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Registered: July 28, 2024
Last post: August 19, 2024 at 8:03 PM
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which is a sad reality if I’m gonna be honest. APAC has GENG now to do all the work, kinda like how in 2023, EU had FNC while NA had EG. PRX had too many chances to bring the first trophy to APAC and they failed many times, they’re kinda just an extra now, who even cares about them anymore no?

I’m looking into all this hype by their fans and it’s like, who actually cares about the team now that GENG is here to be the actual representative of APAC. I’m I the only one who feels this way? I just watched PRX’s champs hype vid and they’re making it seem like they’re once again APAC’s only hope when that narrative is dead as fuck now

PRX is like, the BLG of APAC now while GENG is EDG.

posted 1 month ago

oh my god you seriously are retarded because how can you not be when you’re blatantly failing to understand the concept of the word “growth” and the fact that Champs and even Masters EG would literally pulverize Americas EG. Their entire storyline was literally about growth, they were the worst team in Americas who then went on to win Champs brick by brick lol.

The fact that you LITERALLY ADMIT that prime EG has a higher peak than prime OPTIC when that’s what this entire fucking post is about is funny.

posted 1 month ago

how retarded do you have to be to believe this kind of logic

posted 1 month ago

but I am there to see him tweak the fuck out live on twitch for hours straight, it’s not that hard to connect the dots 🤷‍♂️

posted 1 month ago

given the work ethic SEN has been all about, it’s possible that he’s edging on the adderall while also going overboard on the caffeine since “it’s just caffeine”

zekken has ADHD, he takes adderall to help him focus on his tasks, and those tasks happen to be near daily 10-12 hour scrims while he chugs a bunch of energy drinks during them 🤷‍♂️

posted 1 month ago

bad comparison, you know zekken puts in way more hours to Val daily not just because it’s literally his full time job but also because of the convenience to sit on a chair playing a game for like 12 hours a day, so it’s only right to assume he’s consuming way more of both than what you do.

SEN has been crazy on their work ethic since last year, who knows how much shit zekken has been consuming daily to keep up with everything but it’s obvious that it CANNOT be anywhere close to a healthy amount

posted 1 month ago

so he takes PRESCRIBED adderall on top of his caffeine abuse, huge news. Adderall + constant and excessive caffeine intake to play a video game totally isn’t dangerous

posted 1 month ago

because the effects were fucking up his body, and who’s to say those effects won’t last for a while? Long term shit continues to be in work rn

posted 1 month ago

if he’s super lucky then he might see a champs final before his heart gives out. SEN should be investigated, zekken is only 19 yet looks like he’s on cocaine for hours every time he streams with his face cam on.

posted 1 month ago

retard alert 🚨🚨🚨🚨

posted 1 month ago

we should worry about the fact that SEN clearly overdoes it enough to have a meme revolving around how frequently sick their players get

posted 1 month ago

he’s only 19 yet he takes adderall and chugs a shit ton of caffeine daily which he admits, just to sit on his gamer chair 12-ish hours a day everyday. he might not see 30 at this rate

posted 1 month ago

it’s sad on how obvious the issue is yet everyone keeps wondering why SEN players in particular keep getting sick. TenZ has a low body weight for his height and has been on this routine since 2021, no wonder he’s the most frequent in getting sick no?

posted 1 month ago

drug abuse, specifically adderall that I’m pretty sure zekken himself admits in using

Constant caffeine abuse can also make you frequently sick (their HOPIUM brand is straight up just pre workout meant for the gym and NOT gaming). SEN has made it clear many times that their success in Valorant is everything to them, so they’ve forced their players to intake some advantages to improve their gameplay on stage (most likely part of the contract).

Zellsis on stream always talks about how much excess caffeine he takes before matches and that this behavior has only begun since joining SEN. These players are wasting their bodies away like this and it’s no surprise that there’s a possibility it fucked up SicK.

TenZ who’s naturally skinny and doesn’t have enough fat for all the effects on his blood might’ve wasted away years at this rate (he’s been with the org since 2021).

2023 EG wasn’t doing this shit

posted 1 month ago

stupid EUtard thinks the champs mvp suffering in a dogshit team with an awful igl is the same as a chamber one trick that got kicked out of C9 mid season for being ass, completely failed in tier 2, and then flew to APAC to continue being ass as the worst player on the team until getting dropped

posted 1 month ago

yay was the best sentinel of 2022 you dumbass lol

posted 1 month ago

Jett astra and Chamber (yay’s been washed bro) should also be for demon1. Jawgemo should be for Raze and deadlock, Sova is obviously gonna be C0Ms, how is Skye and Yoru not for Ethan here, and this might be a stretch but I always see Boostio in KJ

posted 1 month ago

does it really matter if he can only play omen if hes still the most consistent controller on the agent and has showed that since kick off? I don’t even like SEN but this is retarded

posted 1 month ago

IGL: Valyn
Controller: Valyn
Duelist: Aspas
Initiator: eeiu
Sentinel: leaf

TenZ got robbed in broad daylight but its deserved karma for always crying about Riot

posted 1 month ago

Why are so many of you fans of SEN? none of them are Hindi and it’s entirely possible that some/most of them don’t even know India’s capital, yet it feels like half of all SEN fans are Indians from across all social media. I don’t understand.

