Flag: Uruguay
Registered: June 2, 2023
Last post: January 15, 2024 at 3:36 PM
Posts: 27

it isn't, there's no denial that guys are stupid as fuck sometimes but there are girls who use their victim status to justify their toxic behaviour. Obviously i'm generalizing, not every guy is a sexist flamer and not every girl is like I said. Both are equally bad and both should be banned but believe me when I say, everytime I report a sexist player they get banned like 1 or 2 days after(as they should). But of all the toxic girls I've reported, only 1 or 2 have been actually banned, even when I reported a girl outside the game and providing a video proof of her ebhaviour

posted about a year ago

Monitors are not only used for competitive shooters, they unlock a whole new gaming experience with the refresh rates, the resolution or even the colors

posted about a year ago

The 540hz it's the Asus one? I would wait until Zowie's 540hz with DyAc+/DyAc 2 releases.
Or you could get the Asus PG27AQN. It's a 360hz 1440p fast IPS panel, ULMB2 (the same technology as Zowie's DyAc) and with very good colors, or if you don't want to spend as much maybe get the Viewsonic XG2431, 1080p 240hz fast IPS with the same technology as Zowie's Dyac (tho a little different and this one doesn't have adjustable brightness)

posted about a year ago

I think it's Guts, I've seen Berserk and he didn't had it that bad, Kirito suffered more honestly

posted about a year ago

Do you realize FNS wasn't the one in charge to get and cut players? When yay got cut NRG roster was just starting, they still were with ardiis and trying things out. There was absolutely no reason to bring yay just because "he's our frined" that's not how it works lol

posted about a year ago

they say it because chamber resembles jett's defense gameplay of taking early picks with the op and since she's a duelist they say the same about chamber

posted about a year ago

I can't believe you guys are using money that doesn't even belong to you as insults ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€

posted about a year ago

I pray for FNS to not leave NRG and be with crashies, Victor, s0m/Marved and yay, I'm a delusional OpTic fan and I see them every night at my dreams๐Ÿ—ฟ

posted about a year ago

I think he will play Jett/Chamber/Killjoy like Ardiis did

posted about a year ago

That always happens lol everyone overhype these 1 series-players and then somehow they become the best players in the world out of one good series or even map. People saying he was on aspas, derke's or yay's level was wild

posted about a year ago

Cypher and Viper have the same role in that comp, if they want to change Chamber they should bring Jett but it's kinda the same

posted about a year ago

bro thinks he slick changing the flag

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Honestly that would be an interesting approach, I'd like to see that.
I feel like yay should only play Jett and then leave the rest for Victor. He could play KJ, Chamber and even Cypher but it depends on the comp. I see FNS as better suited to play KJ/Cypher but if the meta it's like the current one, where we have Viper and KJ, I definetly see yay rocking KJ or even Cypher. I saw on his streams that he's practicin with Raze but I'd still left that to Victor since he's more experienced and has better movement. Yay's movement isn't his forte, that's why his roles always were almost util-free so he could just focus on outaiming and teleporting/dashing away

posted about a year ago

Yeah I get your point and it makes sense, but yay isn't really a "duelist", the meta right now it's Jett heavy and the primary role for Jett it's just to Op on defense. That's the same role Chamber has. NRG already has Victor as their explosive duelist to play entry, Jett's primary role was always just to Op on defense, the entry part isn't a big part of her. You can already notice that because the moment an agent was good with the Op (Chamber) every team ran other duelist and even no duelist at all. Yay's would still play Jett on Ascent, Haven, Pearl and Split, and Chamber on Bind. And he can fill the KJ on Lotus and Fracture (just if they run Sova Raze like the last time they played, because we haven't seen their Fracture in a while and they even played Jett Skye, having a perfect spot for yay to play Jett)
Also, the smoke-dash entry isn't really a must use. Everyone thinks it's super important but teams just do it because they already picked Jett, so there's no point on not doing it, and even sometimes it's worse since it isolates 1 player and the rest of the team can be stuckeb behind a molotov. Splitting has always been the better way of approaching attacking rounds and site executes, and the prime for that playstyle was for example when teams ran no duelist Chamber triple Initiators on Ascent

posted about a year ago

I pray for whatever god exists for NRG to sign yay. I don't have anything against ardiis, I can't even say it's his fault NRG got grouped (let's be real, he played amazing against Zeta) but I wish yay can come back with the team. I genuinely think other teams won't use yay's potential to the best, he isn't the explosive type of player who would run through a smoke and get 3 kills, he's reserved and disciplined and FNS used that perfectly in 2022. Like, yay it's a player who can get ANY 50/50 first blood with the proper read and set up, if you appear on his screen you had very low chances to kill him because somehow he always hits the first shot. It's not like you can say "yay go kill" and expect him to go like aspas or any other duelist, no hate towards ardiis but yay was better in almost every aspect except the agent pool

posted about a year ago

wow dude at least put a jumpscare alert

posted about a year ago

Yeah he wasn't playing duelist, he was playing Chamber, that agent has almost the same impact Jett would have on defense and in attack still has an important role

posted about a year ago

if nrg loses furnace will say smth like "fine i'll do it myself" and start playing jett and chamber owning everyone

posted about a year ago

I feel like people overrate prx so hard, like I know it is a good team but people get lazy and it's so easy to say "if they save something they win", and give the credits of their win or loss to something. I don't think they are better than EG or Loud (I don't know how Loud was that bad on Tokyo but I trust they still a good team). But who knows, I may be wrong. They don't have enough matches against good teams outside their region with something to prove it other than what we've seen in Tokyo

posted about a year ago

"we" bro thinks he won copenhagen

posted about a year ago

He could be in the main roster actually, he can play Jett on Ascent, Haven, Split, Pearl and even Fracture (I know NRG tried that Sova Raze comp but previously they played Jett Skye and it was pretty good. They won against 100t and almost won against Loud, but they threw) and in Bind he could play Sage or Chamber, depends on their comp choice. That leaves us with just Lotus out, and even so I don't think KJ it's a hard agent to flex, he could do a decent job on that role. If they try the 6 man roster I think he could be in the main roster and leave ardiis just for Lotus and Fracture

posted about a year ago

chamber was op for everyone, not just for yay. just sayin

posted about a year ago

Bruh, if u think antistrat in professional level it's like "he's playing jett guys lets pick 5 smokes so he can't op ๐Ÿ˜Ž" you clearly don't understand the game, the same exact comp on Ascent it's being played since more than a year and a half and it's not like teams can't shut down strats because they don't know their comp, antistrating it's about knowing the player and the team tendencies and build a counter plan around it, I guarantee you every single team last year knew exactly that yay was gonna play Chamber almost every single match and optic still succeeded

posted about a year ago

bro just discovered set-up plays

posted about a year ago