Flag: Canada
Registered: January 25, 2023
Last post: March 5, 2025 at 11:15 PM
Posts: 140
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Bro what are your exemples of better IGLs with better firepower? Johnqt? Valyn? Munchkin? FNS HAS BEAT THEM ALL

Let’s not sit here and act like these people came out of nowhere in the last year, he’s beat them all, he at the very least deserves the benefit of the doubt, and if this team ends up being shit, then I guess you will have been right, but until then, FNS is still should be considered better.

Also, yes last year he didn’t have enough time, do you think it a coincidence that he left the Victor/crashies duo at the beginning of the year? He knew that core had reached its peak and that he needed a different team to succeed

posted 5 months ago

Listen I am not arguing whether he is a good fragger or not, he obviously isn’t, BUT, I need you to understand that having good results is what matters, and FNS has been getting good results for longer and more consistently than anyone other than Boaster and Sadhaak.

The point that I am making is that it’s unfair for anyone to say that NRG will struggle because of FNS when he has proven himself many times. FNS has played against johnqt, valyn, and a bunch of other great fragging IGLs in the pas and you know what? He’s beat them all. You’re argument is flawed because you think all these fragging IGLs are somehow new from this year, they are not, they’ve been competing for a long time and FNS has always been able to beat them, until he can’t beat them, he deserves the benefit of the doubt

posted 5 months ago

the fact that you are saying this so confidently even though you have quite literally zero clue of whether thats true or not so incredibly funny

posted 5 months ago

you see, eeiu in one year of playing with 100t was more consistent than bang. People lie, numbers dont

btw, i think bang is really good, but saying the reason hes inconsistent is Asuna, thats the biggest cope ive heard

posted 5 months ago

Yeah it’s pretty sure that zander goes to 100t, that being said, saying that Zander is inconsistent is crazy to me, he’s been really good almost every match for the past 2 years (trust me I’ve watched them all)

In terms of consistency you won’t find better in NA other than maybe s0m

posted 5 months ago

Bro I get it, FNS is a weak fragger, but is it a coincidence that his team was good in 2021, 2022 and 2023, like I get it you’re gonna make excuses for all of those years

2021: the competition wasn’t as good, 2022: he had the best player in the world, 2023: idk what real excuse you could give, I guess he didn’t make it out of groups at champs..

That being said, at one point you gotta start thinking maybe just maybe FNS had something to do with it, but what do i know…

posted 5 months ago

Classic fart

posted 5 months ago

Not significantly, bang is obviously very good, my personal opinion is that Zander is better, but again, they are both really good, but I’d say Zander is more consistent, and also he was putting up really good numbers while IGLing and now that he won’t be, he should get better even more

posted 5 months ago

also btw mada is canadian

posted 5 months ago

so is 100t

posted 5 months ago

Saying the competition has improved is nullified by two things, 1: the team around FNS is better, everyone on that team is a strong fragger which makes up for the lack of fragging they had from victor and ardiis in 2023, 2: since the beginning of the game, people have been criticising FNS for his lack of fragging, yet every year hes played, his team has been good, so when will you learn?

its also important to remember that until the latter part of 2024 where he had very little time to try and implement his system to a team that had frankly been dogshit all year, his fragging had always been good enough (not great, but good enough). I think you are heavily recency bias if you think his fragging throughout his career is a "massive firepower deficit"

posted 5 months ago

i would trust this guy, hes been very reliable in the past

posted 5 months ago

bro what is this fucking narrative that all of a sudden nrg will be bad because FNS cant frag

did every single person on this site forget that NRG made top 4 at an international in 2023 with a worse team than this year. FNS always has compensated for his lack of fragging with really good calling

posted 5 months ago

nah bro im ngl, mada is fucking insane

honestly im happy they went with mada, i think either would have been good, but im telling you mada is gonna do damage

posted 5 months ago

Bro that team is getting pick apart as we speak, at least both flyuh and mada have been trailing in other teams, and I doubt they have even played as a team since their last match.

Of course c9 look much better, they’ve been scrimming for the last month at least it just makes sense that they lost

posted 5 months ago

i assure you THE problem was definitely the calling.

Just try to analyse the decisions they were making before FNS came in, that shit was horrendous, they were fully disorganised and it got much better once FNS came back

posted 5 months ago

Yeah but you say that but FNS has always had a top 5 team in the world every year he’s been IGLing. Other than last year in the second half of the season, he’s always qualified to international events and he’s proven himself countless times.

If you honestly think that an IGL who has had his team in the top 5 for all of his career doesn’t deserve to be in the league, you have to be arguing in bad faith

posted 5 months ago

yeah idk, im guessing they are getting bang and narrate, but idk if that makes them the 4th best team

posted 5 months ago

Zander is Canadian btw

posted 5 months ago

Yeah it seems like he wouldn’t be such a good EMEA leaker since most of his “sources” are Brazilian players and friends, I’m guessing he has more insight in the Brazilian scene if even that

posted 5 months ago

Ah ok, yeah idk, i watched Zander on stream today and yesterday, and he really is acting like he already has a team. Although esports is very volatile, he might think it’s a done deal, but 100t go another way

posted 5 months ago

Lembo or the guy on vlr?

posted 5 months ago

Well according to some guy on vlr, Zander to 100t is pretty much confirmed… so that’s a garantee

But seriously Zander on his stream is acting like he is just waiting for an announcement and he already has a team. Idk if he is just overconfident, but my guess is that he already knows where he is going

posted 5 months ago

Bro of course he doesn’t care that much about viewers, he doesn’t know us, but it doesn’t mean that he can’t take a break.

