Flag: Palestine
Registered: February 11, 2022
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 5:59 PM
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Hien is also pretty decent, stitching doesn't fray if you clean it right, just search up the method on google

posted about a year ago

col were two rounds away from beating FAZE the best team in the world during pro league (so your analysis is flawed and you're bronze)

posted about a year ago

george sets out vendettas against pro's including shahz,

and is a blight on the community wake up lil bro

posted about a year ago

ye Fallen also just qual'd for the major with the last dance team like 20 min ago

posted about a year ago

Th0rin called Fallen the most overrated player of all time and is overall a clown and anyone else who associates with him is also a clown, like George Geddes and geometrix

posted about a year ago

bro we were fellow shahzam fans hop off my cock

you can enjoy playing and watching both

(and shahz dont even like you LOL)

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago



posted about a year ago

and he still out igl's boaster

posted about a year ago

i dont even know what to say

posted about a year ago

dickhead vanity and nats play the same agent roles imagine trying to compare A LURKER WHO NATS AND VANITY BOTH ARE


WAKE UP dickhead

posted about a year ago

vanity i guess. before I wouldve said mitch

posted about a year ago

I agree I think Jawg is the only actual tier 1 player on that team,

they have all the ability in the world to take what's left of the FA scene, boostio and c0m arent that great imo

posted about a year ago

its a relatively simple character to play, especially since you only really need to play her on one to two maps. Most aggressive players can do well with her since her job is to take space with the wall and capitalize off of it.

Its a support role with delay capability and depending on how you use your util on attack or defense taking duels can be more advantageous than other anchors. (other than chamber).

It's also a decent op agent as you can make new angles and gaps with walls that people don't expect.

just my analysis.

posted about a year ago

the most likely and reasonable roster

posted about a year ago

good roster just get rid of rossy and keep roza

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

who they keeping so far?

posted about a year ago

have not been aware woke up like an hour ago lol

posted about a year ago

also leak EG while you're at it, there has been 0 noise there

posted about a year ago

Honestly it could be the way some of these "reporters" have been getting their leaks the whole time. Wouldn't actually be surprised if it is.

Pretty funny that normal people can do a better job at finding roster moves than these "reporters" now tho.

posted about a year ago

George has never been a good person or a likeable guy, he consistently tries to start shit with other pros and reporters while acting like he's a saint.
He's not a reporter he's a leaker, reporters actually follow the concepts of journalism, he is the joke of every pro in the scene.

Going on a podcast with someone like Thorin about Valorant doesn't really help his case either.

Don't let this offseason and the leaks he gets allow you to forget that he's a blight on the community.

posted about a year ago

still better than anyone on the team he's joining and he's also a site anchor and controller. Viper is not a role its an agent.

also he igl'd the defense side for Xset which was one of their strongest points especially on maps like split and pearl.

posted about a year ago

he didn't play bad and was definitely one of the best players in his role in NA

posted about a year ago

George absolutely destroyed him and hes right too

posted about a year ago

if you're playing with friends and theres a large enough ranked disparity then yes its fun. Close ranks in high elo has the highest q times in the game and low gain

posted about a year ago

brother really didnt understand a single word the report said, it just said their contracts are expiring, that doesn't mean they can't sign new ones

posted about a year ago

so by your same reasoning Marved is toxic right

posted about a year ago

if being toxic is talking back to someone that is talking shit then everyone in the scene is toxic, even someone like TenZ

also i dont want your socials lil bro

posted about a year ago

but when has he actually been toxic, he's only just talked back to the weirdos on vlr talking shit to him (who aren't pros)

posted about a year ago

buddy he already said this wasn't the case

posted about a year ago

teams are going to make role swaps along with roster moves, Dapr is a strong site anchor and lurker on the sentinel role, moving him to controller still allows him to do that (like nats for example). Like I said I like SicK but my guess is that he takes his talents somewhere else.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

as much as I like Zander as a player he is an extremely unproven igl, at the end of V1's season he wasn't even igling for the team anymore it was effys

posted about a year ago


those are in fact my thoughts

posted about a year ago

Dapr has played viper for the team in the past and its not that far of a reach to go from sentinel to controller, SicK is a great player but I just don't know if he even wants to play for the team or wants to play at all.

posted about a year ago

This is just a wild guess but it makes the most sense to me.

I could see victor and crashies going to Sen as their pickups for next season. Based on Weltis' streams he made it sound like the players have played with the potential pickups before. Victor has played on a team with TenZ back in CS, Crashies played in the early days with sentinels on the unsigned roster. Weltis also said they aren't doing that many trials so that really means one or two pickups. (also Dapr will probably make a move to smokes in this case)

Final Preds:
SEN TenZ (op/duelist)
SEN Shahzam (igl)
SEN Dapr (smokes)
SEN Victor (duelist/flex)
SEN Crashies (initiator/sentinel)

Where I see the other NA players/igls going
Dephh: EG or 100t
yay: C9
Zellsis: C9

posted about a year ago

This information doesn't make any sense as there is no buy-in for the Valorant franchising spot, there is for LCS, so them getting into franchising would literally have no effect on them buying the slot

posted about a year ago

this is truth

posted about a year ago

COD Black Ops 1

posted about a year ago

you sure know a lot about managing a company... clueless

posted about a year ago

the CEO of Riot already announced this on stream lil bro, they also said they were looking to do a tourney in Japan in the future

posted about a year ago

of the lower bracket, keep coping

posted about a year ago

against boom, their pearl looked really strong, and Loud banned all the maps where Laz plays chamber in their rematch game (like pearl)

posted about a year ago

they replaced split with pearl, a map which they played extremely well on and plays a lot like split

(edit: although I will say that their map pool looked a little thinner since they started banning icebox which used to be one of their best maps)

posted about a year ago

India does not encompass all of South Asia, that's like saying all fruits are apples

plus Tanzania is in Africa

posted about a year ago

Zeta crushed liquid last time they played and statistically speaking Laz had the highest chamber stats in the tourney, the only team they lost to was Loud a grand finalist.

posted about a year ago

FNS is not indian he is Tanzanian, he's talked about it on his stream

posted about a year ago

Zeta or 100t would have crushed liquid

posted about a year ago

actually true as well

posted about a year ago
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