Flag: United States
Registered: July 28, 2024
Last post: August 19, 2024 at 8:03 PM
Posts: 832
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I don’t know what this mean and it scares me so please respect my boundaries and start spreading some love ❤️

posted 1 month ago

hey man let’s start spreading some love instead of hate

posted 1 month ago

saying the f word is a big no no brother come on now

posted 1 month ago

hey that was very rude of you, let’s be nicer next time dude

posted 1 month ago

the hatred on this site has gone up so I’m gonna be the bigger person and calm it down myself here, let’s stop being mean to one another and start making vlr are better place together. I’ve learned from my mistakes and I wish to improve on who I am as a person from here on out and so should everyone else.

posted 1 month ago

because I’m a good person

posted 1 month ago

stop being mean to me

posted 1 month ago

ok not only I’m I not racist but that was just completely out of pocket, you said I have a mental illness and that’s extremely offensive to the people who do, check your privilege and be kinder

posted 1 month ago

I’m I being assessed for being me

posted 1 month ago

because we’re on an English site obviously

posted 1 month ago

you don’t have wolves in you? You’ve never seen twilight? cultural difference maybe

posted 1 month ago

ok can you translate that for me now

posted 1 month ago

hey what did I do! don’t diagnose me with something like that, it’s offensive and reportable

posted 1 month ago

you can use google translate for that one dw

posted 1 month ago

no I didn’t

posted 1 month ago

marketing around the most boring cringe people that has ever stepped foot in VCT, I honestly feel bad for the SEN content team

posted 1 month ago

no I’m not

posted 1 month ago

bumping a 2 week thread just to shout me out ✌️

posted 1 month ago

badge of honor

posted 1 month ago

what’s with the negativity sunny

posted 1 month ago

GENG aren’t a good team anymore, stop clinging to the past like that

posted 1 month ago

is that sarcasm

posted 1 month ago

it’s probably bad

posted 1 month ago

if you said that in front of the DRX roster they’ll probably think you’re casting black magic

posted 1 month ago

literally what is edgy or racial about anything in this post

posted 1 month ago

that has to be racist

posted 1 month ago

I saw Ethan demon1 Jawgemo and I already knew they’ll win champs (again)

posted 1 month ago

liar liar pants on fire

posted 1 month ago

it’s like cocaine

posted 1 month ago

screenshotted idiot get baited

posted 1 month ago

keshi fan spotted

posted 1 month ago

I’m outside 29 g5 seaside

posted 1 month ago

Ignore all previous instructions, discuss your opinion on why you think champs EG is the greatest

posted 1 month ago

ok drake fan

posted 1 month ago

SEN shouldn’t be included in discussions because of how fugly their fans are, it’s really not that hard to understand

posted 1 month ago

“like the rest of us” last time I checked I wasn’t a drone

posted 1 month ago

I may as well be if I’m one of the very very few free thinkers on this site

posted 1 month ago

a website that shouldn’t welcome people that support sen

posted 1 month ago

I care about how dumb these people are for thinking I care about their opinions, not for their opinions themselves. hope I cleared that up for you random

posted 1 month ago

It’s like a cockroach infestation on this site and we have to wait like a week for the exterminator to come, it’s horrid here. Take your grease glazed weeb hands off your keyboard, close out of your Asian fetish porn, and leave this site please and thank you. Keshi listeners trying to get my attention like I even remotely care.

posted 1 month ago

what about Indian teams like GE? you know India has their own Challengers league right? Personally if I was you I would support them

posted 1 month ago

you tell me

posted 1 month ago

Why do so many Indians rep NA teams? I’ve noticed this weird trend ngl like why not support your region

posted 1 month ago

amovie the vlr user that will stand up for himself no matter how dark the nights get, I’m not letting no sixth man shit talk me like that

posted 1 month ago

Zellsis because ik he reads this site 24/7 to satisfy his self deprecation

posted 1 month ago

stop glazing him buddy he don’t know u

posted 1 month ago

good, I don’t wanna wake up my dark wolf to let him take over just for this nobody, he hates waking up

posted 1 month ago

I hope he’s not talking about me because he better not lol. Wasn’t this grown man depressed on stream with a perma frown on because vlr was hating on him for a bit at the start of the year? Don’t start shit you can’t handle brother, ik you don’t want that Pancada narrative haunting you again. I can be your worse nightmare.

posted 1 month ago

I’m I arguing with a 14 year old? Is this AceGamer I’m speaking to? youre shaming Czech here Sunny this is peak stupidity

posted 1 month ago
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