Realistically if he actually didn’t give a shit, he has more than enough money to just retire and never come back

posted 5 months ago

I wouldn’t worry, Zander really didn’t want to IGL, he said multiple times that he doesn’t want to IGL

Also, he has been on a team with both johnqt and zellsis (the other big voices in the team) and he knows how to communicate with them

posted 5 months ago

Yeah from what I understand, they basically have to not play with rossy because he was on a tier 1 team and they need to wait until the 7th to announce him

I’m guessing Mitch is just a stand-in for this one tournament

posted 5 months ago

What are you on about. If SEN Zander happens, you take best player from the best tier 2 team in NA and you put him as the 3rd option on SEN.

Of course it’s a good move, he also won’t have to IGL anymore and he has good chemistry with johnqt and zellsis

posted 5 months ago

The problem is that he wants to stay close to his family to be able to see them.

Idk this for sure but LA might be as fas a he is willing to go

posted 5 months ago

Yeah idk, I do hope SEN at least gives Zander a trial cause I think he would be a good fit, but it feels like they might already have had their roster in mind before Zander became available

posted 5 months ago

I hope he gets a shot in tier 1 although his performance this year was underwhelming compared to last year as an M80 fan.

At the very least he should be able to get a spot on one of the remaining tier 2 orgs (MxS or tsm)

posted 5 months ago

Wdym when Zander and Johnqt played together johnqt was the IGL

Also a lot of people say Zander would be a good fit on SEN not only because of his connection with John, but also because he played with zellsis for a while to

posted 5 months ago

Bro what?

Did you not see three players who were on The Guard, now on G2 have a super successful year. Also Johnqt get on SEN and help them win a trophy. Also Wo0t, riens and miniboo get from t2 and have a very successful year with TH

Like bro so many of the best t2 players can do amazing in t1 if they get the chance

posted 5 months ago

im pretty sure if you look at the contract database, it says he is a "non-resident' which makes him an import

posted 5 months ago


they might want to consider making space in the player pages for more than one flag, especially when the import rule is as important as it is in valorant

posted 5 months ago

yeah i see what you mean about the flag used next to their name, but at least once you click on the players name, you actually have all their nationalities

posted 5 months ago

the thing is idk how much the players actually chooses to rep a country or vlr just chooses for them

i doubt vlr is asking every player what flag they want next to their name

posted 5 months ago

the problem is vlr not the player, on liquipedia, they show both nationalities on the players page, for some reason, vlr chooses a nationality and thats it

Jawgemo for example has the cambodian flag on vlr but he also has the american flag on liquipedia

posted 5 months ago

well nismo is also canadian

johnqt is just Moroccan im pretty sure he doesnt have another nationality, so he counts as an import

posted 5 months ago

Yeah… Riot also really wants Valo to be a healthy esport so I do believe they are going to try and change something because if they don’t the whole tier 2 scene will just die out

posted 5 months ago

That’s true, but if riot keeps up the same investment AND other organizers join it might be enough viewership and prize money to make the investment worthwhile for orgs

posted 5 months ago

I agree, truthfully if riot insist in running Tier2, they need to increase their spending. But as it seems this is not gonna happen, they need to run the circuit through 3rd party organiser with tournaments formats leading into ascension, instead of a league that gives next to 0 prize money.

Idk if that if is possible, but is feels like tournament type events have higher viewership and 3rd party organizers might be willing to invest and give higher prize pools

posted 5 months ago

Yeah, I definitely think Tier 2 will increasingly become more about collegiate as well as FA teams that end up getting signed going into ascension as opposed to being signed all year

posted 5 months ago

It’s possible, all the players are also hinting that this might have been the end, like Koala saying he will have to try and get to Tier 1 as a LFT.

M80 as an org might just not see enough return on investment to justify staying in the league. That or they won’t be keeping their players under contract and look to do like DarkZero and sign a team later in their year

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

is it just me or was RETA getting so many stunned or flashed kills, and kills through smokes?

im aware that im coping but that Lotus game was unbelievably frustrating to watch as a m80 fan

posted 5 months ago

I agree those are better choices, but the yay option is interesting.

I do think that if the chemistry is right, getting yay could be very good

posted 6 months ago

the open qual is today:

the playins are the 30th, although idk wait the games today are streamed

posted 6 months ago

I’m pretty sure it’s like 10% of the 60 million so like 6 million if I’m not mistaken

posted 6 months ago

I mean it’s random, had all teams from one region been first seed or second seed, this would not have been possible.

On the bright side though, after the first round, pretty much all the matchups will be 2 different regions

posted 6 months ago

Exactly, basically no one expects them to make it out, if they do it’s great, if they don’t, they can just blame it on the group of death

posted 6 months ago
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