Flag: Iceland
Registered: March 4, 2021
Last post: October 9, 2022 at 12:13 AM
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Noyn leaked MIBR:


posted about 2 years ago

Em Portugal chamam MULHER de RAPARIGA. Português de Portugal é completamente diferente do Português-Brasileiro.

posted about 2 years ago

Sentinels, even if Acend won 13-3 against VK, Bind is the worst map from Keyd, and they struggle a bit to close the rounds, so Sentinels would win.

posted about 2 years ago

Heat Jett diffed Yay in Bind and played toe-to-toe in Icebox

posted about 2 years ago

C9W Katsumi

posted about 2 years ago

now THIS is nice

posted about 2 years ago

based, just change trembolona to god tier and put gtngodyoru together

posted about 2 years ago

True, if we put the results, Keyd almost won against NV and CR almost won against Gambit, so they would be tier A/S

posted about 2 years ago

Underrated: Team Vikings and Sentinels
Overrated: Team Liquid and Team Secret

posted about 2 years ago

Riot needed to nerf him in Reykjavik, everyone knows his potential, if someone put him 1v30, he'll win.

posted about 2 years ago

FS and VK

posted about 2 years ago

NTH, PRX, AUS and TSM, but TSM going just to be the punching bag.

posted about 2 years ago

VK win against ACE and take revenge against NV
GMB will look kinda "weak", dropping 2 maps to VKS and CR
FS will beat VS and pass to playoffs
FUR win against SEN and goes toe-to-toe against TL
SEN and TL will play a elimination match in lower finals, SEN loses in triple OT on map 3
Mwzera lives up to the hype beyond him, leading the stats together with heat
The semis will be between a NA team, BR team, KR team and EMEA team, finals KR vs EMEA

posted about 2 years ago

Can be top 3:
Gambit (EMEA)
Vision Strikers (KR)
Team Liquid (EMEA)

Outside the "top dogs":
Vivo Keyd (BR)
Full Sense (SEA)
KRÜ Esports (LATAM)

posted about 2 years ago

In the Upcomer article, they said that this animation has been produced even before First Strike, hence the lack of "narratives" in the animation, unlike LoL that there are already several. For a first song, I thought it was good.

posted about 2 years ago

BR Teams:

Vivo Keyd Stars:
1- heat
2- mwzera
3- murizzzz
4- v1xen
5- Jhow

Team Vikings:
1- sacy
2- saadhak
3- sutecas
4- frz
5- gtn

1- nozwerr
2- khalil
3- xand
4- qck
5- mazin

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

I think most of the people believes that, if some upset happens, it'll be with BR or LATAM teams winning against the favorites.

posted about 2 years ago

Indo pra escola Noyn?

posted about 2 years ago

yeah, NA it's like "hybrid styles", not too aggro as Brazil and not so tactician as EMEA/KR

posted about 2 years ago

I think that it's easier to VK win against Acend than X10 win against Envy. Here's my trust vote, but it'll be hard.

posted about 2 years ago

I'll say the same when Envy x VK happened, heat will Jett diff cNed.

posted about 2 years ago

He said he will be the team's flex player, leaning more towards initiator than duelist. However, he also said that if the opportunity to play with duelists appears, he will play.

posted about 2 years ago

1- Furia playing toe-to-toe against Sentinels
2- Fnatic will be eliminated
3- VK will win against Envy in their rematch with Mw on Raze
4- VKS make it to playoffs
5- Gtn will play only Jett on Champions

posted about 2 years ago

F uria
My heart: 2-0 Furia
My brain: 2-0 SEN

I believe in magic

posted about 2 years ago

2-1 VKS

GTN will one trick Jett (you see here first)

posted about 2 years ago

heat and mw against cNed, time to see again heat against another Jett god.

posted about 2 years ago

I would put NV/VS/TL in same position as GMB/SEN
Switch KEYD with VKS

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Technically it is our only hope, since teams outside FURIA, Vivo Keyd, Team Vikings, Sharks, Havan Liberty and MAYBE Gamelanders cannot pay high salaries, we need foreign orgs to make up for this lack of structure in our country. As it was in R6, we need foreign investment for our players to shine, and as someone who watches the scenario well here, I can tell you that there is not much difference between the scenario of R6 and Valorant, maybe just the experience in LAN.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

GTN's Yoru >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any CN player

posted about 2 years ago

PaperRex, NTH and Australs

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

they said he's a sentinel but with agressive playstyle, maybe something between initiator and sentinel

posted about 2 years ago

Maybe they'll end up failing at the beginning as we did, as we've already had two internationals and one of our teams managed to adapt the Brazilian style of play to the foreign (Vivo Keyd), they haven't had this opportunity yet so maybe they'll start a little back, I imagine.

