Flag: United States
Registered: June 29, 2021
Last post: July 5, 2022 at 6:38 PM
Posts: 13

Portugal caralho, a lot of Brazilians are able to get Portugese passports based on ancestry

posted about 2 years ago

Because of Brexit, you will have to pay tuition fees just like any international, even if you have German citizenship. You will also have to pay upfront. Before Brexit, EU(incl German citizens) would pay the same tuition fees as English students. Moreover no upfront payments, tuitition fees would be covered by a loan instead. Therefore, UK unis on an EU passport is not as great of a choice as it used to be a few years ago.

Do consider Danish and Dutch unis tho, cuz they also do teaching in English. In Denmark they even give out stipends for undegrads.

posted about 2 years ago

Don't the people in Geneva release results on July 6th online if you took your May session exams recently? Or are you talking about A levels?

posted about 2 years ago

Hahaha lmao what

posted about 2 years ago

For team like fnatic who rely so much on "unique" tactics, the bye straight to round 2 matters much more than to g2. Fact of the matter is that fnatic showed their entire tactical repertoire during group stage and they simply got figured out by the time late stages of playoffs came around.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

SA:MP, MTA: Sam Andreas

posted about 3 years ago

Coaching scandal: amateur edition

posted about 3 years ago

Spill the tea bro, don't leave us hanging

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah that's true, but I think that explains why people say nukkye is toxic, when in reality he just doesn't tolerate people who are of different mindset than him. Whether this is a nukkye problem, or other people problem is a good question, that can have an endless debate.

I personally think it just leads nukkye straight into drama, and quite easily too, because this is a video game scene we're talking about. Average age of a player is going to be around 20, whose mentalities are not fully developed

posted about 3 years ago

Oh shit, posted from my throwaway account

posted about 3 years ago

Not a nukkye hater per se, actually want him to succeed. But I did notice that he can get quite passive aggressive or demonstrate bitchy behaviour when he deems that you're doing something wrong or in simple terms "troll" by not putting in enough effort etc. This is a character flaw that leads to conflict and drama, when most of the times it could have been avoided if nukkye was a bit more flexible to compromise and not get things done his way for once yknow.

This is why he wasn't able to cooperate with espiranto, who was known to have a very carefree approach towards his cs:go career and now probably keloqz who also was a bit more on carefree side also as evidenced by G2 Berlin bootcamp vlogs. That mindset does not sit well with nukkye and he might have gotten into some bad blood, at his own peril tbh.

posted about 3 years ago