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Registered: July 28, 2024
Last post: August 19, 2024 at 8:03 PM
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you’re basing shit on what could’ve been, and I’m telling you straight up that we’ve already seen it not work. Monyet has been with the team since September, the fuck do you mean he needed more time to adapt?

“they only won split 1 how about split 2” this line of thinking is why people think fans of PRX are fucking dumb. PRX actually won a regional tournament against the best team of this year so far with the best form they’ve had since champs 2023, and you’re making it sound like it’s no big deal.

Again, thank god Monyet left.

posted 1 month ago

because Shanghai had significantly stronger competition??? How is this news to you? Do you also think champs will have the same lvl of competition than Madrid, the 8 team fiesta? PRX actually WON Split 1 against GENG after they booted Monyet btw.

posted 1 month ago

sped PRX fans forcing the blame on anyone besides the fact that their team is just disgustingly washed.

posted 1 month ago

save jinggg? If I was to control PRX then everyone on the team besides d4v41 and something are getting booted lol. Monyet taking over Jinggg’s role in today’s game is just fucking collective brain dead delusion.

posted 1 month ago

I think the team is significantly better with Jinggg over Monyet, because it’s already been proven LOL

Monyet over midfreak was the solution, but since PRX wants to make Monyet look like dogshit, it’s best for him to stay away from the org

posted 1 month ago

You’re actually doubling down I’m gonna vomit holy shit

posted 1 month ago

he was literally, the 2nd best controller in APAC, when he was on GE. His career fucking peaked on smokes. Oh my god you people are too stupid I can’t believe it.

posted 1 month ago

another goofy prx slave refusing to believe that Monyet on PRX was the literal definition of an anchor, disgusting truly

posted 1 month ago

dumbass PRX fans want him back so their team can ruin him as a player by not allowing him to be the controller way more often. Monyet on PRX was a complete and utter dogshit disaster and people actually want him to return, holy shit. Let Monyet be with a team that actually respects his strengths you animals.

Monyet and midfreak on the same team together are a bottom tier APAC team in today’s game.

posted 1 month ago

I can’t believe this genuinely dumb as fuck argument is actually agreed upon you people. Does your dumbass actually think PRX would let him be flexing as much as you think he will? Did you forget his time on PRX already?

What’s so funny is that PRX would be so much better if mindfreak got replaced by Monyet instead.

posted 1 month ago

true! APAC speds refuse to believe that their team is just mid, and they somehow wanna make it worse by ruining Monyet once again

posted 1 month ago

monyet was their anchor at a time where the top teams in champs rn would destroy anyone in Madrid lol, how braindead can you be

posted 1 month ago

the dumbest group of people vlr has ever seen even more so than the EUtards have collectively come together to say that PRX Monyet would’ve made the team better than Jinggg.

The same Monyet that averaged a double negative scoreline from the start of Kick Off to their end in Madrid (which was by far the easiest level of competition this year). Literally has never went positive once.

When will you dumbasses learn that Monyet would not only make the team significantly worse, but he would also make himself as a player significantly worse too by being on a team that forces him to play Jinggg’s role he clearly was never good at over smokes which is his main fucking role?

PRX Monyet wouldn’t even see champs this year, PRX are ass because they’ve already peaked last year. If Jinggg needs to go then so do mindfraud and f0reskin

posted 1 month ago

PRX monyet was literally one of the worst players in APAC in the easiest lvl of competition this year, are you actually sped

posted 1 month ago

monyet would’ve made them worse, stop copping

posted 1 month ago

he was on the reserve roster for EG last year and was a scrim demon whenever the EG starters wanted to scrim with them. he clears something and Jinggg, just like Demon1 and Jawgemo haha.

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago


PRX still aren’t even making these players nervous

posted 1 month ago

this version of PRX wouldve made the final in Madrid vs GENG, so no. Teams very clearly improved since Madrid lol, G2 got grouped in kick off by EG and MIBR btw

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

what a shock, maybe if someone told you to open your eyes earlier you would’ve also saw their “flashy plays” on Icebox

posted 1 month ago

PRX is a stain on APAC now, no use for fodder when the Koreans are here. G2 was obviously gonna dominate.

posted 1 month ago

G2 clears

posted 1 month ago

that’s been the truth for how long now

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

IT LITERALLY IS ENTERTAINING? G2 are suffocating PRX right now

posted 1 month ago

It makes me sick to see you apac children cry about G2 being boring when in terms of aggression, G2 is eclipsing PRX right now. Insane confidence from them, they’re peaking everything, and this is their defense half

posted 1 month ago

they were 2x more aggressive throughout their entire winstreak looool

posted 1 month ago

idk? some people clearly find them likeable? how is that even related to what I’m saying dumbass

posted 1 month ago

define flashy plays because there were a few from G2 that you’ve clearly erased from your memory

posted 1 month ago

what? I’m talking about people crying about their gameplay lol

posted 1 month ago

they’ve forced more duels than PRX in that map and people are calling them boring like what

posted 1 month ago

they’re literally more aggressive than PRX right now, it is actually cope

posted 1 month ago

wait a lot of people actually think g2 is boring wtf, collective delusion? is this why people believe the earth is flat?

posted 1 month ago

they’re head tapping a full buy Jett mid air mid dash with a sheriff and you guys call them fucking boring? Stop copping you apac babies lol

posted 1 month ago

non Americans ruined this site, Canadians are cool tho

posted 1 month ago

you’re indo yet you have a g2 flair? stay on your side

posted 1 month ago

“rage bait” who announced Sayf retiring besides himself?

posted 1 month ago

your region’s star duelist announced hints at retirement already and now we’re seeing why he did it.

posted 1 month ago

what a pathetic display from EU once again, complete mistake of a region to lose to the worst region’s 3rd fucking seed. EU’s finalist losing to Trace Esports. Sayf represents how painfully mediocre you euros all are, diffed by fucking Kai. Him ditching the esport is the right step towards rebuilding the mistake that is EMEA from scratch.

posted 1 month ago

Brit with 9k posts talking about someone else being chronically online, also wtf was that comeback

posted 1 month ago

no no this is bad because these are all upgrades and SEN might actually be good, we don’t wanna break up the family

posted 1 month ago

They’re ass and I think since they’re inevitability going to fail my region in champs right now, I think out of spite that they should continue to stay ass for the rest of 2025 by not swapping in better players. Sacy you deserve to stay on SEN, keep up the brother love and shit guys you are a true family and we should keep it that way.

posted 1 month ago

if you weren’t European, maybe you would understand the fact that this entire post is about questioning the hype he got for that one singular map performance against BLG.

You comparing this to Demon1 in that match that he got shit on for even if we ignore the fact that literally everyone on NRG was dogshit from the igling to the team play to the frags makes no sense whatsoever.

I get that you guys really are stupid but make it make sense at least (also I never called Hiro terrible)

posted 1 month ago

dumbass thinks a chamber merchant is comparable to the champs mvp who’s capable of playing 3 roles, you’re bringing shame to Turkey!

posted 1 month ago

*americas are known to make fun of retards

posted 1 month ago

Brit thinks Demon1 has the mental fortitude as his K-pop dancing igl lol

posted 1 month ago

turkey’s dumbest warrior is unironically comparing Kiles to EG Demon1 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

posted 1 month ago

Brit apparently missed the news that Demon1 wanted to continue starting, maybe twitter is blocked in the UK?

posted 1 month ago
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