Flag: Vietnam
Registered: December 27, 2023
Last post: March 4, 2025 at 2:06 PM
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that doesn't mean EVERYONE leaves the site

posted 11 months ago

nah fpx fuckin threw breeze

why would you all leave A open just to gang up on the lurker

posted 11 months ago

Doesn't bro just take the comms without understanding any of it

posted 11 months ago

I know you're better than this

posted 11 months ago

you don't have shit either

posted 11 months ago

Playoff teams:
EDG looked a bit shaky in their one match against Wolves but are still the favorites to win the tournament
FPX also look really strong and are also favorites to get the Madrid slot
DRG are surprisingly good, showing their Ascension win wasn't a fluke
TE look pretty solid and FengF is fucking frying (rooting for them to make Madrid)

Playin teams:
BLG look pretty underwhelming, their only strong win was against a mentally wrecked TEC
TEC looked good at the beginning but became Rb and friends at the playins

Everyone else:
JDG is just stew and friends at this point
Wolves didn't look too bad for being a newer team
TYLOO, AG, NOVA don't look too great

posted 11 months ago

FengF dropping 70:

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

booted up my pc

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

what does bro have against esperanza

posted about a year ago

Alleged geospliced backup account here

Part of me doesn't want that to happen, since that would mean EDG wouldn't make it to an international event, but a TE upset would bring some more attention to the Chinese league and show how it isn't just EDG and a bunch of no-names. Also FengF has been going insane in the Kickoff and I would love to see him perform at a Masters event.

posted about a year ago

Yeah, since TEC's mental has to be in the shitter rn

Then again I'm a G2 flair so people aren't gonna take me seriously anyway :shrug:

posted about a year ago

CN Kickoff Play-In: BilliBilli Gaming vs Titan Esports Club

BLG Brief Information: BilliBilli Gaming started their Kickoff run on the wrong foot, losing 2-0 to a newly-minted Wolves roster in their opening match. Fortunately for BLG, they returned the favor in the deciding match, after Wolves faced an expected loss against the giants of Edward Gaming. BLG 2-0'ed Wolves back to secure the play-in spot for Group C. Knight came up with the best numbers on the squad, going negative in only one map in the group stage. Biank has also shown some improvement ever since moving the IGL role to B3ar, who replaced rin from the original roster. After a very dissappointing off-season, with 5-8th place finishes in the first two Evolution acts and not even qualifying for the third, BLG hope to prove their fabled upsets against NRG at last year's Champions wasn't a fluke

TEC Brief Information: Titan Esports Club won 18-16 against Trace Esports and then forgot how to play against Trace Esports, with 6-13 and 8-13 losses on Lotus and Split respectively. Several rounds of the previous series makes TEC look more like Rb and friends, with Rb topping his team on three different agents with pretty much no help sometimes. Qiuye especially underperformed against TE, going 11 rounds on Lotus without getting a single kill. TEC's chances of clinching playoffs are already becoming slim, and they would need to pull out a win against BLG to stay afloat.

BLG Players to Watch: Knight was performing pretty consistently in the group stage, even when BLG weren't at their best. Biank and whzy, while not exactly back in their clutching and Judge-spamming times of months past, showed some flashes of mechanical skill here and there.

TEC Players to Watch: Rb was hard carrying his team against TE; his 4k in Breeze OT looked something out of a ranked montage.

Prediction: Considering TEC has to play immediately after their loss, 2-0 BLG

posted about a year ago

apparently you're not allowed to win a game if it's for fun

posted about a year ago

Yea JDG bought out the RA core after Ascension but without yoman because of import issues

They probably had some issues transitioning to jkuro being their IGL

posted about a year ago

DFM fans are just Crazy Raccoon fans who are still annoyed they didn't get the franchising spot instead but are forced to support the merger

posted about a year ago

Since Mr. Geospliced isn't here and there's like an hour before this match starts, I shall take the introduction role

CN Kickoff Play-In: Trace Esports vs Titan Esports Club

TE Brief Information: They got sent down to the lower bracket of Group A after a hard-fought series against FPX, which the latter eventually won for a direct playoff spot. TE then proceeded to demolish NOVA for the play-in spot, dropping only 9 rounds in the entire series. Though everyone on Trace showed up that day, FengF and Kai contributed the most to that dominant series, as both players had a +19 kill differential. TE has become a top 4 team in the Chinese region since the end of 2023, and hope to retain that spot by making the playoffs.

