Yeah I get your point and it makes sense, but yay isn't really a "duelist", the meta right now it's Jett heavy and the primary role for Jett it's just to Op on defense. That's the same role Chamber has. NRG already has Victor as their explosive duelist to play entry, Jett's primary role was always just to Op on defense, the entry part isn't a big part of her. You can already notice that because the moment an agent was good with the Op (Chamber) every team ran other duelist and even no duelist at all. Yay's would still play Jett on Ascent, Haven, Pearl and Split, and Chamber on Bind. And he can fill the KJ on Lotus and Fracture (just if they run Sova Raze like the last time they played, because we haven't seen their Fracture in a while and they even played Jett Skye, having a perfect spot for yay to play Jett)
Also, the smoke-dash entry isn't really a must use. Everyone thinks it's super important but teams just do it because they already picked Jett, so there's no point on not doing it, and even sometimes it's worse since it isolates 1 player and the rest of the team can be stuckeb behind a molotov. Splitting has always been the better way of approaching attacking rounds and site executes, and the prime for that playstyle was for example when teams ran no duelist Chamber triple Initiators on Ascent