Flag: Iceland
Registered: March 4, 2021
Last post: October 9, 2022 at 12:13 AM
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C A V A L O (means Horse)

posted about 2 years ago

Coldzera started (even TenZ had his nickname as TenZera, but he changed to TenZ)

posted about 2 years ago

The owner from VK (Edu Kim)he said he would spend as much as needed on Valorant's team to do well in Champions, as he spent 10 years in the League of Legends trying to make it to the Worlds (including Keyd was the first team in the WORLD to bringing Koreans to the team) and never having gone. He has built several superteams in other games, Valorant would be no different, especially now that he classified.

posted about 2 years ago

one of the brazilian teams goes to the playoffs
one of the EMEA teams will underperform
one of the NA teams will be eliminated before playoffs
one of the SEA teams going to playoffs
KRU will win against one of the NA/EMEA teams
VS will be stopped by one of the SEA teams
nobody's going to be stomped

posted about 2 years ago

foi na live dele, vou ver se acho. Também vi o Fra vazando sem querer, tava lá o MW e a rapaziada no mesmo time treinando

posted about 2 years ago

GLB Nyang
FNC Boaster
GLP Daiki
FUR Khalil
GLP Bstrdd

posted about 2 years ago

Murizzz goes back to Sova (he was in the paiN Gaming roster)
Heat become the Jett + Operator for the team
Mwzera enter as the duelist rifler

This team... absurd

posted about 2 years ago

o único lugar no mundo q tá tendo LAN é a Coréia, depois vem o Brasil. Nem NA/EMEA estão tendo

posted about 2 years ago

Sim, pra Berlim nós temos passaporte mais "facilitado" no momento. Porém imprevistos sempre acontecem.

posted about 2 years ago

X10 and Team Secret

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Havan confirmed already, Gamelanders said that "they won't be saying anything about rumours".

posted about 2 years ago

algm tem o link da thread sobre o mlk indo morar na ponte?

posted about 2 years ago

4 - EMEA
4 - NA+OCE
4 - APAC NORTH (Japan, South Korea and China)
3 - APAC SOUTH (India and SEA)
1 - MENA

LCQ SA - 1
LCQ NA - 1


26 teams in general

10 teams in Play-In Stage (NA, EMEA, BR, OCE, LATAM, KR, CN, SEA, JPN and IN)
The lowest seeds from each region (2 groups with 5 teams, double round robin, top 2 from each group advance)

20 teams in Groups Stage (NA, EMEA, BR, LATAM, KR, CN, SEA, JPN and 4 from Play-Ins)
4 groups with 5 teams each, double round robin again, top 2 from each group advance

8 teams in Knockout Stage (TOP 2 from each group from Groups Stage)
single-elimination bracket

posted about 2 years ago

Os cara debochando da gnt qndo falamo q GL e FUR era top 2 do campeonato NO MÍNIMO, eh mole

posted about 2 years ago

yes, he's VERY good, before he was known as a "supposed cheater" in the ranked queue, but over time and he enters the competitive scene, he easily enters a TOP 5 best players mechanically, but what's missing is a big team to sign him (as stated before, Brazil's biggest problem is that our salaries are not high in proportion to our spending, so there are few orgs that pay well for players to focus only on the game, the others require them to work elsewhere to support themselves).

btw, he's 17yo.

posted about 2 years ago

sad true :(

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Going to HEXA :D I really want Brazil to win again, probably will be between Argentina and Brazil to next year, maybe France.

posted about 2 years ago

Yea I haven't (literally started to see now), but you NEVER can compare the """"""CHAOS"""""" in APAC LCQ to the VCT BR/SA LCQ.

posted about 2 years ago

What I tried to say it's that APAC teams are more "standardized style", they sure have the firepower, but if you lead the teams for the chaos, BR and LATAM teams have more chances to win.

posted about 2 years ago

True, nem vi.

posted about 2 years ago

LATAM and BR = firepower and individual skill
APAC = tactical teamplay

posted about 2 years ago

I haven't seem APAC LCQ so far, how's going?

posted about 2 years ago

Discordo. Sinceramente, até agora a Australs é isolada a melhor equipe do LCQ até o momento, Fúria mostrou uma inconsistência gigantesca principalmente nas partidas contra a Australs e a Sharks, da mesma forma que a Gamelanders mostrou. Por mim, ficaria:

1- Australs
2- Gamelanders Blue / Fúria
3- Six Karma / Havan Liberty
4- YNG Sharks
5- Infinity
6- E-XOLOS Lazer

posted about 2 years ago

And actually we have, but some of them don't make it to Masters because their teams lack on tactics (Gamelanders Blue, Fúria, the extinct Vorax Fusion, NO ORG 2.0 and some more talents f/a like Aspas). The only team with one of the "Brazilian Tenz" to make it to international stage was Vivo Keyd (heat and murizzz), Sharks/Havan/Vikings are "KR-like" teams, with more tactics than individual skills.

posted about 2 years ago

Right now? no

Heat and Mw today is like 60-40 to heat. Mwzera playing his 100% (like before heat's rise) was unstoppable, the Jett diff that heat does, Mw does it with Raze and Reyna.

posted about 2 years ago

Actually next year probably every region will have at least 1 spot in Masters.

