Flag: Palestine
Registered: February 11, 2022
Last post: March 2, 2025 at 8:52 AM
Posts: 678
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not even new remember F4Q Bunny

posted about a year ago

i think it might be the fact that a certain someone had 12 FD on smokes...

but thats just me tho

posted about a year ago

Rbenis ze goat

posted about a year ago

Probably Zeta vs Fnatic on Icebox


LG vs Sen (Tenz Debut game) Icebox

posted about a year ago

Monster, 20th Century Boys, or Pluto

by Naoki Urasawa

posted about a year ago

never forget he was the goat against liquid

posted about a year ago

tbh I think the actual "skill gap" people claim is their for tier 1 and 2 in both games is really just lack of experience and confidence playing in a highly competitive environment.

A lot of the tier 1 and tier 2 teams in both CS and Val are pretty similar in actual skill level, but the prep time and experience is what makes the difference

posted about a year ago

Dep has the most First bloods and highest ACS in the league

and the maps both went OT

posted about a year ago

they do have some aimers the team cohesion just isn't there

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

NAF has something to say about that

posted about a year ago

Honolulu, Hawaii

not from there i'm from D.C.

p.s. never come to D.C. the city is literally designed so you get confused and lost in it on purpose (google it)

posted about a year ago

Eid Mubarak

posted about a year ago

I have the bald buff on my side now so Opm solos goku,

therefore I solo him and you

posted about a year ago

Hey guys still in chemo, I am a maryland native pakistani and I am so proud of G2 winning that game regardless of what happens against the guard I am happy. Wallahi everything I said here is true Ramadan Mubarak brothers and sisters.


posted about a year ago

as long as you hit the first bullet you get the kill but it also slows movement which gives you more first bullet accuracy

posted about 2 years ago

Terror in resonance

posted about 2 years ago

mongolia is insanely strong in fps games yes

posted about 2 years ago

actually rock paper scissors lol

posted about 2 years ago

not mollies or flashes but literally just smokes to disrupt the site or cypher kill trips as they come in, leafs trips had no impact

edit: we're basically just saying the same thing so yep

posted about 2 years ago

What I got out of Haven for C9 is that they really just don't know how to use their own comp. On haven playing a heavy retake setup on defense is really only possible if you have a breach against a good post plant team like DRX.

Instead of actually providing the support utility and getting more trap setups in on the A side they really just gave up the site every time which doesn't make sense for their comp at all besides zellsis creating space.

What should've is more delay utility and more aggression to contest space on short or long to allow your star multi-fraggers like zellsis, xeppa, or yay to actually have an impact in the round.

imo the calling was the real problem for C9 on haven and icebox and DRX are just too drilled and not scared enough to just sit back and wait.

posted about 2 years ago

i had them winning actually

posted about 2 years ago

i feel like a lot of teams can afford to boot camp in sao paulo tho as it shouldnt be too expensive

posted about 2 years ago

Imo lock-in being this cutthroat has a silver lining for a lot of teams if they choose to take the opportunity.
If they do get eliminated they are able to scrim against top competition across multiple regions which can overall raise the skill level overall of the selective splits.

Im a fan of both C9 and PRX so its a little sad to see them go but I hope most teams take advantage of the high level practice they can get if they choose to spend a lil extra time.

posted about 2 years ago

nahhh that was wild

posted about 2 years ago

A little over a month ago I made a post about my diagnosis with cancer, since then I've started treatment this past week and I am progressing well although it is challenging. Thanks to all the kind messages and jokes on the last post, I'm excited to watch the upcoming Sao Paulo tournament and the respective challengers tournaments since I have much more free time to watch now. My goal is to eventually be healthy enough to attend Masters Tokyo as my total treatment time is 9 weeks.

P.S. : No unfortunately I was not able to keep my testicle in a jar as they needed to sample it for the specific type of tumor it was :(

posted about 2 years ago

This past Monday I was diagnosed with Testicular cancer and today I had my surgery to have it and the tumor removed. Soon I'll find out the extent of the spread through follow up tests but I'm remaining hopeful that it was caught fairly early.

As of now I'll be taking a hiatus from Vlr and from games in general until my health is more stable.

Thanks for making this site an entertaining place to read and a hub for competitive Valorant, I'll give an update once I'm back up to better health again.

posted about 2 years ago

sinatraa was a top player in a very old meta and has not played professionally since early 2021

I'm sorry but even saying he's a top player now is not a amazing take at all.

Plus no org would pick him up because of the stigma his allegations bring.

Also Shahz plays a completely different role and Igl'd his team to a chip.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm pretty sure it was cryo I remember watching a clip of it

posted about 2 years ago

right after G2 was disqualified from franchise Cryo had stated that G2 was supposed to pick up all of xset as a whole team.

G2 being disqualified changed a lot for the league, apparently they wouldve gone in over C9 as well

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

don't worry its turkey bacon so its halal

and "ocky" is slang for ahki in arabic which kinda means big bro since the guy is from an arabic family.

New York as a city is a food desert so most corner stores provide at least some amount of calories to people. Most of the creations are satire and no one would normally order them unless they want to go on the tiktok.

posted about 2 years ago

As confirmed by Shahz

Penny - Duelist/flex
Oxy - Duelist/ Entry
Wippie - Smokes
Shahz - Initiator/ IGL
Dapr - Sentinel

posted about 2 years ago

you're shitting me

posted about 2 years ago

Flag says it all

posted about 2 years ago

Cryo is by far the better jett player and player overall

posted about 2 years ago

unironically true somehow

posted about 2 years ago

separate the art from the artist

if people still have R kelly on streaming platforms and listen to him then Kanye shouldn't be treated worse

even if he has gone insane

posted about 2 years ago


do you mean yoru???

posted about 2 years ago

no he hasn't????????

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Broky hasnt been consistent for them either consider the rio major and what does his age have to do with anything

and Broky is in no way the sole reason for Faze's success, he's won Faze some maps in some series, to say its all because of Broky is degrading to the rest of the talent on Faze like RAIN, TWISTZZ, ROPZ, and one of the best igl's if not the best Karrigan

this year he's played Jett and Chamber which are literally agents designed for his role as an op.

edit: also Faze in pro league and rio rmr were shaky as a whole including broky

posted about 2 years ago

what has monesy done this year yay on Optic has been in top 3 of 3 majors this year and the rest of the people you just suggested have all had inconsistent results in a different game.

Yay was one of the most statistically spectacular players this year no one has come close in any game to as good of a year yay has had

posted about 2 years ago

he's from hltv he doesnt understand how conversations normally go in real life

posted about 2 years ago

right so michael jordan can punch steve kerr in the mouth all he wants because he's the best at basketball

posted about 2 years ago

buddy you made no argument at all and just make statements off of bullshit go back to hltv frog


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago
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