- There is no way nukkye could have benched team captain mixwell alone, it had to be whole teams decision, probably pipson tbh.
- There is no known reason why keloqz was benched could be his lack of motivation, ego or stupid plays. NO ONE, BUT G2 KNOWS.
keloqz might have changed and they decided to bring him back. Again, NO ONE KNOWS.
Last time he had problem with player was EspiranTo 4 years ago for his lack of motivation and not wanting to prac/scrim.
G2 wants to be top team and they will do changes to be there, as we can see now even having a huge fan base will not save a player, even if fan base will be malding like they do right now.
People have no idea what's going on in G2, but still say "NukKyE biG eGo"
Cry is free and have a nice day.