2 NA
2 KR
2 BR
2 CN
2 SA
2 TR

posted about 2 years ago

Também acho Noyn, se pá trazer uma coaching staff com mais experiência lá fora (especialmente no EMEA/KR que tem bastante tática) seria interessante, mas acho que o jogo só vai mudar de vez no Brasil com mais jogadores do CS migrando.

posted about 2 years ago

exactly XD

posted about 2 years ago

It took years to us in Siege to be the best region in the world, I think in Valorant will be the same.

posted about 2 years ago

There is no more "weak" region in Valorant these days. We do have super teams like GMB, SEN, NV, VS among others, but even they can lose to any team from any other region, including the worst seeding (NV as an example). This is truly wonderful, although I'm Brazilian and support our region, I always value competitiveness. Seeing this coming from India, the SEA and maybe in the future from China brings me encouragement that maybe one day this game will surpass League of Legends.

posted about 2 years ago

verdade manito, respeito à Australs e 6K que mostraram um bom nível.

posted about 2 years ago

I think it's strange that this gap between the two teams, because teams from the LATAM North region play against NA teams, wasn't it for them to be more developed than KRU, for example, which trains against teams from BR? Could someone who follows the NA scrim scene tell me what the level is between LATAM North and NA?

posted about 2 years ago

heat and f0rsaken can be super duelists in some NA/EMEA team in the future

NA/EMEA/VS was cracked before the tournament, but VS was greater than I thought.

Crazy Raccoons played better against Gambit than G2 did it

SMB and HL choked really hard

now, some predicts:

-NA LCQ: 100T
-EMEA LCQ: FPX (pls)
-SA LCQ: GLB (pls)

posted about 2 years ago

you're dumb? It's obvious that I'm talking about his peak so far, it doesn't mean that it can't be surpassed in the future

posted about 2 years ago

3 slots

2 BR

posted about 2 years ago

Anyone who watches and plays against Mwzera has already seen what he does at his peak. People impressed with the Heat, haven't seen Bon Juan playing at his maximum. Team Vikings even at 100% with Sacy killing 20+, Mwzera managed to lay 38+ against them, just like when he played in his prime against Heat, the boy barely made it to the server. I hope he does well in Champions, he's really good.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Outside NA/EMEA/Vision Strikers, I think VK is the best team in Berlin

posted about 2 years ago

Yes, to compare a team that according to Team Vikings would be the second best team in Brazil (if they competed there) at that time with the team that, according to all of Brazil and even the teams from Iceland/EMEA, was a much worse team than the others.

Team Vikings played out of the finish line and still managed to eliminate the X10 (SEA#1), it's not like the VS wasn't surprised by the PRX (SEA#1) and crushed them completely. They played against Sentinels which is currently the best team in the world, were eliminated by Team Liquid which was quoted as one of the favorites for the title and SEED#1 in EMEA, as well as in Berlin Vivo Keyd lost close matches against Envy, which completely smashed KRU, which completely smashed ZETA. Just like Havan Liberty that faced NA's SEED#2 that overcame the Gambit that is EMEA's SEED#1. If SEA were a bad region, neither we nor Vision Strikers would have a hard time beating them. I'll only consider your "win a series against NA" argument when VS faces Sentinels/Envy/100T, playing against a V1 with a substitute is easier than facing the current world champion, and you'll see that.

posted about 2 years ago

It's true, in Brazil many players don't have professional training, because they look for other FPS games that many don't know (precisely because they are tiny compared to CS: GO or Overwatch), so they never needed to join a gigantic org and become professional, so a lot of them mix friendships with work, that's one of the reasons why there's so much talent divided into so many different teams, they get too attached to each other and end all this nonsense.

posted about 2 years ago

??????? wtf are u talking about, I also said that KR is above Brazil ("mainly KR"), and in another post I already said that Brazil is in a limbo between better than minor regions and worse than NA/KR/EMEA. Plus I didn't even compare the two regions so stop talking shit lol

posted about 2 years ago

nah, I think heat and murizzz are going to smash them, idk

posted about 2 years ago

I agree with the ranking, for me Brazil is in a limbo between being better than all the minor regions, but not being able to fight 100% against KR/EMEA/NA, they would be a "3.25", evolving to perhaps be a future KR but with more aggressiveness. What's missing is brains for this

posted about 2 years ago

fuck yes, although he is only Jett, he is the only good one in Brazil. Most play Reyna and Raze, Jett are few, I can only count in one hand the players who would do the same thing as Heat in Berlin/International Stage.

posted about 2 years ago

I mean, HL won at least like 7 or 9 rounds against 100T? CR just turned off their monitors

posted about 2 years ago

EMEA - 4
NA - 4
KR - 3
BR - 3
SEA - 2
JPN - 1
OCE - 1
CN - 1

LCQ NA/OCE - 1 (OCE and NA)
LCQ SA - 1 (LATAM and BR)

I think that BR and KR are a step above other regions (mainly KR), but they still don't reach the level of competitiveness of NA and EMEA, so I believe that there will be 3 places for Brazil (due to the number of competitive teams there) and 3 spots for South Korea is fair. India has yet to prove anything on the international scene, as has China, but some Koreans say they are quite good, so by the range of people there, at least one place should have.

posted about 2 years ago
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