Flag: Australia
Registered: June 10, 2023
Last post: December 2, 2024 at 8:37 AM
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they are top 9 def not top 5. I could see them being better than talon and dfm but thats it. People in this thread seem to be delusional

posted about a year ago

the only comment with over 1 upvote in this post

posted about a year ago

you are so cheeky and clever, you got me there HAHAHAHAHAHA.

posted about a year ago

in order currently (not including most Chinese teams).

posted about a year ago

most braindead take ever. Why is drx 3rd what?
Heres an accurate top 5 in history

  1. FNC: (fnc over optic). (Optic/envy/nrg) has 1st, 2nd, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th-8th, and 9th-12th which is an average placement of 3.57-4.42th whilst fnc has 1st, 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5-8th. which is average off 3.25-4th at international events. both teams didnt qualify for one event for fnc it was masters berlin and for envy/optic it was masters Reykjavik in 2021. Also nrg don't look to good so far for this upcoming tournament whilst fnc are the favourites.
  2. optic
  3. loud
  4. gambit
  5. DRX
  6. FPX
posted about a year ago

you are saying prime 100t (this was there peak moment in val history) beat acend and gambit whilst prime sen beat team vikings and fnc. YOU ARE COMPARING BOTH TEAMS IN THEIR PRIME AND SEN ARE DEF BETTER IN THEIR PRIME THAN 100T.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

prime sen was by far the most dominate team while prime 100thieves has never been the best team ever and never in NA and they didn't beat prime acend and gambit but an upcoming one. sen are better than if your comparing primes

posted about a year ago

ik best in NA is mad lions

posted about a year ago

I don't think riot will backdown from their decision until maybe a few years later

posted about a year ago

Optic you donkey

posted about a year ago

What's stopping Mad Lions from being considered the best team in NA val history

posted about a year ago

different people burn calories at a different rate and burning calories at a slow rate will make more of the consumed calories into fat and at a faster rate less of the calories consumed will be stored as fat. I personally have a very fast metabolism and consume over 3000 calories a day but I am a 19 on the BMI.

posted about a year ago

not how it works. Heard of metabolism and genetics?

posted about a year ago

least toxic optic supporter

posted about a year ago

not how it works

posted about a year ago

weibo bout to win so they won't

posted about a year ago

Fusion are already out at last place.

posted about a year ago

whyz clears any day

posted about a year ago

No its cus Americans are stupid

posted about a year ago

NA bad. Mine isn't getting censored?

posted about a year ago

9x betting odds for weibo. Not looking good

posted about a year ago

I have heard this before

posted about a year ago

we will see then

posted about a year ago

scarz or naos vs bleed in final and bleed prob win

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

raze show stopper

posted about a year ago

did u say consistently or did you say beat?

posted about a year ago

o7 optic destroyers

posted about a year ago

5.8x odds for xia rn at 9-3 half. I've bet on xia with the 5.8x odds and its 9-5 so pls say they win

posted about a year ago

this message sounds familiar.

posted about a year ago

yep there is only one in which bonkers is out but it's the most likely scenario. Bonkers has to win or dplus has to lose

posted about a year ago

oops yep. Ill delete it

posted about a year ago

did I say that? dfm aint winning lcq

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

coming close to beating a team doesnt mean beating a team. Also last time bleed played Global esports they beat them 2-0, last time bleed played prx they beat them, last time bleed played team secret they beat them 2-0 and last time bleed played RRQ they beat them 2-1. They also beat loud in scrims recently but I won't count that for anything. Off that I wouldn't call Bleed a team that can't compete in tier 1

posted about a year ago

seek help

posted about a year ago

secret or GE winning prob GE

posted about a year ago

stop overcooking

posted about a year ago

If Bonkers win against bleed then they are confirmed 2nd and if Dplus beat scarz then they 1st place in group B but if they lose to bleed and dplus lose to scarz then bonkers are 3rd and if bonkers lose to bleed and dplus beat scarz then they are eliminated

Bonkers: Win and Dplus: Lose = 2nd place
Bonkers: Win and Dplus: Win = 1st place
Bonkers: Lose and Dplus Lose = 3rd place
Bonkers: Lose and Dplus Win = 4th place

posted about a year ago

professional gambler is here

posted about a year ago

I would call him flex as half the time he plays viper and other half he plays cypher or kj. These are 2 different roles so I would call him flex

posted about a year ago

its not tho? you guys are just assuming this. For majority of people its obvious who they will play but its not quite for people who play flex like f0rsaken, Rb, suygetsu, victor and more. If you go onto their valorant tracker you can see f0rsaken for example only plays jett and raze basically and this act its almost only deadlock but he doesn't play these characters in tournaments often. It's the same for almost anybody that I have mentioned and more.

posted about a year ago

and tracker can't see custom games

posted about a year ago

What was your childhood nickname?

What was your first pets name?

posted about a year ago

source: trust me bro

posted about a year ago
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