posted 1 month ago

have you also considered how obviously satire it is to put out a girlfriend application form on a valorant forum by itself

posted 1 month ago

you are unbelievably stupid, no NA player that attended a LAN last year complained about the PCs which were literally worse than what TenZ has been crying about this year since Madrid

posted 1 month ago

is that last line a joke or a symptom of EU stupidity

posted 1 month ago

google translate failed you here, I meant that 2023 LAN PCs were worse than 2024

posted 1 month ago

2023 EG played on the worst pcs in Tokyo and LA and look at where they placed for both of them without saying a word about how dogshit the situation was. TenZ is a spoiled child making up excuses pre and post matches and it brings shame to our region, Demon1 wasn’t doing that.

Thank you G2 for upholding the integrity of NA by not being babies with pre planned excuses like literally every other team attending besides SEN

posted 1 month ago

yes the magical mythical monsters from retardville mind controlled saadhack to step off the igl role of his own will, what part of anything I’ve said is bait

posted 1 month ago

split 1 exists, why do you think LOUD forced him off the role?

posted 1 month ago

slotting in a washed igl for the 1st seed of Americas is criminal work

posted 1 month ago

did you push up your glasses typing that in an autistic manner

posted 1 month ago

grammar checking unironically is your response holy sped

posted 1 month ago

who’s fault is it that Copenhagen lasted two matches? maybe sacy and less shouldn’t have been dogshit for 1/3 of the year 🤷‍♂️

face the facts dumbass what can I say

posted 1 month ago

“copenhagen inflated his stats bc Less and Sacy shit the bed for that tourney! it’s not fair!!!”

posted 1 month ago

aspas also has the highest average rating of 2022 for LOUD in international events only at 1.08 with the closest being 1.05 by Pancada, you’re a dumbass fentanyl addict just like OP bro congrats 🥳 🎉

posted 1 month ago

have you considered that bringing light of the downfall of NA isn’t actually bait?

posted 1 month ago

stupid EUtard somehow interprets this post as me defending the org

posted 1 month ago

because NA should be miles ahead of APAC, but unfortunately there is a very high chance they’ll lose and bring permanent shame to the region. 2023 EG was 3rd seed in Tokyo and yet they bulldozed to the final by beating EVERY 1ST SEED except for the worst one that they didn’t even have the chance to face (EDG). SEN is looking like a disgrace.

G2 already disgraced the region by not making it to the Shanghai final and letting APAC win their first trophy, NA will have two failures represent us for Champions, EG would never

posted 1 month ago

You wanna bring stats? Go to the stats page, find “Valorant Champions Tour 2022” in Event Series, make the timespan all time, click apply filter, and then tell me who’s 2nd ofa.

posted 1 month ago

why do your country’s gangs have cinematic sword fights in broad daylight

posted 1 month ago

his content is made for literal children. His name is like something you’ll find and copy out of from someone on Minecraft back in 2010.

posted 1 month ago

nightmare scenario

posted 1 month ago

it’s pretty clear that the collapse of 2023 EG has left this region to become irrelevant. We’re about to miss back to back finals and I don’t think winning an 8 team underfunded event with underdeveloped teams makes up for it (monyet and qck made top 4…)

Since brute forcing our champs winners reunion to actually stand a chance against APAC that we’ve actually let win a fucking major for the first time ever, I think our next best bet to see another international final in the future is the complete rebuild of every NA team we currently have.

NA is doomed and we need solutions.

posted 1 month ago

their fans believe otherwise for some reason, very weird behavior

posted 1 month ago

95% chance once they get grouped they’ll immediately look to trial and sign N4RRATE for Sacy. If SEN don’t make at least top 4, his job is gone unfortunately.

So much for that SEN botherhood bullshit, they were never a family :/

posted 1 month ago

have a duelist with 2 KD but around 0.1 FKPR

or a duelist with 1 KD but around 0.5 FKPR

this is an iq test

posted 1 month ago

why is this being downvoted

posted 1 month ago

please don’t compare me to you :(

posted 1 month ago

I’ve been told this site is filled with them though

posted 1 month ago

damn your English is fluent

posted 1 month ago

what’s autistic about it? or is it something only someone with the illness can see

posted 1 month ago

I used to help the autistic kids back when I was in elementary school and they would get unreasonably mad like that out of nowhere, sorry if I missed the mark on my guess there but imo I think I didn’t

posted 1 month ago
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