everything I said, for you to stop for a moment and think if your words and actions are truly the right thing to do and won't have any negative consequences for others than yourself in any way? If what are you are trying to accomplish is a thing you have genuine reasons to believe of being true and to try for others to see it as well?