TEC Brief Information: After a close loss to the Ascension winners DRG, who qualified for the playoffs, they barely squeezed out a win against JDG in the Group B decider match, with the standard scenario of stew top fragging but his teammates all having negative KDs. Rb has shown to be pretty consistent with his new team, showing that he's still one of the most flexible players in the Asian regions. Abo struggled a little bit in the JDG rematch but we've seen that when he's feeling it, he can be a force to be reckoned with. For being one of the younger teams in China, this team has already proved a lot and can make deep runs in the league.

TE Players to Watch: FengF is insanely good on Raze, which means he goes bezerk on this Raze-favored mappool. Kai was also an oppressive force in his match against NOVA.

TEC Players to Watch: Rb has put up pretty good numbers throughout the entirety of the group stage, and intends to continue that trend going into the play-in stage. Additionally, Abo can absolutely wreak havoc if he gets a good start to the game.

Prediction: 2-1 TEC. Both teams have shown pretty strong Lotus gameplay, so we might see an OT if a team picks it.

posted about a year ago

both teams made this rivalry together lmao why do people not see that

posted about a year ago

FNC 2-0 but I really want this to be wrong because KC making Madrid would be the funniest shit ever

posted about a year ago

marteen on that mewing streak

posted about a year ago

Professor P gives MiBr a pop quiz which they will fail

posted about a year ago

ja smurfing in challengers apparently

posted about a year ago

nah stew drops 60 but his teammates go -10 and loses

Edit: told you

posted about a year ago

poach mCe

blud is a few months too late on that

posted about a year ago

bros were touting him as japan's #1 sova player and then proceeded to play breeze twice without him

posted about a year ago

+D3FFO (blud's getting most of Gambit back together)

posted about a year ago

I still choose to believe the bleed ge incident was role trolling

posted about a year ago

i mean demon1 kinda backed up his words here (we do not talk about ascent)

posted about a year ago

no help

posted about a year ago

Took me a second to realize this wasn't referring to benjyfishy

posted about a year ago

fuck I didn't notice that

The double controller comps are hard to formulate so probably default to Sscary omen and Egoist viper

unironically a good chunk of the role issues would be solved if Egoist played viper more

posted about a year ago

meanwhile i still dont know what the stars mean

posted about a year ago


literally just get y0y off of fuccin viper

posted about a year ago

Rooting for TEC solely because that rap went kinda hard

posted about a year ago

nonono they're still there

posted about a year ago

was that match the turkish equivalent of watching yay in pacific

posted about a year ago

so we're just gonna ignore sr getting wrecked by t3 teams

posted about a year ago

I'm pretty sure if their losing streak was translated into ranked rr, their highest ranked player Meiy would fall from Radiant #22 to imm3 468rr

posted about a year ago

It's more like no one has any actual idea where to put them because in any other universe Apeks would've won Ascension

posted about a year ago

no it is absolutely essential to witness lil bro planting the spike

posted about a year ago

https://www.vlr.gg/pickem/bfbc112b first games are so free

posted about a year ago

im nhé

posted about a year ago

vollzie how do i go downstairs to make myself a nighttime snack without getting yelled at by my dad (i still have a bedtime despite being in college)

posted about a year ago

yea but did you see yay's ace

posted about a year ago

i wanna get food but it's midnight and my dad's downstairs

posted about a year ago

it's fucking midnight here

posted about a year ago

1/2: Prefer SoL stuff and don't really like horror stuff

3: Either is fine

posted about a year ago

Since this pacific match has a 2 year long delay anyone got something i should read

posted about a year ago
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