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Registered: July 28, 2024
Last post: August 19, 2024 at 8:03 PM
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exactly :(

posted 1 month ago

one more time for the people in the back

posted 1 month ago

boaster why did you choke when you have to face SEN :(

posted 1 month ago

I’m almost there

posted 1 month ago

I mean only if I had to switch accounts in 15 second then yeah, also please don’t call me a fan of a 100T player ever again

posted 1 month ago

He does K-pop dances during match walkouts and then proceeds to go double negative 24/7, that has to be disrespectful to the culture of Korean music right? He’s pretty much saying “if you like Korean pop, then you suck just like me” and that’s pretty fucked up. He’s giving their music a terrible rep, and he just had to keep doing it in Seoul of all places.

posted 1 month ago

What a crazy coincidence wtf, it must be fate

posted 1 month ago

Post says otherwise

posted 1 month ago

I’m not taking that

posted 1 month ago

that’s not who I said it was in the post

posted 1 month ago

Been a while since I thought of something like this, idk ive been kinda hung up on some silly shit and I just wanna bring in a normal discussion for once

Only now do I feel like we can actually know who’s the worst player in tier 1 since the VCT year is almost ending, and I feel like we have some clear nominees.

Although even though I said “nominees”, imo there’s a single player that blows the rest out of the water when it comes to being bad, like completely out of the water.

Since I’m not a hate mongering person though, I won’t just blab out their name obviously, because that would be disrespectful (also sorry for the weird formatting here, getting used to making my posts more clearer to read).

There’s a lot of factors to what makes a player “bad”, but I feel like the biggest factor would be how badly they anchor the rest of the team.

Even when their teammates are performing super well, a truly bad player would make up the difference by being terribly and consistently awful, and this difference making shit becomes more apparent when the teammates in question are world class level.

Right now there’s a player that perfectly fits this description in my opinion but again, I won’t be rude, so I just wanna see what kinda player you guys are thinking of so I know we’re on the same page here.

posted 1 month ago

Ok but do you even disagree with what I said?

posted 1 month ago

Unironically yes, just like how aspas would’ve dominated this year if he stayed on LOUD

posted 1 month ago

It’s pretty obvious by now that he lucked out on the team he has right now and has only held them back when the pressure is high, so would it not be better for him to go back to Tier 2-3 and work his way up again? He has a lot to prove after the year he just had.

posted 1 month ago

What? You can clearly tell the stress is getting to him? You don’t want him to improve his mental well-being?

posted 1 month ago

his latest tweet is him eating some poor mans snack and you can tell from his eyes that he was crying so hard rightfully so. The stress must be too high, he’s better off leaving the roster to preserve his mental health

posted 1 month ago

I’m receiving very very mean and hurtful dms and you guys are making me upset. Stop bothering me please.

posted 1 month ago

he’s a baby

posted 1 month ago

hopefully one of her abilities can make her twerk

posted 1 month ago

Retakes have been the only shit happening this year, and you can blame the map pool + agent meta for it

posted 1 month ago

why isnt the A on the left side of the map smh

posted 1 month ago

For how ridiculously overrated he is, some of you guys hyped him up but he played like a legit bot in the attack half of the decider, 3/11 btw. That man cannot play his role.

posted 1 month ago

Can’t believe Fracture has been out for all of 2024 holy shit

posted 1 month ago

Pearl B site >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sunset B site
Bind B retakes weren’t even that bad too? Idk I never had a problem with it compared to Pearl B.

posted 1 month ago

I can’t disagree with you more

posted 1 month ago

Was definitely more fun to watch than this

posted 1 month ago

The addition of Sunset solidified it, it’s probably the worst map ever by design because of A site alone

posted 1 month ago

2022 was infinitely better than this year, what’s your point

posted 1 month ago

I’m not joking, these kinda years happen in every esport, boring metas won’t be remembered

posted 1 month ago

the worst meta to watch happened to be the main meta for all off 2024. It’s just awful, brainless gameplay. The esport peaked last year.

posted 1 month ago

they were playing a diff game, sorry to upset you but it’s true.

posted 1 month ago

EG? Hello? The team with the greatest peak ofa? LA? Maybe they were just too good for a dumb curse like that

posted 1 month ago

If they don’t beat SEN then they’re ass

posted 1 month ago

I can make it 200

posted 1 month ago

unless champs EG comes back I agree with this statement, NA is doomed

posted 1 month ago

Unironically a worse region than China now, it’s disgusting. They don’t deserve 4 slots.

posted 1 month ago

Lowest ceiling since 2021 I swear, I’m done trying to hype up this shit, and this unbelievably tiny and quiet crowd is not helping m. This feels like Madrid all over again when it comes to watching teams play like clowns

posted 1 month ago

open. trials.

posted 1 month ago

it’s so low quality

posted 1 month ago

There’s a clear difference in form though

posted 1 month ago

How is this getting upvotes what the fuck is this lol

posted 1 month ago

we are not watching the same game then

posted 1 month ago

I gotta say what we’re all thinking. Even Tarik is upset about this champs and he’s like the biggest voice of the game, check his twt

posted 1 month ago

In literally every aspect. Crowd, arena, views, hype, narratives, casting, plays, everything.

Hell in terms of competition, I feel like the only impressive team to beat right now is LEV, and they’re an unarguable downgrade to 2023 LOUD because aspas was definitely playing with better players last year.

It’s just depressing to see Valorant fall off already, champs EG would’ve made this tournament look like a joke.

posted 1 month ago

Literally nothing if we’re being painfully honest

posted 1 month ago

they’re ass of course, still a tiny bit better than SEN since Boaster didn’t happen to play his worst series of his career for their match (because the stakes weren’t high enough for him to choke harder), but still ass.

posted 1 month ago

when they have Boaster on the team, not really an impressive win by SEN, and it only shows how inferior the teams in champs are compared to the peak we had last year. I’m starting to think that Valorant as an esport has already reached its ceiling with a simple eye test

posted 1 month ago

Both SEN and DRX wouldn’t touch top 4 in champs last year, please don’t make this boring comparison

posted 1 month ago
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