Flag: Vietnam
Registered: December 27, 2023
Last post: September 18, 2024 at 2:29 PM
Posts: 1495
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NA is kinda a toss-up between oxg and mxs but those two clear everyone else in the region

posted 7 months ago

man juicy got robbed out of franchising

posted 7 months ago

give it to me I want a new keyboard (i have 3 of them already)

posted 7 months ago

how much would a grocery bag full of pennies be worth

posted 7 months ago

Ethan's basically Chronicle but only the part where he plays flash initiator

posted 7 months ago

Tierlist except I have brain damage and have no idea whether these are valid takes or not

posted 8 months ago

oxg please just fucking win 2 rounds at 11-3 stop scaring everybody like that

posted 8 months ago

I owe MxS an apology for my pickems I wasn't familiar with their game

posted 8 months ago

dw you jus need three rounds

posted 8 months ago

your team only got into LANs because of fnatic

posted 8 months ago

i don't know shit about oxg or mxm so i might be negative cooking

posted 8 months ago

Google Translate:

Report on members belonging to the VALORANT division
Thank you for your continued support of FENNEL.
We would like to inform you that the suspension imposed on player "Xdll", who belongs to our VALORANT division, has been terminated
and it has been decided that he will be able to return to team activities.
・About suspension
Suspense period: October 18, 2023 to December 4, 2023
Details of the punishment: After consultation with the concerned players and related parties, including their parents, we have suspended
all social media activities and suspended the player from team practice to focusing on individual practice.
·Plan from now on
After discussions with team members, we have decided to hold another tryout and return
to the roster in 2024.
In the future, the athlete will resume his SNS activities and at the same time will resume his activities under the management of
our company. Additionally, as part of strengthening our management system, we will move our practice and living
environments closer to our offices in an effort to prevent recurrence.
Once again, we would like to deeply apologize for the inconvenience and concern we have caused to
everyone, including the fans who support FENNEL and everyone involved.
We appreciate your continued support for our company and the players belonging to FENNEL.
Fennel Co., Ltd.

posted 8 months ago

wait hol on im bronze 1 lemme at them

posted 8 months ago

whose idea was it at riot to not do relegation holy fuck

posted 8 months ago

trust me they'll break shangai dragons losing streak record and win champions 2045

posted 8 months ago

Fade's util needs HP buffs there's no way that giant ass eye is the same hp as a lil tiny Sova dart

not saying this as a fade main

posted 8 months ago

I know there's no Aspas on loud but there's no fucking way this dude put them in the same tier with kru

posted 8 months ago

bro 3 of those players played together under CR chemistry is almost certainly not the issue here

posted 8 months ago

i witnessed jessievash hide in window for the entirety of a postplant

posted 8 months ago

Bro's trying to get an all-Viet squad

Respect tho

posted 8 months ago

bro who the hell put dfm not in 11th

posted 8 months ago

we gonna have to wait until 2030 until Asuna gets booted off

posted 8 months ago
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