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah lol

posted about 2 years ago

Okay, so that means China = Brazil

posted about 2 years ago

slow down bud, we haven't seem them playing yet

posted about 2 years ago

Brimstone Gaming>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

posted about 2 years ago

Best: Não Temos um Plano (We Don't Have a Plan) and 4 Duelistas e 1 Baiter (4 Duelists and 1 Baiter)

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

yeah, I litteraly just put in liquipedia order lmao, just for the content
rn I can't really say (except for Gambit/Envy/VS) who are the strongest teams coming to Berlin, I just looked in liquipedia and randomized NA/EMEA/VS, while putting every other region in order lol

posted about 2 years ago

imo there's no weak region rn, everyone's really close, but for the content
1- Gambit
2- Team Liquid
3- Sentinels
4- Vision Strikers
5- Envy
6- Fnatic
7- KRU
8- Acend
9- Vivo Keyd
10- Furia
11- Team Vikings
12- Crazy Raccoons
13- Full Sense
14- X10
15- Team Secret
16- non existent (for now)

posted about 2 years ago

True XD, we didn't perform really well in the last 2 LANs, just VK performed well against Envy and that's it.

posted about 2 years ago

posted about 2 years ago

1) So, the thing is that it incorporates this movement along with the other existing ones in the game. His counter-strafe being fast is not the only feature, but his ability to adapt it to other movement styles in the game and also shooting styles. An example: in a 1v1 against any other professional player, most of them have the habit of giving slow counter-strafe and also squatting while spraying, Mwzera besides using the fastest counter-strafe, he fires while "walking", squats during combat and shoots using spray, often he just doesn't do a full counter-strafe (left-right), but pauses the agent and continues in the same direction, while randomizing his movement and shooting as he moves. That's the "style" he implemented here.

2) All players here can do this, but no one has mastered how Mwzera did. I'll use Heat as an example, he is one of the few in Brazil that doesn't completely use the "duar bala", but only in direct confrontations and medium-long distance, besides his counter-strafe is not fast like Mw's. Sacy also tried to adapt but couldn't, many here try to fit his style, but nobody mastered like him.

3) His team (Gamelanders Blue) has a serious problem with adaptation and tactics. In 2020, they completely dominated the scene and won virtually every tournament they competed in, but in 2021 several orgs decided to invest in creating "superteams" that can knock Gamelanders Blue off the "throne", that's how Furia, Team Vikings and a few other teams came about. When the year turned, many teams started to implement a more tactical style, abusing the utilities to "stop" the aggressive advance of Gamelanders, an example was the introduction of the Viper-Astra meta in the qualifiers for Iceland, where the more tactical teams (Vikings and Sharks) were able to completely stop their advance with the two agents, who were in the meta at the time. This continued throughout the year, with Gamelanders trying to find a comfort zone in the new meta, but never reaching 100% as in 2020. This was reflected in the results, so both Mwzera and Gamelanders themselves did not compete internationally yet.

posted about 2 years ago

If you watch some clips of him or watch competitive matches/lives, you will understand why he is hyped so much. The main reason is for his aim and movement, in Brazil, he mastered a type of movement and shooting that we call "duar bala" (which means two bullets), he abuses the physics of the game to keep walking using the A and D and firing two bullets in the time interval in which the agent "stops" to change direction, so in the opponent's sights he is never stopped, and even so he is shooting at their heads. The second reason would be his skill with duelists, he was not portrayed in Valorant's First Class as the "Showstopper" for nothing, in the opinion of many he must be the best Raze rifler in the world (apart from Bunny with Raze + Judge) , that's why you must have seen many questioning the reason for putting him as Skye instead of a duelist, because as some Brazilians said here on the forum, Mwzera is a player that stands out amidst the chaos, which is precisely the Brazilian style: madness amidst gunfire and explosions. His problem is that he can be very "dumb" at times, this is a problem that puts many on a back foot in relation to his performance internationally. The players who left here said that 1v1 is much easier against TenZ than against Mwzera (precisely because of his movement), but TenZ is a MUCH smarter and experienced player in high level competition than Mwzera, consequently being smarter and at times more impactful.

TL;DR: Mwzera has a movement that no one in the world has shown yet (abusing the game's physics), introduced a shooting meta in Brazil that many had to adapt to be able to face him and even so most can't get 1v1 against him, His Raze/Reyna must be one of the best in the world.

posted about 2 years ago
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